How to get a guy to dump you

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Get Dumped
Video: How To Get Dumped


Do you have a problem with a young man? Can't find the strength to tell the guy that it's all over between you? Or don't you want to see his reaction to the breakup? Ending a relationship is often really difficult, and the best way in this situation is to be honest and frank with your boyfriend and tell him bluntly that you don't think you will succeed with him. But if this option does not suit you and you are looking for other ways to solve this problem, you can try to make the guy himself decide to end the relationship with you. Follow a few simple guidelines and you'll be free again very soon.


Method 1 of 2: Start behaving differently with him

  1. 1 Move away. If you want to end a relationship with a guy, just stop answering his calls and messages. When talking, say that you can't spend time with him in any way. Of course, don't write or call him first. If you and your boyfriend have already made some plans for hanging out together, cancel everything at the last minute. Very soon, he will understand that you just do not want to spend time with him, and will part with you. You can also try not to talk to him for a while.
    • When you do spend time together, try not to touch on any deep personal topics with him. Try to make communication as superficial and uncomfortable as possible. You can try to pretend that you are terribly bored, as if he annoys you terribly with his presence.
    • If a guy starts to figure out why you are acting this way, you can just ignore him or say, "Oh, you know, I'm just really busy lately." If he asks what exactly you are doing, change the subject or answer in general terms.
    • If you just want to give a little hint to a guy, you need to do it gradually and smoothly. Do not immediately burn bridges and completely stop communicating, just spend less and less time with him. If you've written to each other several times a day before, start responding and write first less and less. Eventually, your boyfriend will notice that you communicate much less.
  2. 2 Initiate quarrels and conflicts. Every time you spend time together, arrange fights and scandals from scratch. Turn whatever he says against him, turning it into a quarrel and an argument. If he happens to be late for a meeting, tell him, “You're always late. I've been waiting for you for ages! Can you come on time at least once? " Surely he will be upset and angry, over time he will not stand it and will part with you.
    • Begin to constantly express negative expressions about everything he does in order to turn that conversation into real conflict. If he starts to explain something to you, just say: “You are absolutely wrong! God, what an idiot you are. " Most likely, such a rude attitude will be enough for him to break up with you.
  3. 3 Don't make plans for the future. Subtly hint that you think your relationship has no future. If a guy is trying to make plans and make a date, don't settle for anything specific and just shy away from the topic.If he invites you to go to a concert or event in a few months, say, “We’ll see. I don’t know what I’ll be doing yet. ” Soon, the guy will realize that you do not see a future with him.
    • Start getting annoyed and annoyed every time he asks you questions. If a guy starts asking you what you plan to do on the weekend, answer something like this: “What is the purpose of your interest? You don't need to know about my every step. " If you hint to a guy that you do not want to spend the weekend with him, over time he will realize that you just do not want to associate the future with him.
    • When talking about your plans for the future, do not include your boyfriend in these plans. Tell us that you are going on vacation with friends, or that you are thinking of looking for a good job in another city. If your boyfriend does not figure in your plans for the future, he will understand that your relationship simply does not have a future.
  4. 4 Don't tell the guy you love him. When he says he loves you, don't reciprocate. If a guy starts asking himself if you love him, answer something vague, like: "Well, yes" - or: "Uh-huh." But it should sound insincere and unconvincing, as if you are just trying to get rid of him.
  5. 5 Gradually move away from intimacy with him. Limit any physical communication and any touch - this will be a clear signal of the end of your relationship. No matter what level of physical intimacy you've come to in a relationship, just start avoiding it. If you are still in the candy-bouquet period, and physical intimacy is limited to kisses and hugs, stop kissing and hugging him. If you are in a relationship stage where physical intimacy means sex, start saying more and more that you are not in the mood. If the guy starts wondering what the reason is, shy away from answering.
    • You can stop any physical contact with him. If he tries to take your hand, find an excuse to pull his hand or just pretend to be very busy.
  6. 6 Tell them you need personal space. A great way to stop spending time with your boyfriend is to say that you need a break. This will allow you to distance yourself and not interact with him in any way. If after a while the guy starts texting or calling you, just ignore him. Soon he will understand what the matter is, and will break up with you.
  7. 7 Start to control it in everything. Be aware of his every step. Tell him he shouldn't wear those shoes with those pants. Start to control his food: tell what foods and dishes he should choose instead of those that he is eating now. Express your dissatisfaction with every little thing. Talk down to him as if you know better about everything around you. When the guy does something for you, tell him, “Oh, that's so sweet. But you did wrong. This is how it should be. " Very soon, he will get tired of your excessive maternal custody and break up with you.
  8. 8 Be selfish. When you are spending time together, do not let him control the conversation. As soon as the guy wants to talk about himself, interrupt him and start talking about himself. If you do allow him to finish his thought, answer in general terms, such as: "Good" - or: "Great," and then start talking about yourself. He will immediately get the impression that you are not at all interested in him, or he will think that you are overly selfish.

Method 2 of 2: Begin to behave differently with others

  1. 1 Make some changes to your social media profile. Social media plays a huge role in how we get our relationship public. To provoke a guy to break up, make some changes to your account so that he looks like you are free. Change the main photo on your VKontakte or Twitter profile from the one where you and your boyfriend are to the one where you are alone. Change the column "Marital status" in VKontakte.If for a while your social media profile looks like you are free, your boyfriend will take that hint.
    • For more impact, change the main photo on your page to one where you look simply stunning. Soon, the guy will realize that you are hinting to your followers that you are now free and ready to date someone else.
    • Start chatting with other guys on VKontakte and Twitter. When your boyfriend sees your communication style, he will understand that you are gradually leaving your relationship with him in the past and start moving on.
  2. 2 Tell your friends the whole truth. The next time you and your boyfriend want to hang out with your friends, alert them to the situation. If they are not mutual friends, but only yours, ask them to be less welcoming and friendly with your boyfriend. Ignore him when you get together and spend more time with your friends. The guy will immediately feel a sudden change in behavior towards him and will understand that something is happening between you.
  3. 3 Complain about his friends. As soon as the guy is about to spend time with his friends, start complaining about them and how they are behaving. If you are spending time with his friends, start saying more often that they are wrong. If a guy mentions his friends in a conversation, immediately tell him how terrible they are, and start arguing with him when he tells you otherwise. Usually guys are very attached to their friends, so your boyfriend will not stand it if you throw mud at them.
    • If you know that your boyfriend is going to spend time with you and his friends, cancel the meeting. This will show you how much you dislike them.
  4. 4 Start flirting with other guys. Whenever you and your boyfriend go anywhere, try to flirt with other guys. If, walking down the street, you see a nice guy, be sure to mention how sexy he is. Pretend that you are accidentally distracted from the conversation with your boyfriend because you are looking at a cute boy who is passing by. You might even try flirting with his best friend. This behavior will definitely make him angry and angry; most likely, he will immediately want to break up with you.
  5. 5 Start talking about your ex-boyfriend. Probably nothing turns guys off like the constant talk about ex-partners. Mention him several times in a conversation, start talking about how you seem to miss him, start wondering what he is doing right now. If your boyfriend compliments you and compliments your outfit, say something like, “Oh, thanks. My ex really liked this suit. " This behavior will not only hurt his self-esteem, but he will also start to think about what is not good enough for you, since you constantly think about your ex-boyfriend. Or that it won't be easy to say that you had better stay friends. At the end of the day, consider if you really want this.
    • You can start looking at your photos with your ex when your current boyfriend is around. Change your main photo on a social network or on your phone screensaver to the one where you and your ex-boyfriend are. This will be a clear hint that you no longer want a relationship with your boyfriend.


  • Use these methods only if you have no alternative solutions. The fact is that in this way you will burn bridges and in the future you will hardly be able to remain friends with your current guy. In addition, by following the tips above, you will clearly hurt the guy, and he may tell others that you are not a good person and that you are behaving ugly. Then others will begin to treat you worse and ask unpleasant questions.
  • If possible, just try to be as honest as possible with your boyfriend.An honest, open conversation is an easier and fairer way to deal with this situation than playing a disgruntled girl.
  • If a guy offers to meet, say: "No, I don't want to see each other." The guy will understand that you do not want to see him and, in general, may want to break up.
  • When you spend time in a company, try to stay away from him, and if he comes up to you and sits down next to you, stop talking and behave moody. Better, of course, to be honest, which will save time and not cause your boyfriend so much pain and stress.
  • If you don't like the person, try to be frank and honest. Maybe all you need is just to say that your relationship is not working out, and, as you think, breaking up will be the best option.