How to live without a boyfriend or girlfriend

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Do you think that you cannot live without a soul mate? You may have had a long-term relationship with someone and recently decided to break up for some serious reason, or you have never had a serious relationship and you are very worried about this. Don't be discouraged, "loneliness can be wonderful." After reading this article, you will learn how to benefit from loneliness.


Part 1 of 3: Have fun

  1. 1 Take up a hobby. All people, whether single or not, need to do what they love because hobbies can help reduce stress, create a pleasant atmosphere, and strengthen relationships between people. Relationships can be harmful if a person is so immersed in "we" that he completely forgets about his "I". Stop being burdened by your loneliness, learn to enjoy it while doing your favorite thing. For example, you can do handicrafts, ride a canoe, or write poetry.
  2. 2 Attend cultural events in your area. Being lonely does not mean giving up pleasure. Attend events in your area. Visit a museum you've never been to. Plan a concert or music festival with your friends.
    • Watch ballet, listen to an opera, or visit an art gallery. According to some studies, attending such events has a positive effect on overall health.
  3. 3 Learn to enjoy being alone. It may be difficult for you to get used to being alone if you have been in a relationship for a long time. You may even feel fear and discomfort at the mere thought of being alone. Of course, communication with other people is extremely important in this case, but remember that loneliness is an important aspect of personal growth. Read, watch movies, or simply relax on the terrace while enjoying the sunset.
    • Take 5-10 minutes each day to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. If you find it difficult to deal with loneliness, write down your feelings and thoughts related to it. Why are you afraid of being alone? What scares you the most?
  4. 4 Enjoy the benefits of being alone. Believe me, loneliness is not so bad. Learn to enjoy your loneliness, whether it is long or short. Below you will find a list of the benefits of being alone:
    • The ability to do what you love.
    • The ability to independently plan your life. A lonely person does not need to coordinate their plans with another person.
    • An opportunity to understand your feelings before starting a new relationship.
    • The ability to live by your own rules.
    • The ability to go on dates.

Part 2 of 3: Coping with Feelings of Loneliness

  1. 1 Develop strong relationships. While you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, remember that you have family and friends with whom you can stay in touch. In a young age, romantic feelings quickly pass, but relationships with family and friends accompany us throughout our lives.
    • You don't have to be in a relationship with the opposite sex to be happy. Of course, everyone has a natural need to have a couple. However, you can sacrifice your free time and efforts to strengthen relationships with family and friends. When you start building new romantic relationships, you will be realistic about your expectations and will be able to create a strong bond with your loved one.
  2. 2 Get a fluffy pet. If you’re not dating anyone and you’re living alone, loneliness is likely to weigh you down a lot. However, in such a state, it is necessary to find a middle ground. Spend time with your friends. However, do not overdo it, stay balanced on this matter. According to some studies, the death rate is higher in single people who isolate themselves from society. This often happens to older people.
    • A soft and fluffy pet can make good companionship while watching your favorite TV show. In addition, pet owners tend to be in good physical and emotional health.
  3. 3 Recognize that only you can define your worth as an individual. If you do not have a partner, this does not mean at all that you are not attractive and not worthy of love. Very often people associate their marital status with the level of self-esteem. If you think that you are of no value without your significant other, it will seem to you that you are not worthy of love. Do your best to convince yourself that you are worthy of love, respect, and a good life.
    • Think about your strengths. What can you offer to the world and the people around you? Write your best qualities on a piece of paper and hang it on a mirror or on a wall so you can see it every day.
    • If you find it difficult to evaluate yourself, contact your close friend or relative and ask him to name the qualities that he admires in you.
  4. 4 You shouldn't strive to build relationships just because your friends are in them. If you are single and all your friends are in a relationship, then you may feel that you will be happy only if you have a soul mate. But this is not the case. In fact, romantic relationships require effort, commitment, and compromise. This is far from an easy path. If you are not ready for this, then do not let jealousy or fear drive you to build a relationship.
  5. 5 Expand your social circle. If all of your friends are currently in a relationship and you are not happy about the prospect of being a third person, you can spend time with those who are not paired. This does not mean that you should give up your existing friendships. However, it is possible to spend time with young people who can afford "bachelor" entertainment.
    • Connect with young people at school and at work. If you're invited to events you haven't attended before, promise to come. Spending time with young people who are unpaired can help you experience the full benefits of being alone.

Part 3 of 3: Love yourself

  1. 1 Invite yourself out on a date. As a rule, on a date we can find out the personality traits of another person, what he likes and what not, his dreams and views. It helps us to establish a romantic connection. Start getting to know yourself as a person.
    • You can visit new cafes and restaurants, go to the cinema, take master classes, travel and buy yourself small gifts or flowers.Remember, if you learn to love yourself, you can love another person.
  2. 2 Deal with stress. Very often, being in a relationship, a person neglects his well-being, trying to please his partner in everything. When the relationship ends, these feelings can intensify significantly. If you are single, learn to take care of yourself. Identify the source of stress and do your best to eliminate it.
    • Take care of yourself to reduce your stress levels. Otherwise, it is fraught with health problems. Do activities regularly to help you relax. Calling a friend, getting a massage, walking, reading - all of these can help you cope with stress.
  3. 3 Lead an active lifestyle. You shouldn't follow this advice just because you want to lose weight in order to get revenge on your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend who have already found a new partner. Regular exercise improves physical and emotional health. In addition to feeling good, you can improve relationships as well as boost your self-confidence.
    • Follow a regular physical activity schedule that includes at least five 30 minutes of aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, or dancing. Also, include two strength training sessions per week for better health.
  4. 4 Eat right. In addition to exercise, watch your diet. Include vegetables, fruits, proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products in your diet. Your daily diet should be 3 to 5 meals a day.
  5. 5 Get enough sleep. You can express your concern for yourself by getting enough sleep every night for at least 7-9 hours.
    • You may be active, so you come home late. However, remember that good sleep affects concentration, memory, mood, and weight. Train yourself to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night.