How to make a person disappear

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Yourself DISAPPEAR!
Video: How To Make Yourself DISAPPEAR!


You don't need real magic in order to make a person disappear. This is an illusion. Despite all the tricks, the key to success is convincing viewers to believe you. The perfect fade trick requires practice and possibly the help of an experienced magician. The most plausible methods and tricks are known only to the illusionist community.


Method 1 of 3: Trick with the sheet

  1. 1 Find a volunteer. Such a person will have to cooperate with you and act as if he did not understand what happened. It is of key importance. Dedicate the volunteer to the details of the focus and describe their role.
  2. 2 Find a place to hide. The right place is an important aspect of any focus. If you're showing the trick in your home, find a place with long curtains. You can also use a place next to which there is a door.
  3. 3 Prepare a volunteer. Explain the focus to him in detail. Rehearse a few times and repeat where and when he should hide. Come up with code words like "gibberish" or "hocus pocus" so that the volunteer knows exactly when to hide and then return.
    • Try modeling a trick with a volunteer to work together and polish the details.
  4. 4 Prepare your audience. Organize the space where the focus is taking place. Arrange the chairs so that the audience cannot see what is happening behind the scenes. Gather those willing to see your performance. It is best to practice the focus at home and show it to your family.
  5. 5 Hold the sheet in front of the volunteer. The sheet should be long and tight enough to completely hide the person, including the legs. Immediately after you straighten the sheet, the volunteer should step back and hide. All actions must be performed as quietly as possible.
    • Straighten the sheet and say the first keyword. So the volunteer will understand that it is time for him to hide.
  6. 6 Say the magic words. Count to yourself to five while the volunteer hides. At this point, you can say a short phrase or phrase to viewers to give the impression that it takes less time to disappear. Don't wait too long or viewers may suspect something is wrong.
  7. 7 Lower the sheet. Wait about five seconds for the volunteer to hide, then show the audience that there is no one behind the sheet. Report that the volunteer has disappeared.
  8. 8 Lift the sheet again. Straighten the sheet again and say the second keyword. The volunteer will return to its original position. This time should also be taken with a short conversation of no more than 5 seconds. Hold the sheet and keep a calm expression on your face.
    • It's up to you if you need to say magic words... Each magician does his own thing.
  9. 9 Lower the sheet. The volunteer will be standing in the same place as at the beginning of the performance. Everything will look as if you made him come back from nothing.

Method 2 of 3: Mirror trick

  1. 1 Find a mirror. Magicians often use mirrors to create illusions, but this requires practice and patience. For this focus, you need a mirror large enough to hide behind.
  2. 2 Prepare the place. The mirror can be used in several ways. In this case, you will need a table, a sheet, and a mirror. This focus relies on lighting and the correct position of the mirror. You will not be able to do the trick perfectly on the first try, as you will need to create a reflection of the front of the space under the table.
    • An inexpensive folding table can be used for focus.
  3. 3 Place a mirror under the table. Position it so that it sits horizontally on the surface. Make sure the mirror does not protrude over the edges of the table. Test this design indoors and outdoors, and then pick where it looks most believable.
  4. 4 Practice before performing. You can do this trick yourself. You can also use a volunteer, but it all depends on the level of comfort. With the help of an assistant, it will be easier for you to appear in the same place.
  5. 5 Prepare your audience. Organize the space where the focus is taking place. Arrange the chairs so that the audience cannot see what is happening behind the scenes. Gather those willing to see your performance. It is best to practice the focus at home and show it to your family before performing in front of other people.
  6. 6 Do the trick alone. Stand on a table and hold a sheet in front of you. Be sure to stand near the edge of the table. Raise the sheet in front of you above your head. You can say magic words if you wish. Then jump off the table and gently land on your heels behind the mirror. The way the blanket goes down with you. Release it already when you are on the floor.
  7. 7 Engage a volunteer. Stand on the table with the volunteer. Hold the sheet to hide the volunteer from the audience. Lift the sheet, after which the volunteer will have to carefully jump off the table and land on his haunches behind the mirror. Throw the sheet after your helper has jumped off the table.
    • Rehearse with a volunteer before performing. The main thing for focus is the synchronization of your actions.
  8. 8 Get the volunteer back. Raise the sheet in front of you again. The volunteer must carefully climb onto the table. You should stand on a solid area of ​​the table so that the volunteer does not shift balance and ruin the whole focus during the return process. When your assistant returns to your seat, lower the sheet and surprise the audience.

Method 3 of 3: disappearing on video

  1. 1 The principle of video effect. This trick is an easy way to make a person disappear in a video. It will look professional and without spectators. You can use this trick in any video project you are working on.
  2. 2 Collect supplies. You will need a regular camcorder and a tripod. If you do not have a tripod, you can set up the camera on a level, sturdy surface. The point is not to change the position of the camera.
  3. 3 Capture the opening shots. For believability, you need to weave the fade effect into the video so that it is seamless. For example, the video shows the society of the future, which uses a teleport to move. In this case, write a dialogue in which the characters discuss their intention to teleport to a specific location or prepare to teleport.
    • Shoot the video exactly until the moment when the characters should disappear.
    • You can count down 3-2-1 and stop shooting.
  4. 4 Remove characters from the frame. All participants must leave the frame. Make sure the camera only captures the background.
  5. 5 Remove the background on the video. If you shoot the same place as before, you get the impression that the characters just disappeared into thin air. If you want them to appear again, stop filming and return all participants to their places, and then continue filming.
  6. 6 Capture fade-in focus on video. Another way to perform tricks is to use a video camera for these purposes. Use the above methods to make the person disappear.You don't even have to limit yourself to people and make the whole car disappear! Get creative and remember to have fun while filming.