How to win a cute girl

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Steps to win the heart of a woman
Video: 10 Steps to win the heart of a woman


All girls love guys who seem cute to them.However, some guys have no idea how to behave, smell, and talk in the presence of a girl they like. Are you one of those guys? Then read the article!


  1. 1 Nice smell. Natural body odor is not good. Shower, or if you like, put on some cologne. Use it quite a bit. Your task is to interest the girl in what a wonderful scent she feels from you, and not to knock her off her feet with this scent.
  2. 2 Speak respectfully to her and to those around her in her presence. Guys who curse and curse loudly don't impress girls.
  3. 3 Always behave intelligently, but don't be afraid to joke sometimes. A low voice is a great addition to your image, especially if you are on the phone.
  4. 4 Be confident, but don't be arrogant. Self-confidence is great, and if you can also make this girl laugh, it’s a win-win combination.
  5. 5 Shaving. Bristles are not good. Take care of your skin. This will keep you looking clean and tidy, and won't look like an uncouth hobo. Cute girls love well-groomed guys, they don't need a slob. However, some girls like guys with wild facial hair and look like they just got out of bed. Find out what attracts your girlfriend and strive for it.
  6. 6 Show her your interest. Ask her about her favorite movie, food, flowers, books, and everything else. After you ask her about such simple things, go to a deeper level. This will show that you are genuinely interested in her. Remember, being nice isn't her only quality. However, you don't have to push too hard or be aggressive. Do not ask questions about sexual topics, do not touch on anything controversial, like religion and politics. Do not devote her to the history of your relationships with other girls ahead of time; do not allow yourself to look at other girls in her presence.
  7. 7 Be yourself. No matter how cute this girl is, don't pretend. Once you have conquered her, you want her to love you for who you are. Girls have exactly the same varied tastes as boys. Don't pretend to be a "bad guy" or any of the many other stereotypes - be in tune with your own personality.
  8. 8 Don't be obsessive or obsessive. If she acts like she needs more free space, take a step back and give it to her.
  9. 9 Forgive her for her mistakes. After all, she is human, like the rest of us.
  10. 10 Get creative. Find different ways to tell her how much you love her.


  • This article was not written for sex, but for the right relationship!
  • For the most part, it's all about self-confidence. Build your self-confidence and learn to talk to strangers easily by dressing in attractive, dignified and masculine clothes that will not be too big or too tight for you; clothes should also not hang in a bag and make you look fuller than you are. Get ready to pass the 4 most important tests: girls test their potential partners for strength, confidence, intelligence and determination.
  • Not all girls are the same - not even all "cute" girls. Each has its own tastes. Therefore, if your sweet girl is going crazy with excellent students, she may not mind light stubble. It all depends on the person. Not all cute girls will chat with you on the Internet; avoid writing to everyone. Instead, choose a girl very carefully, choose the one you really like to increase your chances of success.
  • Exercise will make you more attractive. Stay fit, be active - why not? You will attract girls who do the same. Don't be too obsessive. Keep in mind that some girls with stereotypical model beauty can be very boring in life.Moreover, cute girls usually have some imperfections in appearance, due to their personal type.
  • Some girls find it cute when strong and courageous men sometimes blush with embarrassment. For example, anyone will worry about admitting that they can't dance. She's probably not good at dancing either, so why don't you study together or look for alternatives?


  • Often partings occur due to the fact that a person pretends: in interests, personality, etc. Over time, he simply can no longer contain the shame.
  • Do not be ashamed or angry if you made a bad joke! Admit that you are wrong, but don't berate yourself too much so you don't look like an idiot and show that you are too ashamed!
  • Don't change your unique personality. If it ends with you becoming a completely different person, your happiness will not increase.
  • Don't go overboard with cologne.
  • Don't try too hard.

What do you need

  • Young woman
  • Sweet, fun personality
  • Good observer skills
  • Confidence