How to live life to the fullest

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Live Life to the fullest | Nick Martin | TEDxFHKufstein
Video: Live Life to the fullest | Nick Martin | TEDxFHKufstein


You yourself create the meaning of your life day after day with your actions and thoughts. Always ask yourself what new things you can learn and how you can move forward, and do not blame others if something is not going the way you want. What exactly it means to “live life to the fullest” is up to you. Here are some tips to get you started.


Method 1 of 3: Finding Yourself

  1. 1 Understand that life is a journey, not a destination. It sounds hackneyed, but it is so: in life it is much more important not where you go, but how you go to it. Living life to the fullest is a life-long process. Don't be discouraged if it takes some time to learn something or if something doesn't work out. This is the natural course of events.
  2. 2 Be honest with yourself and others. Deception robs you of energy and joy. If we are not honest with ourselves, we will not be able to learn and grow. If we are not honest with others, trust and sincerity will be lost in the relationship.
    • A person can tell lies for various reasons. Sometimes people lie because they are jealous and want to offend others. Sometimes it’s because they’re afraid of hurting or causing conflict if they tell the truth. Being honest can be difficult, especially with yourself, but it can help you live a fuller and more fulfilling life.
  3. 3 Learn to accept yourself. Very often we look for a long time what we do not like in ourselves, what we would like to change and what should be different. If you keep thinking about what you don't like or what happened in the past, you will not be able to move into the future. Make a conscious decision to learn to love yourself as you are.
    • List your strengths. What are you good at? These can be significant achievements (for example, the invention of a new technology), and everyday skills (for example, being kind to people). By focusing more on your strengths, you can build on them rather than focusing on your real or imagined weaknesses.
  4. 4 Define your values. Core values ​​are the beliefs that shape your personality and the kind of life you live. These can be spiritual views or proto principles that are very important to you. Think about these values, and you can set goals for yourself that will align with them. You are more likely to be happy and content if you live up to your beliefs.
    • Hold on to what you believe in and don't let others pressure you.You can stick to your principles, but still remain open to the ideas and beliefs of others - and they may surprise you.
  5. 5 Stop belittling yourself. It is believed that self-criticism helps to develop, but a number of studies have shown that the more harsh and hostile a person is in relation to himself, the higher the likelihood that he will treat others in the same way. Diminishing your accomplishments and negative self-talk will not help you improve or achieve your goals. Try to be more tolerant and kind to yourself.
    • For example, if you keep telling yourself what’s wrong with you and what you don’t like about yourself, purposefully begin to compensate for those thoughts with positive affirmations. Instead of thinking “I'm a failure,” tell yourself, “It didn't go the way I wanted. I'll go back to the beginning and think about how I can come to the goal in a different way. "
    • Think about self-criticism from a different perspective. It is very easy to criticize yourself. If you ever find yourself being too hard on yourself, try to counter your comments. For example, if you think “I’m so stupid, everyone in my class is smarter than me,” evaluate this thought logically. Is everyone else really smarter than you, or are they just better prepared for the class? Are your grades related to your intelligence (unlikely) or how you prepare? Are you practicing efficiently enough? Would a tutor help you? If you analyze a thought in this way, you can understand what steps you need to take to become better. not belittling yourself.
  6. 6 Be flexible. It is not uncommon for a person to get upset because they expect everything to always be the same. However, there are many changes in life. Be open to change and growth, and learn to adapt to new situations.
    • Fueled by positive emotions (joy and optimism) can help you develop this flexibility.
    • Look for patterns in how you react to different events and situations. Decide what is good for you and what is not. This will allow you to correct reactions that are not beneficial to you and learn to adjust. Not only will you feel better, but you will also be able to communicate more effectively with others.
    • Try to see negative events as an opportunity for experience. If you often remember failures and situations in which something did not work out for you, you will only fix them in your mind, but you will not be able to benefit from them. Consider difficulties not as bad things, but as opportunities to learn something and do something better the next time.
    • For example, Steve Jobs once said: “Getting fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to me. The burden of success has been replaced by the ease of a budding entrepreneur who is no longer so sure of everything. This set me free and I entered one of the most fruitful periods of my life. " J.K. Rowling, author of the phenomenally popular Harry Potter books, noted that she sees failures as incredible benefits, and should be appreciated, not feared.
  7. 7 Take care of your body. This is an important part of a fulfilling life. Your body is one, and it should help you.
    • Eat right. Avoid foods high in sugar and empty calories. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein. But don't torture yourself - from time to time you can allow yourself a piece of cake or a glass of wine.
    • Drink plenty of water. Men should drink 3 liters of fluid a day, women 2.2 liters.
    • Go in for sports. Research shows that regular exercise can help people be healthier, happier, and more positive. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.
  8. 8 Learn mindfulness. This will help you live your life to the fullest because you will focus on what is happening in the moment.Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist traditions and involves giving up judgment about your experience: you just accept what is happening as it is.
    • It is impossible to live life to the fullest if you constantly think about what happened in the past and what will happen in the future. If you learn to think about what's going on right now, you will be less worried about past or possible future events.
    • There are many ways to learn this, including special meditation and spiritual practices. Exercises like yoga and tai chi also involve self-awareness.
    • The benefits of mindfulness include improved physical and mental health, reduced tension, improved communication skills, and overall wellness.
  9. 9 Stop forcing yourself. People often tell themselves that they should do something, even if it is not in line with their goals and values. Coercion can lead to great frustration and frustration. Getting rid of them will make it easier for you to live life to the fullest.
    • For example, evaluate this phrase: "I need to lose even more weight." Why do you think so? Is this your fitness goal that you want to achieve? Or did you talk to your doctor and he recommended you to lose weight? Or did someone just tell you that you should look different? The same goal can be useful or harmful. It all depends on how you came to her.
    • This does not mean that you need to stop setting goals for yourself. You just need to strive for those goals that are based on things that are important to you, and not on what others want or require from you.

Method 2 of 3: How to Follow Your Own Path

  1. 1 Get out of your comfort zone. Researchers regularly find that people need to push themselves out of their comfort zone to maximize their results. This is called accepting the optimal level of anxiety. The more you are willing to challenge yourself, the faster you will get used to new things.
    • Taking risks can be very scary because the person doesn't like to lose. Many people are afraid of short-term risk. However, those who do not take risks and do not push themselves to new things often later regret it.
    • Step out of your comfort zone from time to time can help you become more flexible and easier to deal with unexpected challenges.
    • Start small and work your way up to the harder. Go to a restaurant you know nothing about. Invite your loved one to take a spontaneous trip. Try doing something at work that you haven't done before.
  2. 2 Be realistic. Set achievable goals that match your abilities and skills. Consider every attempt an achievement. Start taking steps towards stability and reliability.
    • Set goals that mean something to you, and don't compete with others. If you just want to learn how to play your favorite song on the guitar, don't be discouraged if you don't make a serious rock musician.
    • Make sure your goals depend on you. To achieve what you want, you need to work hard and hard, as well as motivate yourself. Your goals should only depend on your effort because you cannot control other people. “Becoming a movie star” is a goal that has to do with the actions of other people (a casting specialist should choose you, viewers should watch a movie with you, and so on). “Attending as many screenings as possible” is an achievable goal as it only depends on you... Even if you don’t get the role, you will be able to consider the goal achieved, because you will do what you promised yourself to do: make an effort to achieve what you want.
  3. 3 Be prepared for something to go wrong. Living life to the fullest, a person takes risks from time to time. He strives for what he wants.You make decisions that have consequences, and sometimes things don't go the way you want them to. It is important to understand that something may not turn out as planned, and then you can live honestly and openly.
    • Vulnerability will help you make decisions about different areas of your life. If you are afraid to be open and honest with another person for fear of being hurt, you may not be able to achieve intimate relationships. If you are afraid to try for fear that it will fail, you may miss the opportunity.
    • Think of the experience of Myshkin Ingavale, an Indian inventor who wanted to develop technology to combat infant mortality in villages in India. Ingavale often talks about how he was defeated the first 32 times he tried to create technology. He achieved success only 33 times. A willingness to be vulnerable and to accept the possibility of risk and failure helped him develop what is now saving lives.
  4. 4 Look for opportunities to learn. You shouldn't sit still and let life take its course. Be active and take action. Always analyze what you can learn from a given situation. This will prevent you from worrying about difficult situations and will give you the opportunity to move forward without looking back at the past.
    • Learning new things all the time will keep your brain working. Plus, asking questions and analyzing someone's experience will make you feel better emotionally.
  5. 5 Be grateful. Gratitude is not just a feeling. This is a lifestyle that requires constant repetition. Research has shown that gratitude makes a person healthier, happier, and more positive. Gratitude will help you overcome old turmoil and strengthen your relationships with others. Think about the things you are grateful for every day. Tell family, friends, and other important people how glad you are to have them. Share your love and don't be afraid to express it. Your life will become more enjoyable as you begin to show gratitude.
    • Appreciate every moment. People often concentrate on negative moments and do not notice the beauty and positiveness of the world around them. Learn to recognize and appreciate beauty in your daily life. Think about what this means to you and what little things are making your life better right now. You can also write it down. Even little things like an unexpected message from a friend or a beautiful sunny morning can fill you with gratitude if you want to.
    • Share your gratitude with others. You will remember more positive things if you talk about it to others. If you see a beautiful flower from the bus window, send a message to your friend about it. If your spouse did the dishes to make you happy, tell him you appreciate it. Gratitude will make other people feel better and have more reason to think about what they are grateful for.

    Annie Lin, MBA

    Personal and Career Coach Annie Lin is the founder of New York Life Coaching, a personal and career coaching service based in Manhattan. Thanks to her holistic approach, combining elements of Eastern and Western traditional wisdom, she has become a highly demanded personal trainer. Her work has been featured in Elle and New York magazines, NBC News and BBC World News. He holds an MBA from Oxford Brooks University. She is the founder of the New York Institute for Personal Coaching, which offers a comprehensive coach certification program. Learn more:

    Annie Lin, MBA
    Personal and career coach

    To practice gratitude on a daily basis, try the following: Spend a few minutes each day, in the morning and before bed, thinking about what you value in life.Also learn to live in the moment, be inquisitive and observant, noticing miracles around you, rather than taking everything for granted. For example, if you are going for a walk, look around instead of putting on headphones and isolating yourself from the outside world.

  6. 6 Keep a diary. Keeping a journal will help you reflect on your goals and values. It will also help you determine what is going well in your life and what else needs to be worked out. A diary is a great way to practice mindfulness.
    • Your diary shouldn't be just a listing of random thoughts and events. Do not just record everything that happens to you, but talk about the situations you have experienced. How did you react at first? How did you feel? How do you feel about this now? Would you do something differently if a similar situation occurred again?
  7. 7 Laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter reduces the amount of stress hormones in the blood, stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for improving mood. Laughter burns calories and oxygenates the body, making a person feel better and healthier.
    • Laughter is contagious. If you laugh, the people around you will laugh too. Laughing together strengthens emotional and social bonds.
  8. 8 Simplify your needs. The things you own can get hold of you. If your house is packed with all sorts of things, you will not be happier. Promise yourself to have simple needs. Research has found that excessive love of material values ​​is a way to hide deeper needs. Have only what you need and need only what you have.
    • Those who are too focused on material values ​​feel less happy and successful. It's not things that make you a happy person, but relationships with other people.
    • Get rid of things that you don't use or don't like. Donate clothes, household items, and other items you have around your house to charity.
    • Simplify your personal life too. There is nothing wrong with declining offers and invitations. Spend time doing activities that are meaningful or beneficial to you.

Method 3 of 3: How to Interact with Others

  1. 1 Think about the people around you. It can be hard to believe, but people can catch emotions as easily as they catch a cold. If you spend your day with happy and positive people, you will likely start feeling better yourself. Spending time with gloomy people on a regular basis can affect your mood. Surround yourself with people who care about you, respect you and everyone else, and make your life better.
    • Who do you spend time with? How do you feel in the company of these people? Do they appreciate and respect you?
    • This does not mean that friends and loved ones should not criticize you constructively. Sometimes we even need someone to point out our mistakes to us. It is important to feel that the people you love are treating you with kindness and respect, and to do the same in return.
  2. 2 Discuss your needs with others. Learning to express yourself confidently (but not aggressively) can help you become stronger, more confident, and more successful. This way of communicating implies that both you and those around you have desires that need to be heard.
    • Be open and honest. Don't judge or blame people. If someone hurt you, tell him or her about it, but do not formulate the thought in such a way that the second person becomes guilty, for example, “You did something wrong to me” or “You don’t care about my needs.”
    • Use self-affirmations. If in your statements you will draw the attention of the audience to your feelings, your words will not seem like an accusation to them. For example: “I was very upset when you did not meet me after work. I felt as if my needs were not important to you. "
    • Criticize others constructively and accept the same criticism from others. Don't just tell people that they should or shouldn't do something. Explain why you are saying this.
    • Invite others to express their desires and share their thoughts with you. Use phrases like "What would you like to do?" or "What do you think?"
    • Instead of automatically disagreeing and giving your opinion, if you hear something you disagree with, try asking, "Tell me more about this." Try to understand the person's point of view.
  3. 3 Love everyone. Be selfless in your attitude towards others. Very often, the thought that we deserve something prevents us from moving forward. This feeling can lead to frustration and anger. Share your love without expecting anything in return. Love others even when it’s difficult.
    • This does not mean that you should allow your feet to be wiped on you. You can love a person and at the same time understand that you cannot have anything to do with him.
    • It can be hard to believe, but love is important in the workplace as well. At work, empathy, concern, and sympathy should be shown to be productive and good for the mood of all employees.
  4. 4 Forgive yourself and others. It is good for both body and soul. Forgiving can be difficult, but it can help relieve stress, lower blood pressure, and slow your heart rate. Forgiveness can help you feel whole, even if the other person never admits they did something wrong.
    • Think about what you want to forgive. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Embrace these feelings. If you try to judge them or try to suppress them, it will only make the situation worse.
    • Turn negative experiences into life lessons. What could you do differently? What could the second person have done differently? What lesson can you learn from this situation to improve yourself?
    • Remember that you can only control your own actions, not the actions of others. It is often difficult to forgive precisely because everything here depends only on you. Your abuser may never admit his mistake. He or she will never learn the lesson you learned from this situation. However, holding back your anger will only make it worse for you. Learn to forgive regardless of how the other person behaves, and this will help. your wounds to heal.
    • It is important to forgive not only others but also yourself. Very often, when we reflect on past events that we regret, we begin to blame ourselves instead of using those events as an opportunity to improve. If you try to combat this with mindfulness and refraining from self-flagellation, you can forgive yourself and show yourself the same empathy that you show for other people.
  5. 5 Give, not just take. Offer people selfless help. Start with the neighbors. Get involved in charity work. If you do this, you will not only become a better person, but you will also help others.
    • Helping others will be beneficial not only for those around you, but also for you, especially your health. Such actions increase the level of endorphins in the blood.
    • You don't have to start giving away free soup or starting a charitable foundation. Even simple daily acts of kindness will be helpful. Research has shown that sharing goodness is contagious: your kindness can inspire other people to do the same, so more and more people will be involved in the process.
  6. 6 Accept everyone. Be kind and polite. Enjoy the company of other people. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
    • At first, you may find it difficult to communicate with a person who seems to you to be different from you. Remember that you can learn from every person you come across. Make life more diverse, and you will understand that we are all human.


  • Share your love.
    • Listen more, talk less.
    • Close your eyes to mistakes and shortcomings.
    • Appreciate what you have.
    • Show your appreciation.
  • Have fun with simple things. Sit down, relax, and think about how you enjoy looking at the blue sky, listening to your sister laughing, or your father telling ridiculous jokes. Think what life would be like without it.
  • Don't let others tell you what to do. Don't let people control you. Be who you want to be, not who others want you to be.
  • Be yourself. Avoid gossip, prejudice, and judgment.
  • Get rid of fear - it suppresses you and prevents you from moving forward. Where the desires of the heart are concerned, fear is a disease. To feel free and content with life, you need to live for today and share your inner beauty with everyone and everyone.
  • Appreciate every moment of life, both good and bad. All of this makes you who you are and allows you to remember the past and work towards a better future.


  • Understand the difference between fiction and fact. Don't get bogged down in your own fantasies!
  • Don't let external circumstances determine your sense of self. You cannot always control external circumstances, but the importance you attach to them is in your hands.