How to remove food coloring from skin

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 12 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean Food Coloring off Skin
Video: How to Clean Food Coloring off Skin


1 Wash the stain with warm water and soap. Wash contaminated area thoroughly with soap and water. You should have a thick foam. Sometimes this is enough to completely wash off the food coloring. Make sure your skin is well hydrated.
  • 2 Use a non-gel toothpaste. If possible, use a toothpaste that contains baking soda. This will increase the effectiveness of this method.
  • 3 Rub the stained area using toothpaste. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the stain. Rub the stain gently in a circular motion. If food coloring gets on your hands, apply the toothpaste to your hands and rub it over your skin as you would normally with soap. The toothpaste will remove food coloring from your skin.
    • You can also use a terrycloth towel along with toothpaste.
  • 4 Rub the toothpaste against the direction of hair growth for two minutes. If the toothpaste starts to dry out, dampen your skin with water and continue rubbing. This will help remove food coloring from your skin.
  • 5 Rinse your skin with warm water to rinse off the toothpaste. If you are having trouble rinsing the toothpaste off with water, try using soap and water. The food coloring will be barely visible after using this method.
  • 6 Repeat the above steps as needed. If you are unable to remove the stain, try again using toothpaste and water. If the stain is deeply embedded in the skin, you will have to repeat the process several times. If you notice irritation on your skin, take a break and repeat the process again after a few hours.
  • Method 2 of 4: Using rubbing alcohol

    1. 1 Use rubbing alcohol. If you don't have rubbing alcohol on hand, you can use acetone or nail polish remover. Note, however, that acetone and nail polish remover can irritate and dry your skin. Do not use these products if you have sensitive skin or are trying to remove food coloring from your baby's skin. If you need to remove a stain from your baby's skin, use rubbing alcohol, acetone-free nail polish remover, or hand sanitizer.
      • If food coloring gets on your face, use toothpaste.
    2. 2 Dampen a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol. If the area is large enough, use a folded paper or terrycloth towel.If you are using hand sanitizer, you can skip this step and apply the hand sanitizer directly to your skin.
    3. 3 Rub the soiled area with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Typically, this method removes food coloring from the skin in a matter of seconds.
    4. 4 Repeat the process using a new cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol if you are unable to remove the food coloring completely. Do not use an old cotton swab, as this will rub the food coloring into your skin again. Remove the old cotton swab, take a new one and soak it in rubbing alcohol. Continue the process until the stain is completely gone.
    5. 5 Wash skin with soap and water and pat dry with a towel. If you are unable to remove the entire stain, repeat the process using more rubbing alcohol. Remember to wash and dry your skin afterwards.
    6. 6 Use hand cream if you have sensitive skin. Since rubbing alcohol can dry out your skin, apply the cream after the procedure. This should be done especially if you have used acetone or nail polish remover.

    Method 3 of 4: Using vinegar and baking soda

    1. 1 Wash the contaminated area with soap and water. Soak a small terrycloth towel in water and rub it over your skin to remove any food coloring residue.
    2. 2 Dip a small, clean towel in the vinegar. Use a generous amount of vinegar. After a while, you will need to soak the towel in the vinegar again.
    3. 3 Rub the soiled area with a vinegar-dipped towel. If you experience a burning sensation or skin irritation, mix one part vinegar with one part water. Thanks to this, you will not experience an unpleasant burning sensation.
      • If you need to remove food coloring from your face, be sure to dilute the vinegar with water. You can also use toothpaste.
    4. 4 Rinse the towel in cold water and dip it again in the vinegar. When you rub your skin with a towel dipped in vinegar, it will get dirty very quickly. Therefore, you will need to rinse it in water before continuing with the process. If you do not, then only aggravate the situation by rubbing the dye into the skin even more. After rinsing the towel, dip it again in the vinegar solution. Continue rubbing the stained area until the food coloring is completely removed from your skin.
    5. 5 Make a paste of baking soda and water to remove stubborn stains from your skin. Make a paste with two parts baking soda and one part water in a small bowl. Apply the paste to the stain. Rub the skin with your fingers in a circular motion.
      • Do not overdo it. Don't rub your skin too much. Baking soda is abrasive, so using it can irritate your skin.
    6. 6 Wash off the paste with soap and water. The baking soda does not wash off the skin very well, so it will take a while to rinse the baking soda off the skin. Continue rinsing the baking soda off your skin until you've completely rinsed it off.
    7. 7 Repeat the process if necessary. As a rule, most stains disappear the first time. However, if the stain has eaten deep enough, you will have to repeat the procedure.

    Method 4 of 4: Other Methods

    1. 1 Take a bath or shower. In some cases, warm water and soap is all that is needed to remove the stain. As a rule, by the end of the shower, the stain disappears without a trace by itself.
    2. 2 Wash the contaminated area with water and stain remover. Fill a bowl with water and add stain remover. Soak your hands in the water for a few minutes. If you get stained on another part of your body, wash it off with water and stain remover.
      • Do not use this method if the contaminated area is on your face. Use toothpaste instead.
    3. 3 Make a paste with salt and vinegar. Put two to three tablespoons of salt in a bowl and add a few drops of vinegar. You should have a mixture of pasty consistency. Rinse the stain with water, then rub with a paste of salt and vinegar.Wash off the paste with soap and water.
    4. 4 Try removing food coloring from your face using a baby wet wipe. Oils break down food coloring. This makes it easy to remove the stain.
    5. 5 Try using baby or edible oil to remove the stain. Soak a cotton ball in the oil and rub the stain with it. Replace the swab with a new one as soon as it becomes dirty. Then wash the skin area with soap and water.
    6. 6 Use a shaving cream to remove food coloring from your skin. Shaving cream contains peroxide, which can help you remove food coloring from your skin. Apply the cream to the affected area and rub it over the skin. Wash off the cream from your skin with warm water and soap.
    7. 7 Scrub with dish soap, lemon juice, and a pinch of sugar. Rub the mixture until the food coloring is removed from the skin. Wash off the scrub with warm water and soap.
    8. 8 Wait. Typically, food coloring will disappear on its own after a while when you do household chores, wash your hands, or take a bath or shower. It will take 24 to 36 hours for the stain to disappear completely.


    • Use a toothbrush or nail brush to remove food coloring from hard-to-reach areas, such as under your nails.
    • Apply hand cream to the affected area of ​​your skin before proceeding to remove the stain. The oils in the cream will help you remove food coloring from your skin faster.
    • Act quickly. Remove the stain as quickly as possible. The longer it stays on the skin, the more difficult it will be for you to remove it.
    • Using shaving cream is a fairly effective method. Please note to keep your hands wet before applying the shaving cream.


    • Acetone and nail polish remover can irritate and dry your skin. Do not use these products if you have sensitive skin or are trying to remove food coloring from your baby's skin.
    • Baking soda and vinegar can cause a burning sensation. If you have sensitive skin, be very careful.

    What do you need

    • Toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, or vinegar / soda
    • Water
    • Cotton swabs (optional)
    • Terry towel (optional)
    • Hand cream (recommended)

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