How to juggle three balls

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: HOW TO JUGGLE 3 BALLS - Tutorial


1 Find three identical balls. It's easier to start learning to juggle with balls of the same size and weight. Try to find balls that are not very bouncing, as you will often drop them on the floor at first.
  • It is a good idea to use tennis balls for practice.
  • 2 Take two balls in your dominant hand and one ball in the other. Initially, it will be easier for you to hold two balls with your dominant hand. With practice and skill development, you will learn how to hold the balls with either hand.
  • 3 Stand, bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle and turn them palms up. Look straight ahead. You don't have to look at your own hands when you juggle.
  • 4 Carefully toss one of the balls in your dominant hand into the air. The ball should be thrown so that it takes off just above the head. At the same time, he must fly with a slight inclination, so that later he will land in the opposite hand. This will make it easier for you to catch it.
  • 5 Next, immediately toss the ball into the air from the opposite hand. As soon as you toss the first ball, carefully toss another ball into the air from your other hand. Try to throw it with the same force as the first ball. Throw the ball with a slight slope so that the trajectory of its flight ends at the other hand.
  • 6 Throw in the air the last ball you have in your dominant hand. Do this in the same way as you threw the first two balls, and immediately after the second ball is launched into the air. After the third throw, all three balls will be in the air for a short period of time.
  • 7 Catch the balls in the order in which you threw them. First, catch the ball that was thrown first, then the second and finally the third. All balls must be in the opposite hand from the starting point. If at the very beginning you were holding two balls in your left hand, then now they should be in your right.
    • As you develop your skills, you will learn to toss balls faster.
  • Part 2 of 2: Developing Skills

    1. 1 Practice throwing one ball back and forth from one hand to the other. Single ball drills are a good way to perfect the throws you need when juggling three balls. Toss the ball at an angle so that it reaches its highest point above your head and then falls at an angle into the opposite hand. When the ball touches your palm, grab it and launch it back into the air to throw it to your other hand.
      • Continue practicing until you learn how to toss the ball back and forth between your hands without dropping it or looking at your hands.
    2. 2 Try juggling with two balls. Once you are comfortable with throwing one ball, try using a second ball. Take a ball in each hand. Then toss one of the balls at an angle so that it reaches its highest point of flight over your head. When the first ball is up, toss the second ball in the same way.Catch the first ball you throw and then the second so that both are in opposite hands from the starting position.
    3. 3 As you improve your skills, try different variations of juggling. Once you've mastered three ball juggling, add variety to your practice to take your skills to the next level. Try to juggle objects other than balls, such as rings or cubes. You can even add a fourth object to yourself and learn to juggle a lot of objects, not just three. If you have a juggler friend, try juggling with him and toss objects to each other as you stand nearby.
      • A popular variation of three-ball juggling is the cascade. Instead of quickly launching all three balls into the air, try tossing two balls up and waiting for you to catch the first before tossing the third. Every time one ball is over your head, toss the next. At any given moment of this juggling, there will be only two balls in the air.
    4. 4 Train every day. Don't be discouraged if you can't juggle three balls at once - learning takes time! Keep practicing every day until you get what you want. If necessary, start with just one ball. Then add a second and third as you develop the necessary skills.