How to win a Gemini man

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO ATTRACT A GEMINI MAN | Hannah’s Elsewhere
Video: HOW TO ATTRACT A GEMINI MAN | Hannah’s Elsewhere


It is much easier to attract a Gemini man if you know the personality traits that astrologers usually attribute to this zodiac sign. To interest such a man, you should train your independence, spontaneity and sociability. When interacting with a male Gemini, you should be open to trying new things, visiting new places, and discussing current events.


Method 1 of 3: Attracting a Gemini Man

  1. 1 Behave naturally. It doesn't matter what type of man you are trying to attract, the main point is to never pretend to be someone you are not. Instead, show your dignity in all its glory when communicating with the object of your lust. Most likely, your lover will want to spend time with an honest, sincere person, and not with someone who is trying to impersonate someone else.
  2. 2 Be spontaneous. Some astrologers believe that male Gemini flourishes when it comes to something unpredictable. Instead of zealously sticking to a clearly laid out plan, learn to be more spontaneous in your interactions with other people. For example, do not think over a date with a Gemini man to the smallest detail, stop at the general scheme "meeting-dinner", and then whatever will happen.
  3. 3 Train to be independent. Some people who believe in astrology believe that Gemini men value self-sufficient and completely self-reliant partners. If you are trying to attract such a man, you may need to work on becoming more independent.
    • Try to have fun doing things alone. Go to the movies, travel, or have a business lunch at the new café.
  4. 4 Meet new social situations. Astrologers often describe Gemini men as being extremely comfortable in society. Thanks to their sociability, they can discuss a wide range of topics and ideas, as well as share their own opinions. Find new opportunities for communication and you can spark interest in the Gemini man.
    • Try attending a gallery opening, joining a climbing club, or enjoying music at local venues.

Method 2 of 3: Communicating with a Gemini man

  1. 1 Act quickly. Some astrologers claim that Gemini men are not able to concentrate on one thing for a long time. They can easily and simply switch to something else. To avoid this, take action as soon as possible.
    • For example, shortly after the meeting, you can invite the Gemini man for coffee.
    • Say something like, "I would like to know more about your travels abroad. Would you like to meet this week and have a coffee?"
  2. 2 Discuss common interests. Those who believe in astrology know that the Gemini man will be happy to hear about you, your life and your hobbies. Discuss these topics openly with such a man. Once you find a common ground, such as mutual love for jazz, take it further.
    • So you can invite the Gemini man to do something that you both like. For example, go to a jazz concert.
  3. 3 Talk about current events. Some astrologers think that Gemini is usually aware of what is happening in the world. Try discussing this with your Gemini man. You can say:
    • "Have you seen the cover of the local newspaper today?"
  4. 4 Ask for his opinion. The Gemini man can be strongly influenced by his thoughts. Asking his point of view on a particular issue encourages conversation between you. Talking about his views and judgments is likely to take you to a deeper level.
    • Try asking, "What do you value most in life?"

Method 3 of 3: Keeping the Gemini Man Interesting

  1. 1 Offer to see something new. People who believe in astrology sometimes attribute the love of travel to Gemini men. Discuss with him your common interests in this area. After you've gone on a few good dates, invite him to explore something new together.
    • You can explore the local park.
    • Ask him if he would like to go to some nearby town or place with a rich history for one day. The main thing is that he has not been there before.
  2. 2 Be well-read. Gemini men can be highly intelligent. Try reading books, news, or anything else that interests you. What you discover for yourself on the pages of these publications can help you create a fascinating conversation with a Gemini man.
  3. 3 Be open to change. Some astrologers believe that Gemini men are very fickle. Be flexible in your plans and expectations, realizing that he can quickly change his mind. This flexibility will help you keep the Gemini man interested.