Close large pores

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Minimize your large pores - Dermatologist Tips
Video: Minimize your large pores - Dermatologist Tips


Large pores can look ugly, which may make you feel embarrassed about your skin. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to close and shrink those large pores - from good skin care to laser therapy and home remedies.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Home remedies

  1. Use ice. Rubbing your skin with an ice cube for 10 to 15 seconds will tighten your pores and make them appear smaller.
  2. Use baking soda. Make a paste by mixing a tablespoon of baking soda with a little water.
    • Apply this paste to the problem areas of your skin and let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
    • This makes your pores appear smaller and it also helps against acne.
  3. Make a mask from egg white. A protein mask tightens the pores, making them appear smaller.
    • Mix 2 raw egg whites with 60 ml of fresh orange juice. Apply this on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
    • The orange juice gives your skin a radiant complexion.

Method 2 of 4: Good skin care

  1. Keep your face clean. When your pores become clogged with grease and dirt, they can appear larger and stand out more. That is why it is important to keep your skin clean so that there is less dirt and grease on it.
    • Wash your face every morning and evening. Washing more often dries out your skin, which can irritate it and cause pores to enlarge.
    • Wash your skin with a gentle facial cleanser (without sulfates) and warm (not hot) water. Then pat your face dry with a clean, soft towel.
  2. Scrub. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which can mix with dirt and grease and clog pores.
    • Scrub a few times a week, using a gentle scrub with small particles. Scrubs with larger particles can chafe too much, which can cause cracks and scratches in your skin.
    • You can also exfoliate your face with a clean washcloth using it in circular motions, or you can make a homemade scrub using ingredients from your kitchen cupboards.
    • If you can afford it, treat yourself to an electric brush, like the Clarisonic, which cleans and exfoliates the skin and appears to be twice as effective as regular washing.
  3. Use a moisturizer that won't clog pores. A moisturizer is very important for healthy skin. It prevents the skin from drying out, which can make pores appear larger.
    • If you buy a moisturizer, make sure it doesn't clog pores.
    • If you have sensitive skin, don't use a moisturizer with dyes or perfume as it can be irritating.
  4. Use a steam treatment. Steam treatments are great for making pores less visible. This is because steam opens the pores so that dirt and grease can get out.
    • To do a steam treatment, boil water and pour it into a bowl. Add a few drops of tea tree oil if you are prone to breakouts.
    • Keep your face over the bowl and put a towel over your head. Steam your face for about ten minutes.
    • When you're done, throw cold water on your face. This washes away dirt and grease and closes your pores.
  5. Put on a clay mask. A clay mask shrinks your pores by pulling out dirt, grease and dead skin cells.
    • Buy a clay mask from a drug store or make your own by mixing one tablespoon of clay, one tablespoon of oatmeal, and one tablespoon of water.
    • Clean your face and apply the mask. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, or until the clay has dried. Your face should feel tight under the clay.
    • Rinse the clay off with warm water and pat your face dry. Repeat this once a week.
  6. Apply sunscreen every day. Many people don't realize that the sun damages the skin's collagen. Without collagen, pores stretch making them appear larger.
    • You can prevent this by putting on sunscreen every day. Many day creams also contain a factor, so that shouldn't be difficult.
    • If you spend a lot of time outside, put on a hat and sunglasses for extra protection from the harmful rays of the sun.
  7. Don't scratch or squeeze spots and blackheads. It's a bad idea to squeeze out spots and blackheads. If you don't do it right, you can damage your pores and make them bigger.
    • You can also transfer bacteria from your fingers and nails to your face when you squeeze out blackheads, which can cause it to become inflamed and an ugly pimple.
    • If you still want to remove blackheads, use a special tool that you can buy at the drugstore.

Method 3 of 4: Skin treatments

  1. Use products with retinol. Retinol is a vitamin A derivative used in many anti-aging and acne products.
    • Retinol accelerates cell turnover, making the pores appear clean and smaller.
    • Retinol is only available with a prescription, so you should see your doctor first if you want to start using it.
  2. Get a laser treatment. Laser treatments provide a more permanent solution for large pores.
    • Non-ablative laser treatments stimulate collagen production, which tightens pores and makes them look smaller.
    • The biggest drawback to laser treatments is that they are expensive. You will probably need two or three treatments, which can cost up to $ 600 each.
  3. Get Accutane prescribed. Accutane is prescribed for severe acne.
    • It's one of the few remedies that actually shrinks pores, not just make them smaller appear.
    • However, Accutane is a very strong drug and it can seriously dry out the skin. It is also possible that the pores will return to their original size when you stop the treatment.

Method 4 of 4: Hide pores

  1. Wear makeup. Instead of making your pores smaller, you can also use make-up to hide them, such as with concealer, foundation and powder. This is an effective, temporary fix that can help you feel more confident about what your skin looks like.
    • Choose a concealer and foundation that perfectly matches your own skin tone, because then the make-up looks more natural. Use matte make-up if your skin is easily oily, and moisturizing make-up if you have dry skin.
    • Apply the make-up lightly with a sponge or brush. Don't spread a thick pancake, because that will draw attention to the places you want to hide. Make sure to clean your sponge or brush regularly, as a lot of bacteria can grow on it.
    • Make sure you take your make-up off well at night. Leaving it on clogs your pores, making them look bigger.
  2. Use a primer. Applying a primer under your makeup will make your skin look even more blemish-free.
    • A good primer (preferably based on silicone) fills your pores temporarily without clogging them.
    • This makes your skin smoother, so that your pores are hardly visible after applying the make-up.


  • There is special paper for dabbing your skin to absorb excess fat. It's cheap and widely available.
  • Use tonic. A tonic after cleaning will tighten your pores even more. Choose one for oily skin, as it mainly contains special ingredients to shrink pores.
  • Don't scratch your face! As a result, you get pits that only get bigger, and it quickly becomes a habit.


  • Be careful not to get any of the products in your eyes. If it does get into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water.