Lose 9 kilos in 2 weeks

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Nine kilos is a considerable amount to lose in two weeks. Although weight loss pills and surgery can achieve this effect, you can do it much better by making changes to your diet and lifestyle: this is much, but also much healthier. It is important to note that a weight loss diet is extremely uncommon and you should check with your doctor before starting it.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Changing what you eat

  1. Only drink water. Water flushes out your body, ridding it of unnecessary toxins. This allows you to lose weight more easily. Water also has no calories, making it a much more sensible choice than sugary drinks. If you can refrain from drinking anything other than water, you are more likely to actually lose weight. If you need a flavor every now and then, opt for unsweetened tea.
    • You must maintain this 24/7, with the exception of the period just before you start training. Then you can indulge in a cup of black coffee (maybe with a little skimmed milk). This caffeine boost is said to provide you with a significant boost, increasing your effort during your workout.
    • It seems that drinking water, in addition to making you feel full, can also aid your digestion. Recent research has shown that drinking two glasses of water a day can increase your digestion by 40% for 15-20 minutes. Participants in this weight loss study lost 7.5 pounds in three months, mainly from drinking nothing but water.
  2. Cut junk food out of your diet. Delete it completely. A person on a standard diet can usually afford to sin once or twice without suffering too much. For the more extreme varieties of diets, including thorough weight loss in the short term (as in this case), you should eliminate junk food completely.
    • Refrain from fatty foods and foods that contain a lot of sugar. Avoid all foods with batter, chocolate and sugar, as well as prepackaged and fried products.
    • Make sure to read the labels. Even things like yogurt and granola bars can be a ton of sugar. Where most people think that these are healthy products, it can in reality be quite disappointing.
  3. Avoid white carbohydrates. Everything from pasta to cookies is packed with carbs, and those carbs are basically nothing more than sugars in disguise. These little rascals increase your insulin levels, store fat, and eventually make you gain weight. To lower that peak, you need to avoid the processed carbohydrates. That means no bread, white rice and potatoes. And of course no cookies, cake, donuts, chips and ice cream.
    • Ideally, you should avoid carbohydrates completely. Let's face it: losing 9 kilos in 2 weeks is quite a challenge. In order to put your body into ketosis, where it feeds on your fat stores and not on your glycolene supply (since it is depleted), you will need to consume little to no carbohydrates. You should avoid sweets, but also refrain from starchy vegetables (potatoes, squash, carrots), whole grains (including quinoa and brown rice), and sugary fruits (such as bananas, oranges, and apples).
    • Being hungry adds to the temptation to pick up your bad old habits. If you consistently eat well and healthily, you will avoid temptation. When you're full, you make better decisions.
  4. Nibble on foods with "negative calorie values." Whether this should actually be called negative is debatable. The theory is that some foods require so much energy to be digested that you burn more calories than the products themselves contain. While you won't burn calories by consuming these foods, you won't be stocking up on extra calories either.
    • When it comes to vegetables, you can choose asparagus, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, radish, spinach, zucchini, and turnip.
    • In terms of fruit, you can choose blueberries, (cantaloupe) melon, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, papaya, raspberry, strawberry, tomato, tangerine, and watermelon.
  5. Opt for lean proteins and stock up on vegetables. Instead of beef and pork, try leaner meat such as chicken or fish. Consuming fish is especially beneficial because the fatty acids of fish provide your body with beneficial oils. This will help you resist the temptation to eat greasy food.
    • When it comes to vegetables, go for it. For your breakfast, lunch, dinner - bring it on. They are full of nutrients and usually do not contain too many calories and sugars. They ensure that you get full. Again, rather leave the potatoes. Vegetables pave the shortest route to weight loss.
  6. Consider trendy diets thoroughly. The fact is, fashionable diets can certainly work in the short term. If you want to lose weight quickly and don't care about gaining weight again, these types of diets can help. Just be aware that these diets are, in general, not very healthy. In addition, the effect usually does not last long.
    • Juice treatments, for example, are now very hip. These diets provide quick results, but are very difficult to sustain. In addition, it is not advisable to follow this for a longer period of time. If you are desperate then you can consider it, but take the advice with a grain of salt.

Part 2 of 3: Changing how you eat

  1. Make sure to keep eating all of your meals. Although every now and then you may be tempted to skip breakfast or fast for a day, resist the temptation. Long-term fasting can cause muscle loss and other medical problems. In addition, it can make the knockout race more difficult. When the human body does not get enough nutrients, it automatically starts to store calories by burning them more slowly. You will notice significant weight loss for the first few days, but after two weeks you will be back to near normal levels.
    • The exception to this is if you are following a highly regulated intermittent fixed plan. In this case, you don't eat anything at all for 8-24 hours, and then eat planned amounts (often a little more). While this method can be effective, you should discuss it with your doctor first. If you don't do it right, you can actually increase your ability to store fat.
  2. Do not eat after a certain time. Most people succeed by timing their plan well. This means that they stop eating after a certain time. The curfew, so to speak, is usually set at about 7 or 8. For most people, eating in the evening is the worst; the TV is on, and friends are also nibbling. This can be emotionally difficult, but will soon pay off.
    • You have to be reasonable with yourself. Stick to this schedule 5-6 days a week. Also, give yourself some leeway to go out with friends - but don't overdo it. Stick to a glass of red wine and a few snacks, don't empty the entire table.
  3. Budget your calories. The idea that everything depends on calories is becoming the proverbial old cow. The fact is that everyone's body is different, and not all calories work in the same way. It is also annoying to count your calories. It must be said, however, that they are a good general guideline. For the purpose of this diet, you need to map your calories daily. If you really, really did your best, take that extra piece of chicken or a piece of dark chocolate. Don't overdo it, but don't start feeling deprived.
    • You want to balance the amount of calories you consume with the calories you burn. In other words, the more you move, the more you can eat. Weight loss generally occurs when you burn more calories than you take in. On average (mind you, on average) a person needs to burn 3500 calories more than he / she consumes to lose 450 grams. To lose nine kilos within two weeks, you need to lose just under 675 grams every day. That means you need to burn slightly more than 5,000 calories more than you consume each day. Yep, a good one, whole big bone.
  4. Consume correct portions. It's not just about what you eat, but how much you eat. Even the healthiest foods should be eaten in moderation. Start by using smaller plates and smaller cutlery. Also choose not to add a little extra. Stick to the serving sizes on the labels and look it up if you're unsure about anything.
    • Handling the correct portion sizes is, especially, for snacks. To avoid a handful of nuts ending up with your hand in the bag, it is best to measure your snacks in advance. If you are hungry, then grab the snack that is already packed in the correct portion. That way you know exactly how much you eat.
  5. Consider cheating for a while. Diets like the fast diet are already gaining in popularity. These types of diets work on the assumption that it is good to take in a lot of calories sometimes, because your body cannot regulate that way (and so it stops burning calories). If you've been dieting for a week, consider having some fun with food. This could keep your diet on the right track.
    • If this diet took longer, you could devote an entire day to eating it. Eat whatever you want. By the way, it is best to spend only an hour or two on this during these fourteen days. So you can put the flowers outside for about an hour this week. Then you have to stick to your plan again.
  6. Eat more often. Pay close attention to the third word - eat more often, not eat more. Think of it this way: if you only have five pieces of celery that you can eat in a day (not recommended, this is just an example) then you don't want to have it right at breakfast. You want to spread them out throughout the day to avoid getting hungry. That's how it works here, too, since you won't be eating much for the next two weeks. So eat less, but eat more often. It prevents your stomach from thinking it is hungry.
    • Many dietitians rightly believe that snacking is good for you. It keeps your metabolism going and keeps you from stuffing yourself full. Make your meals smaller so that you have a few extra calories for snack time. Within two weeks your body and your motivation will thank you for it.

Part 3 of 3: Changing your lifestyle

  1. Start cooking. The only way to actually take control of every calorie and nutrient entering your body is to cook for yourself. While almost every restaurant today offers healthy or conscious options, you can never be sure what exactly is in their salad dressing or what oil they use for their vegetables. You will benefit from cooking for yourself, thus taking control of all your snacks.
    • This way, you can use healthier oils (like olive oil), less butter, less sugar, less salt (one of the biggest culprits in bloating, and you can also adjust the size of your portions if you like. Oh, it's cheaper too!
  2. Keep track of your eating and fitness schedule. If this were a permanent lifestyle change, keeping up with your habits can be quite demotivating. But since this only takes 14 days, it can be maintained. If you keep track of what you eat and do, you can see where things are going wrong, you can map out where you have a little leeway, and you can keep an eye on your progress - and that feels great. After all, it is proof that you are on the right track.
    • You can do this the old-fashioned way with pen and paper in a food diary, or you can do it a bit more technical. You can download one of the thousands of weight loss apps. Many of these allow you to count calories, as well as carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Moreover, you can also add your movement to this.
  3. Commit yourself. This makes sense, but it is essential to ensure that you will actually lose weight. Commit yourself to the goal, show it your full commitment. This is especially important with a short-term diet like this. You can't afford to ditch a day on your diet or exercise schedule. If you decide to walk this path, your dedication is imperative.
    • It will also be easier if you inform others about your plan, or if other people want to join you. They can hold you accountable, you can eat healthy and exercise together, and you can also complain about it together.
  4. Try to exercise moderately to vigorously every day for a few hours. The best way to burn calories is through exercise. If your body is already used to reasonable physical activity, you can take it a step further. If you are not used to physical exertion, stick to moderate exercise. Whichever way you choose, make sure you take plenty of breaks and keep drinking plenty of water in between.
    • Intensive exercise burns about 400-600 calories per hour. Examples of this variant are running, cycling, swimming, aerobics, football, and heavy lifting or garden work.
    • Average exercise burns about 200-400 calories per hour and includes activities such as walking, dancing, golf, and cycling. Try to exercise for at least half an hour 2-3 times a week.
  5. Also take the small opportunities to exercise. If you're watching your favorite show and there are commercials, throw yourself on the floor for a few push-ups. If you put the dishes away, do it dancing. Walk in the lunge as you move down the hall. It sounds a bit crazy, but the little bits will pile up. You will grow more muscle and achieve a narrower waist.
    • Even if your schedule is absurdly packed, you can find a way to kill two birds with one stone. Take the dog for a long walk, park your car as far from the supermarket doors as possible, clean your house thoroughly, or wash your car yourself. Life is all about opportunity to move.
  6. Get a good night's sleep. The human body cannot function without adequate sleep. Sleep allows the body to rest and recover, making it easier to burn calories and lose weight. In order to lose a lot of weight in a short time, you should therefore ensure that you sleep at least 7-8 hours per night.
    • It's more than common sense as it also regulates your hormones. It can therefore also prevent hunger. So sleep not only causes you to burn calories and prevent you from eating, it can even prevent you from eating while you are awake.


  • Schedule your meals.
  • While exercising, keep thinking about how you looked before.
  • Exercise when you are most alert.
  • Don't starve yourself. That way your body will only get weaker. Moreover, you will immediately gain weight again when you start eating again. Stick to a healthy diet. You have to eat to lose weight.
  • You can download or buy mobile apps to help you track your water intake, exercise, and meals. This allows you to maintain your concentration and your goals. You can also find out where there is still room for improvement.
  • Hang photos of celebrities or models — who you think have the ideal body — on your closets, on your refrigerator, and even on junk food packages.Are you looking for a snack and you see pictures of thinner people? Then there is a good chance that you will put the bag of chips away again and prefer a glass of water.
  • Talk to a doctor or personal trainer about additional ideas. Ask them for tips on how to lose a lot of weight in such a short time. There are several diet supplements on the market that can help you lose weight. But there are also scammers. Your doctor or trainer will be able to tell you which products you will benefit from, but will also tell you if there is any nonsense in between.
  • Cardio is a great way to move. Running or dancing for a few hours a day can work wonders.
  • If you want to observe the effects of your weight loss, then you should exercise enough. It may be a bit tricky at first, but once you start with it, you find out that it is not that bad.
  • Tell others about your plans. You can even ask them to join you. It may sound silly, but human pride will make it easier for you to keep it up.


  • Doctors generally recommend losing between 450g and 900g per week. Talk to your healthcare provider if you plan to lose weight drastically, especially if you want to start doing this in a short time. It may just be that your goal will bring health problems, and you should avoid that at all times.