How to get a guy to kiss you

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get A Guy To Kiss You For The First Time
Video: How To Get A Guy To Kiss You For The First Time


Dreaming of kissing someone special but doesn't seem to be about to take the first step? Maybe he’s just nervous and doesn’t know how you’ll react to it. Follow our tips to let him know you want his kiss.


Method 1 of 3: Part 1 of 3: Creating the Mood

  1. 1 Make sure your breath is fresh. Remember to brush your teeth and tongue before leaving the house. Carry mints or peppermint gum with you if you are going to a party, which might be the guy you are dreaming of kissing. There is nothing worse than kissing someone who has bad breath. Try to keep your breath fresh.
  2. 2 Find a place where you can be alone. Invite him to go somewhere with you, where, perhaps, there will be conditions for a kiss - for a walk, to the cinema, etc. If you are at a party, ask him to go outside or find another way to stay with him face-to-face (for example, become his partner in a game of hide and seek). A large number of friends around him leads to stress and kills his romantic mood. If you want a guy to kiss you, find a way to be alone with him.
  3. 3 Be sociable in private with him. Be confident and friendly. If you're nervous, try not to show it. Maintain an open posture, that is, do not cross your arms or legs. Look into his eyes, when you talk to him, the body should be turned towards him. Laugh at his jokes, compliment him. Talk about things that you really like about him, for example: “You look cool in this shirt, it matches the color of your blue eyes.” Make him feel comfortable with you.
  4. 4 Try to sit as close to him as possible. If you are not close enough to him, take a step, close the distance between you. Use a little trick if necessary. Most likely, he himself will try to figure out a way how to get close to you to kiss, and your little trick may be very helpful.
    • If you are on the street, say that you are a little frozen and come close to him. If you are at home, tell him that he has an eyelash on his face (or something else). Bend over his face, gently remove the “eyelash”, then freeze and look into his eyes.

Method 2 of 3: Part 2 of 3: Non-verbal signs

  1. 1 Overcome your fear of touching. There is an invisible barrier between two people who like each other - the fear of touch. Be the first to overcome this barrier. When you laugh, touch his arm with your hand, touch his leg with your foot if you are sitting opposite each other, etc. By touching him, you let him know that you enjoy physical contact with him (including kissing). If your boyfriend tries to be the first to break that barrier, respond in kind. By touching him, you let him know that you like what is happening between you.
  2. 2 Make your lips attractive for kissing. Before thinking about kissing, make sure your lips are alluring and attractive enough. Dry, chapped lips aren't much fun to kiss! Lubricate your lips with petroleum jelly or lip balm before going to bed to keep them moisturized and prevent drying out.One of the classic ways to get a guy's attention to your lips is by nibbling while flirting, be sure to look him in the eye when you do this.
    • If you come to a restaurant with your boyfriend, do something to draw his attention to your lips. If you are eating something juicy (ice cream, berries, watermelon, etc.), let a drop of the juice drip onto your lips, then slowly lick them. Do not overdo it so as not to look like a temperamental grubby who finds it difficult to eat without dumping food on yourself.
    • Apply some lip gloss while your boyfriend is looking at you. His eyes will be riveted to your lips. Don't overdo it with a lot of lip gloss: lips can get very sticky. Use lip balm or chapstick to reduce this effect.
  3. 3 Flirt with your eyes. Use your eyes to let your boyfriend know that you want a kiss. One way to hint at a kiss is to gaze into his eyes. Slowly move your gaze to his lips, then look into his eyes again. If the guy realizes that this is a signal for a kiss, well, if not, try this trick again a little later. Do not repeat this over and over again, it will put him in an uncomfortable position.
    • Another way to flirt with your gaze is to act with modesty. Looking at him, instantly lower your eyes and smile modestly. Take a look at it again and give it your most inviting look.
  4. 4 Kiss him! Who said a guy should take the first step? If you want a kiss, why not kiss him first? Guys tend to get nervous around a girl they really like, so why not release the tension and kiss first? Self-confidence is attractive. Take action!

Method 3 of 3: Part 3 of 3: Verbal Signs.

  1. 1 Flirting will let the guy know that you are interested in him. Make fun of him, tease him (but not rudely). You can even tease him by the fact that he hasn't kissed you so far (this is a direct hint that you want a kiss).
    • Flirting “between the lines”. Flirtatious, fun conversation topics are a way to make it clear that you are fun and interesting, to make him think of you even when you’re not together. Do not burden your boyfriend with conversations that are suppressive, make you think about something unpleasant, worry.
  2. 2 Make him feel confident with you. Give him the confidence to be the sexiest, strongest guy in the world. Increased self-esteem will make him confident enough to decide to kiss you.
    • Ask him to help you pick something up or open something for you. Compliment his fitness. Or just say, "I love your eyes." This will increase his self-esteem.
  3. 3 Ask him to kiss you. Sometimes it's worth saying directly what you want. If you're already desperate to give hints, it's time to just ask for a kiss. Just keep in mind that there are both pros and cons to this. On the one hand, you will receive an answer immediately (and, possibly, you will be kissed), but on the other hand, this answer may be “no”. If he's a really shy guy, he might need to work on himself to dare to kiss you. Or he's just not the person you want, then you don't need to lose your head over him. Many other adorable fish swim in the “sea of ​​kisses”.
    • You can ask him for a kiss sexually. For example, when you approach him (as described in the first part) to remove the eyelash from his cheek, lean towards his ear and, gently touching your lips, whisper: "Kiss me." And that light touch of your lips to your ear and a bold demand will not leave a trace of your boyfriend's shyness.


  • Don't use a lot of gloss or lip balm, it makes the kiss unpleasant, sticky.
  • Before applying the above tips, make sure he is alone. If this is not the case, you may be in big trouble.
  • If a guy doesn't want to kiss you, don't force him to do it. Let everything take its course.
  • Try not to feel abandoned with a broken heart, if the guy doesn't kiss you, maybe he's not ready yet, or maybe he just isn't the hero of your novel. Look around, there are a lot of cool guys around.