How to win a girl in a week at school

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Win Girls’ Hearts with STEM Education | Melanie Flores | TEDxAlpharettaWomen
Video: How to Win Girls’ Hearts with STEM Education | Melanie Flores | TEDxAlpharettaWomen


Winning a girl in one week is not so easy. However, it is possible if you show courage and courage. Of course, building strong relationships in such a short period of time is unlikely to succeed. Nevertheless, even in such a short period, you can show your interest in the girl you like. Try asking her out on a date or telling her how you feel. Confidence, respect, honesty and open communication are essential ingredients to win a girl's heart, no matter the time frame.


Part 1 of 5: Become More Than Friends

  1. 1 Note that friendship and romance are two different things. If you are friends now, you need to understand that romantic relationships involve a different level of communication. If you want to develop a romantic relationship with your girlfriend, don't act like you're just friends.
  2. 2 Allow yourself more touch with the girl you like. However, never, under any circumstances, do this in a way that makes the girl uncomfortable or fearful. However, small touches, such as soft elbows or knees touching when you are sitting next to each other, can show your romantic interest.
  3. 3 Be honest when it comes to feelings. Is romance really what you want? Then tell her directly about it. Expect your friendship to end. You shouldn't be friends with a girl in the hope that you can change her opinion of yourself. This is not fair to her, since friendship should be based on trust and respect.
  4. 4 Show respect for her and be open if you want your friendship to grow into something more. Be honest with her. Tell the girl that you don't want to be limited to friendships. If she says she wants to stay friends with you, ask yourself if you are ready for it or if it is better to end the relationship completely.
    • For example, you might say, “I enjoy spending time with you and I always look forward to meeting you. My attitude towards you can hardly be called friendly, I experience deeper feelings. Tell me, don't you feel the same way? "
    • Refusal is always associated with painful feelings and emotions. Friendship is based on mutual support and respect. Ask yourself if you can really continue to be friends after telling your girlfriend how you feel. Don't try to impose your friendship on her. Give yourself enough time to recover.

Part 2 of 5: Connect with her friends and family

  1. 1 Chat with her friends and family. This is a great opportunity to get to know the girl better. The better you know her, the easier it will be for you to communicate with her. Communicate with friends and family in a respectful manner. Tell them that you would like to get to know the girl you like better. Be open and honest with them and they will be more willing to help you.
    • Don't pretend to be someone you are not. Of course, this will only aggravate the situation. If she finds out that you are manipulating her loved ones in order to get your way, you are unlikely to be able to build a relationship with her.
    • Be polite when dealing with her parents. This will help them see that you will treat their daughter with respect.
  2. 2 Respect the views of the girl, as well as her loved ones. If she says that she is not allowed to date or she is not sure of her feelings, believe me, this is not the end of the world. Even if you really want to date this girl, remember, it is much more important to win her respect.
    • Don't encourage her to cheat on her parents or do what they tell her not to. The girl may be in trouble. In addition, she will see that you are selfish, because you think more about your interests, and not about the rules set by her parents.
  3. 3 Keep calm and be polite. You may be upset if something goes wrong. You probably don't say or do things that might offend the girl, but consider how you feel about her friends. You may think that you are doing everything right, but if you are not familiar with her friends, many questions from your side can scare the girl. So don't overdo it!
    • If you put pressure on a girl and she is afraid of you, most likely she will agree to do what you want. However, she will do this to stop you. Even if you get what you want, this does not mean that the girl is honest with you. This is not the best foundation for building relationships.
  4. 4 Talk to her friends and find out more about her. Try to make a good impression on them as they are her first line of defense.
    • If she is more popular than you, or if you have different social circles, you will have to put in more effort.Try hanging out with her group of friends to get closer to her. Thanks to this, she will see you in a different light.

Part 3 of 5: Prepare the soil

  1. 1 Be honest and straightforward when expressing your opinion. Don't try to be who you are not. You don't have to tell her right away that you like her. Otherwise, you might scare her. Ask for her opinion and thank her when she expresses it. Do this only in a respectful manner. Open communication is the easiest way to get to know a girl better.
    • If you find it difficult to talk to a girl or you are having trouble getting her to talk about yourself, use questions that cannot be answered in monosyllables. For example, you might ask, "What's your favorite lesson?" - or: "Tell me something about yourself that I would never have guessed, communicating with you."
  2. 2 Listen to it carefully. Are you listening to respond, or does what she says really matter to you? Be an active listener. Ask questions if you don't fully understand something. Don't be distracted by external factors. Chat in a quiet place. Choose a time and place that both of you are in the mood for communication, both mentally and emotionally.
  3. 3 Keep your body and clothing clean and smelling. If you are in puberty or an active lifestyle and are experiencing excessive sweating, start showering and using deodorant every day. Remember to brush and comb your teeth. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.
    • Keep your body clean and smelling even when the girl you like is not around. If you have a reputation as a young man who smells of sweat, you are unlikely to get a chance to get to know this girl better.
  4. 4 Dress tastefully. Girls like guys who look good. Dressing up beautifully will show that your appearance is important to you. When choosing items of clothing, keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of your figure.
  5. 5 Don't limit yourself to one short conversation. Chat with her as often as possible. Do your best to keep your conversations long. Choose different topics for discussion that will interest both of you. If, after starting a conversation, you realize that it is not sticking, try changing the subject. Perhaps choosing a different direction of the conversation can help you achieve greater success.
  6. 6 Choose topics of conversation that interest both of you. Ask her if she plays video games. Many girls, like guys, enjoy playing video games. If you love drawing, ask the girl how she feels about this activity. If you both like the local sports team, you can ask, "Did you see the game yesterday?"
  7. 7 Be confident in yourself. Needless to say, you enjoy a certain activity in order to please the girl. It's okay if you enjoy an activity that doesn't make a girl feel the same way. Don't worry about it. When communicating with her, talk about what unites you. Self-confidence means being able to speak your mind and expecting others to respect you for it, whether they agree with you or not.
    • Don't act like an idiot. If you have your own opinion on any issue, remember that this does not mean that other opinions are wrong.

Part 4 of 5: Cultivate Feelings

  1. 1 Do your best to get her to notice you. Treat her in a special way. She needs to see the difference between you and the other young people she interacts with. She will never know your intentions unless you tell her about them. The girl should look forward to the continuation of your relationship. The idea that your relationship can go beyond friendship and take on a romantic character should delight her.
    • Compliment her.For example, you can say: "This dress suits you so well!" - or: "You wrinkle your nose so cute when you laugh, I never noticed it before."
    • Don't tell every girl you date the same things. If you have a habit of flirting with every girl you meet, be prepared for the fact that none of them will feel that she is special to you. You can get a dubious reputation for playing with girls' feelings. Probably, others will decide that you are doing this because you are completely desperate or just use girls.
    • Do not act in such a way that the girl is afraid or uncomfortable in your presence. For example, you shouldn't stop, stare at the girl and just be silent. If you have nothing to say, do not focus on it. Just greet her and move on.
  2. 2 Be yourself. Do your best to let the girl know you for who you are. Don't play a role - this behavior is emotionally draining. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to build a strong relationship.
    • You shouldn't pretend that you enjoy the activities that the girl likes, if this is not the case at all. Be a sincere person. Show genuine interest and only sincere compliments.
  3. 3 Look for opportunities to be alone. Being together will help you get to know each other better. Remove distractions, such as turn off your mobile phones, avoid places where you might meet friends or acquaintances or very noisy places. Choose a cozy place where you can enjoy the conversation alone. Both of you should feel comfortable and that you can afford to hug or kiss your loved one.
    • Choose an activity that both of you will enjoy together, such as doing your homework together, going on a hike, or enjoying a meal. Be sure to tell the girl that you will be together, and no one will distract you from communication, no matter what activity you choose.
  4. 4 Allow yourself more touch. For some of us, it is not difficult to touch our interlocutor during a conversation. If you want to show the girl that communication with her is important to you, allow yourself a little touch. By touching the girl you like, you will demonstrate your desire to bond with her physically and emotionally. Touching is a form of flirting. However, do it casually.
    • Touch her casually to react to her joke, or come closer to her when you compliment, for example, talking about the beauty of her hair or the scent of her perfume.
    • Pretend you are reading by standing behind her and placing your chin on her shoulder, or hugging her waist when walking together. While this may seem harmless, subconsciously she will know that you want to bond with her.

Part 5 of 5: Ask her out on a date

  1. 1 Make a plan. Ask her out on a date. You can do this by approaching her in person when she is with several friends. Wait for the girl to laugh, tell you something about herself, or look at you intently. You can say, “I've been thinking about you all the time lately, and if you don't mind, I would like to invite you to spend time together. I think we can have a good time together. "
    • If you just invite a girl to spend time together, rather than directly declare that you want to be her boyfriend, you have a better chance of success. With this approach, you can avoid unnecessary pressure on her. Tell her that you will be together and you would not want to be limited to only friendly relations.
  2. 2 Place the note in her locker or backpack. If every student in your school has their own locker for storing personal belongings, you can insert a note in the girl's locker: “I like you! And I for you? " At the end of the note, you can write: "Put your answer in locker 695".If there are no such lockers, you can put the note on her desk or hand it over to her personally.
    • The girl will not feel that you are putting pressure on her or demanding any commitment; this is a great way if you are embarrassed to approach her personally.
  3. 3 Approach her when she is alone. Do not ask her personal questions when she is with her friends or acquaintances, because she will most likely be embarrassed if one of her friends decides to insert an inappropriate comment. Also, if her friends think you are not the right fit for each other, a tense situation can arise.
    • Never ask anyone to tell a girl that you want to meet her, otherwise she will think that she is being made fun of. Be careful not to scare her away. The best way to ask a girl out on a date is to do it in person or to call / text.
    • Don't text her asking if she wants to go on a date with you because your question might be misinterpreted.
  4. 4 Organize a group outing. Invite your friends to the skating rink, to the cinema, or just to visit you. Invite a girl if you have the opportunity. You can also ask a mutual friend who is close with this girl to invite her to a date.
    • When chatting with friends, try not to distinguish the girl you like from others. Otherwise, she will feel like you are putting pressure on her. However, look for opportunities to communicate with her in person so that she will pay attention to you.
  5. 5 Be prepared for any contingencies. Find out if she has a boyfriend and promise that she won't be embarrassed if you go out on a date. You can say, “We will not kiss or hug. Besides, only we will know about our meeting ”.
    • If she is worried, but still agrees to go on a date with you, be sure to follow the established rules. If she asks you not to tell anyone about your meeting, stick to your promise. If she doesn't want to kiss, don't pressure her.
  6. 6 Set up a simple date. For example, you can go to the movies and have a little chat after watching the movie. You can also invite her to an event that both of you enjoy, such as a sports event. Also, if the girl loves to go shopping, keep her company.
    • Invite the girl to meet at the designated place and make sure that her and your parents don't mind your meeting.


  • Don't expect the girl to ask you out on her own. Be bold and talk to her about it.
  • You shouldn't go up to a girl and talk about your eternal love. Many young people think that this is exactly what their chosen one wants to hear. In fact, this is not the case. If you barely know her, she is unlikely to consider your words sincere.
  • Joke with her every time the opportunity arises. However, never hurt her.
  • Stalking or talking about someone behind their back is not the best way to get attention.
  • Even if you have strong feelings for a girl, be prepared for the fact that she will not reciprocate you.