How to have phone sex

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Have Phone Sex
Video: How to Have Phone Sex


Phone sex is a great way to spice up your sex life. The reason - whether it is the departure of your partner or your unwillingness to try other types of sex - does not matter. If you want to excel at phone sex, you need to free yourself up, get rid of self-doubt, prepare for reincarnation, and no matter how stupid you feel at first. If you want to learn how to have phone sex, just follow these simple instructions.


Method 1 of 2: Preparation

  1. 1 Set up a date on the phone. It is absolutely true that phone sex can be "casual" too, so it will probably work out well if it is planned ahead of time, especially if this is your first time doing it together.
    • Choose a time when you will be alone and will be able to completely relax. Your plan won't work if you lie in bed all hot and your partner gets wet outside in the rain.
    • If your partner is new to phone sex or feels insecure, share the link to this article or read it together.
    • Remember that you can always talk in advance about what you would like to have in the course of phone sex.
  2. 2 Relax and tune in. Relax completely before having sex on the phone. It will be difficult for you to enjoy the process if you feel awkward or stupid, so do whatever is necessary to feel comfortable and sexy before calling.
    • Relax: Lie down for a while, visit your favorite websites, have a glass of wine, jump, sing a silly song, or dance in front of a mirror - do something that will relieve tension.
    • Tune in: create a sexy atmosphere - this will help you tune in the right way; do whatever you normally do when preparing for sex. Here are some ideas:
      • clean the room and make the bed;
      • dim the lights, light the candles;
      • put on relaxing music;
      • take a bath or shower (shave your hair if you want);
      • put on (or take off) your favorite, sexiest clothes and lingerie;
      • get out sex toys;
      • energize yourself by stroking your body, thinking about your lover, or imagining various sexual situations that you would like to get into ... but don't get "too" turned on - a call will follow!

Method 2 of 2: Getting Started with Phone Sex

  1. 1 Start a call. Once your partner answers the phone, set a pace that both of you feel comfortable with. There is no “right” way to have phone sex.
    • If it helps you to relax, then write a few minutes before you start ... the main thing is not to be distracted from the main goal.
    • A low, deep voice or heavy breathing can help you get in the right mood. However, don't force yourself if you feel unnatural - speak and breathe normally, in a normal voice, and it will sound much sexier than over-acting.
  2. 2 Start with a neutral topic that will slowly flow into a sexy conversation. Starting a conversation is the hardest part, especially the first time! Start with a topic that is easy for you to talk about, but which can be developed later. For example:
    • tell us how you miss or want to see the person next to you;
    • tell me what you would like to do if this person is near;
    • describe what you are wearing and how you look in it;
    • tell us what you are doing;
    • describe how you feel;
    • ask your partner to describe any of the above.
  3. 3 Move on to the sexual topic. So the foundation is laid. Are you comfortable? If so, try to develop the themes or add some naughty details or change the tone. It is a good idea to describe yourself or ask your partner to describe the following things:
    • What do you do: Describe how you look and how you caress yourself. Be as cheeky as your imagination allows!
      • Ask for "advice" - for example, "Do you think it's time for me to move on to underwear?"
      • Tell us what you would like your partner to do.
      • Don't worry if you feel uncomfortable with caressing yourself - you can just let your partner know how much pleasure you get from talking to him.
    • What do you imagine: For example, what would you like to do with your partner, some moments from a past sexual relationship, or what the person on the other end of the phone describes to you.
      • You can start slowly. Start with descriptions such as “First, I iron your hair,” or “I like the way your chest looks in this T-shirt,” and then move on to more serious things like, “Then I kiss you on the neck.” or: "Do you remember how you did it to me in the shower?"
      • Usually, how far you go and how far you go is entirely up to you.
    • How are you feeling: Describe your physical or emotional state - your feelings about your actions or your partner's words.
      • Moaning is a good way to show how you are feeling. However, you shouldn't do this if you feel uncomfortable.
      • Let your partner know what you enjoy. Also, don't be afraid to talk about what you don't like at all - this way you both quickly move on to what you both like.
  4. 4 Masturbation or orgasm (optional). Masturbation and orgasm together can be a good addition to phone sex, but this is not necessary.
    • Don't be discouraged if your partner refuses to masturbate.If you do not want to masturbate alone, then ask him if he will join you before starting the conversation. Don't worry if your partner starts masturbating and you don't - you don't have to join. Just listen to how your partner caresses himself.
    • Don't worry if none of you succeed in reaching orgasm. Think of orgasm as the icing on the cake, not your primary goal.
    • If you reach orgasm before your partner, don't stop! Keep talking to him, describe how you are feeling and imagining.
  5. 5 End the conversation. The point at which you want to end is entirely up to you. There is no need to wait for the onset of orgasm, however, if you want to, end the "conversation" when you both reach it (orgasm).
    • There is no definite rule of how quickly a phone call should be ended after reaching its "peak". Some people prefer to end the conversation as soon as their breathing is normal, while others prefer to stay on the line and chat.
    • Tell your partner that you really enjoyed it before ending the call.