How to request a copy of the contract

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get/Print Ministry of Labor Contract Dubai Online || Employee Salary Contract Agreement UAE
Video: How to get/Print Ministry of Labor Contract Dubai Online || Employee Salary Contract Agreement UAE


Using the services of a cable network, applying for a new job or taking out a loan, we all come across contracts. Every adult signs many contracts under different circumstances. After signing the contract, it is necessary to keep a copy of it with the signatures of all parties. If you have not received a copy or have lost it, follow our instructions on how to request another copy.


Method 1 of 3: Learn how to request a copy of the contract

  1. 1 Find out who has the contract. In some cases, for example, if you sold something, the contract is usually with the buyer. But if the contract is in the field of employment or was concluded with a large company, it is quite difficult to find out who exactly has its copy. Here are some ways to help you find your document.
    • If the contract is concluded with a private person, he must have an original with both signatures.
    • If the contract is concluded with an organization, you need to find out where and who has a copy of it in this organization. To get started, you can ask in the HR department or the legal department. If there are no such departments in the company or you cannot find the phone number of a specific department, simply call the main phone number of the company. Whoever answers you, he will be able to answer in which department the contracts are stored, and will redirect you to that department.

    Advice: when a lawyer draws up a contract or other official document, he usually retains a copy. In some cases, the lawyer keeps the originals. Contact the lawyer of the other party to the contract and, perhaps, he will provide you with a copy, since you are one of the parties to the contract. A lawyer may charge you a small fee to provide a copy of the contract.

  2. 2 Find out the contact information for the person you are looking for. Start by reviewing your personal records in case the records contain the contact information of the person or organization you contracted with. Then search your phone book or the Internet for accurate contact information, such as a postal address, telephone number, or email address. Social media is another potential source of contact information. If you have valid contact details, it will be easier for you to find the person or organization with which you have entered into a contract.
  3. 3 Decide what type of request you want to use. The type of request depends on who you are contacting. For example, if you personally know the person with whom you entered into a contract, just call him. If you need to contact a large company, it is best to write a business letter. The following information will help you decide which type of request is most appropriate.
    • Telephone. In most cases, it is best to call the person directly. A telephone inquiry will be the most suitable option if you know the person with whom you signed the contract and you have his phone number.
    • Email. If you cannot contact the right person by phone or you do not have his number, you can send him a formal request to receive a copy of the contract by e-mail. Ask to have a signed copy of the contract sent to you by mail or electronic form and include your mailing address or email address.
    • Letter. If the agreement is in the state tax service, in another state institution, for example, a military registration and enlistment office, or in a large company, it is best to send a business letter. Do not send a letter to a government agency by registered mail, as no agency can vouch for it. You can also attach a stamped envelope in your name to the letter so that a copy of the contract can be returned to you.
    • Personal meeting. If emails, calls and / or written inquiries are unsuccessful, you can personally come to the person in the office and ask for a copy of the contract. If the person is hosting people, call him and make an appointment.You can also just come to this person in the office, but be prepared to wait until he is free.
    • Online. Depending on the type of agreement, you can order a copy of it online by filling out the usual application form. For example, if you need a copy of a communication service agreement, you can go to the company's website and see if it provides for such an application.

Method 2 of 3: How to prepare a request for a copy of the contract

  1. 1 Include all relevant information in your request. The format and content of the application depends on the type of request and the specific person from whom you are asking for a copy of the contract. The more information you provide, the easier it will be for the recipient of the request to find the contract. If the contract was actually concluded, it must exist in writing.
    • For example, you must have the names of all parties to the contract, including the companies that signed the contract with you.
    • It is also necessary to describe the content of the contract in as much detail as possible. Indicate the type of agreement - for example, lease, service agreement, loan or employment agreement. It is also necessary to determine the subject of the contract, for example, the provision of services, personal property, purchased goods, equipment lease or lease with the provision of an actual address.
    • Be sure to indicate that you would like to receive a signed copy of the agreement. An unsigned copy will not help you in any way if you are trying to restore rights under a contract. Your task is to prove that both parties to the agreement have actually signed it.

    Advice: it is important to indicate the approximate date of signing the contract. If you do not remember the exact date, please indicate at least a month or a year.

  2. 2 Explain the reason why you are making the request. Sometimes you may need to indicate the reason why you are requesting a copy of the agreement (for example, in connection with a loss or for submission to another organization). In any case, if you are one of the parties to the agreement, then you have the right to receive a copy of it.
  3. 3 Submit your request. Call, submit your request in person, send an email or letter. To send a letter, it is best to use a delivery method that allows the other party to confirm receipt of the request, for example, by registered mail. When sending an email, you must request a confirmation of receipt by email.
  4. 4 Keep track of the processing of your request. If you have not received a response within 10 days, call and see if you need more information to expedite the process. You can also ask how long you need to wait before receiving the contract.

Method 3 of 3: Follow Up

  1. 1 Ask for a copy of the contract in writing. If you have not received a copy of the contract within a few days of making your request over the phone, write a letter asking for a copy.

    Advice: the letter should formally require a copy of the contract and request a response within 10 days.

  2. 2 Describe the contract. You must explain in as much detail as possible which copy of the agreement you would like to receive. Provide the names of the parties to the contract, the subject of the contract and the date it was signed.
  3. 3 Give specific instructions on how to fulfill your requirement. Try to get a response as quickly as possible. If you clarify all the questions, you have a better chance of getting an answer.
    • For example, you could write “please send a copy of the contract to the following address” and provide your mailing address by enclosing a stamped envelope in your name.
    • You can also write "please leave a copy of the contract with the secretary" and provide the physical address to which you want to deliver the document.
    • You can also enter your email address and write "please send a copy of the contract to the following email address."
  4. 4 Set deadlines. Indicate until what date and time you want to receive the contract. For example, you can give the recipient of the request 10 days or set the exact deadline "until September 1, 2020".
  5. 5 Warn about the consequences of refusing to provide a document. Make it clear to the recipient what happens if he does not agree to fulfill your requirements and provides you with a copy of the contract.
    • For example, you can write: "If you do not provide the required information by the specified time, I will contact the parent organization."
    • You can also write "Refusal to comply with the requirements will lead to the transfer of the case to the court."
  6. 6 Be persistent. If all else fails and you still haven't received a copy of the contract, hire a lawyer. You have legal rights under which the other party will be forced to provide you with a contract. Oftentimes, getting a threatening letter from a lawyer is all it takes to get the other party to agree to a simple requirement for a copy of the contract.
  7. 7 Find out if the other company has a copy of the agreement. In some cases, the contract may be in another company. For example, if you live in a government-funded home, the local housing authority requires a copy of the rental agreement from the property owner annually. If a lawsuit is filed against you about a rental apartment, a mortgage loan or another type of contract, most likely a copy of the contract you need is kept in the judicial office.


  • Make sure the email was delivered. To do this, send a certified letter with a notification.