How to defrost meat

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
The Best Way to Thaw Meat
Video: The Best Way to Thaw Meat


To preserve the meat for a longer time, it is better to freeze it. Later, you can prepare the dish you want by simply defrosting the meat. However, it is important to know how to properly defrost meat. Failure to do so is likely to cause bacteria to multiply, resulting in food being hazardous to health. First, always stick to the basic rule of frozen food - freeze quickly and thaw slowly. Defrost meat by placing it in the refrigerator. Of course, this type of defrosting of meat takes a long time, but this is the easiest and safest way. Alternatively, you can try defrosting the meat by placing it in a bowl of cold water. This method takes less time compared to defrosting meat in the refrigerator. It is also more gentle than defrosting in the microwave. Finally, you can defrost the meat using the Defrost function in the microwave. Check the meat from time to time to assess the degree of defrosting.


Method 1 of 3: How to defrost meat in the refrigerator

  1. 1 Defrost meat in the refrigerator. This is one of the easiest and safest defrosting methods. Plus, it doesn't require much effort on your part. Plus, when defrosting meat in the refrigerator, you don't need to worry about overheating, which can happen if you defrost meat in the microwave. However, if you use this method, be prepared for it to be time-consuming, especially if you are defrosting a large piece of meat such as turkey or pork.
    • If you are on a time constraint and cannot wait at least 24 hours for the meat to thaw, choose another faster method.
  2. 2 Place frozen meat on a plate. Get a large, sturdy plate that you can place the meat on.Thanks to this, the liquid that will drain from the meat during defrosting will not fall on the shelves of the refrigerator, but will remain on the plate. If you are defrosting a large piece of meat, such as turkey or pork, place it in a large bowl or saucepan.
    • If the meat is in a plastic container, leave it in it. Thanks to this, the food that is in the refrigerator will not get into the meat.
  3. 3 Defrost meat in the refrigerator. Place a plate of frozen meat in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. If you are defrosting a large piece of meat, allow at least 24 hours to defrost for every 2.3 kilograms of meat. Check the meat from time to time after 24 hours to assess the degree of defrosting.
    • Press down on the meat through the cling film or turn the plastic container over to determine how far it is thawed.
    • Wash your hands before and after touching frozen meat to avoid unpleasant health consequences.
  4. 4 Cook the meat or re-place it in the refrigerator. Because defrosting meat in the refrigerator is gentle, you don't need to cook the meat right away. Instead, you can store it in the refrigerator to prepare the desired meal later. For example:
    • poultry, fish and minced meat can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days;
    • beef, pork, lamb or veal can be stored in the refrigerator for another 3-5 days.

Method 2 of 3: How to defrost meat in cold water

  1. 1 Thaw meat in cold water. This method allows you to defrost meat much faster than the above method. 2.3 kg of meat can be defrosted within an hour, and larger pieces in 2-3 hours. In addition, thin slices of meat can be thawed using this method. However, after defrosting, cook the meat as quickly as possible.
  2. 2 Place the meat in an airtight bag. This protects the meat from bacteria in the air or water. First, choose a suitable airtight bag for defrosting meat. Place the meat in the bag. Press down on the bag to release excess air.
    • If the meat is in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, do not take it out. Place the meat in an airtight bag in its original packaging.
  3. 3 Submerge the meat bag in a bowl of cold water. Take a large bowl and place it in the sink. Pour cold water into a bowl. Then submerge the well-packed meat in a bowl of water. Leave the meat in the water until completely thawed. Change the water in the bowl every thirty minutes to keep it cool.
    • A pound of meat can defrost in 15-30 minutes.
    • Larger pieces of meat are thawed for about 2-3 hours.
  4. 4 Cook thawed meat immediately. Although the meat is in cold water, it is exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, the meat must be cooked immediately after defrosting. Prepare the desired dish from the meat and place it in the refrigerator.

Method 3 of 3: How to defrost meat in the microwave

  1. 1 Use the microwave to quickly defrost meat. This is a quick method for defrosting meat that has been cut into small, uniform pieces. In a microwave oven, meat is defrosted in a matter of minutes. However, when choosing this method, keep in mind that during defrosting, the meat can be cooked or become tough, which will negatively affect the quality of the dish.
    • Cook meat immediately after defrosting. If you can't cook it immediately, don't rush to defrost it.
  2. 2 Remove the wrapping from the meat and place it on a microwave-safe plate. First of all, remove the meat from the plastic wrap. If you don't, the liquid in the bag or container will start to boil. Next, place the meat on a large microwave-safe plate.Place thinner pieces of meat closer to the center of the plate so that it does not overheat.
    • Make sure the cookware you choose is microwave safe. For defrosting meat in the microwave, you can use ceramic or glass dishes without metal elements.
    • Frozen meat is often sold in foam containers that should not be placed in the microwave. Therefore, when defrosting meat in the microwave, remove it from the foam packaging.
  3. 3 Place a plate of meat in the microwave. Different microwave ovens have their own set of functions. However, most microwave ovens have a dedicated Defrost button. To defrost meat, place it in the microwave and press the Defrost button. Then you will need to enter the weight of the meat. This measurement will be used to determine the time it takes to defrost the meat.
    • Read the instruction manual before using the Defrost function.
  4. 4 Check the meat from time to time to assess the degree of defrosting. Check every minute how much the meat has defrosted. Gently touch the side of the meat to see if it is warm. If the meat becomes warm, wait a minute to cool down before continuing to defrost it. When the meat is completely thawed, remove it from the microwave.
    • Use a towel to remove the plate to avoid scalding your hands.
    • Wash your hands before and after handling raw meat to avoid unpleasant health consequences.
  5. 5 Cook thawed meat immediately. If you defrost meat in the microwave, it is exposed to high temperatures, causing bacteria to grow. Therefore, the meat must be cooked immediately after defrosting; only the prepared meat should be placed in the refrigerator.


  • Do not defrost meat by placing it in the oven. This method promotes the growth of harmful bacteria.