How to close a trade

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Open and Close a Trade in Metatrader
Video: How to Open and Close a Trade in Metatrader


If you are a salesperson in a retail store or a small business owner, then you know very well that convincing a customer to buy your product or service means financial satisfaction for both you and the buyer. Anyone can sell something, but getting the most out of the deal and attracting your visitors to continue doing business with you in the future requires a wealth of experience and skill. Below are a few tips to guide your sales talent towards attracting even more buyers.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Fertilize the Soil for Sale

  1. 1 Welcome and motivate the buyer. Despite being involved in a business transaction, there is nothing wrong with establishing a friendly relationship with a potential buyer. If you welcome your buyer, it will be much easier and more pleasant for him to conclude any trade deal with you.
    • Find a smile in your eyes. The human eye can easily recognize a fake smile.How? The fact is that a sincere smile is performed not only in the mouth, but also in the eyes, while a deceitful grin interacts only with the muscles of the mouth, which immediately catches the eye of your interlocutor.
    • Be careful with excessive eye contact. Researchers at Harvard University have found that sellers who are overly addicted to eye contact actually scare away their buyers from completing a sale. This statement is based on the theory that eye contact is aimed at establishing superiority, and not at all on what might prompt you to make a purchase.
  2. 2 Find out exactly what your customer needs. Feel free to spend as much time as necessary in order to acquire invaluable information about what your client is interested in. There is nothing worse than selling an item that the buyer will soon be disappointed with. One of the best questions to ask a customer needs is, "What will you use this product for?" Keep asking questions to determine what this customer really needs. This approach demonstrates your desire to study the economic need of this person, as well as your legitimate interest in his buying priorities.
  3. 3 Recommend a product or service that suits you. It is very important to understand how your products or services are arranged, which will give you the ability to offer the most suitable service or product for your client. Try to familiarize the buyer with the widest range of your products and services in order to find exactly the one that meets the needs of your client.
    • Many successful restaurants allow their waiters to sample certain dishes from the menu, which allows them to be deeply aware of what their restaurant has to offer. This method combines professionalism with personal experience, which will allow waiters to present customers with rich and eloquent answers to the question: "Deflope? And in a little more detail, what is it?"
    • Try to try as many as possible, if not all of the products in your product range. Buyers per kilometer feel unprofessional and inexperienced, so enrich your baggage with the knowledge of what you are selling, even if you have to pay for some products, because this small investment will bring you a lot of successful sales and income tomorrow.
  4. 4 Listen and watch for buying signals from your customers. Buying signals can either sound spoken or appear as a non-verbal cue. Questions such as: "How can this thing be useful to me?" or "Which tie suits my shirt best?" are classic examples of speech buying signals. Non-verbal signs can appear when you, of course, personally deal with the buyer, for example, the client tries on the product as if he already owns it.
  5. 5 Close the purchase deal. As soon as you see obvious signals that a customer is ready to buy a product, immediately stop selling and simply close the sale. One of the most common mistakes is continuing to try to sell and offer products after the buyer has already made his choice and is ready to make a purchase.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Closing the Sell Trade

  1. 1 Decide on a direct or indirect method of closing a trade. The above methods are the main types of successful sale completion. The best place to start is by mastering the indirect method. Unless, of course, the client is on his knees in front of you, begging to buy this or that product, the indirect type of sale is the most acceptable in trade circles.
    • Direct method: "Can I start packing this milking you?" or "Let me email you a copy of your contract."
    • Indirect method: "How do you feel about the proposed conditions?" "Do you understand everything in this agreement?" "Does this product meet the needs of your company?"
  2. 2 Use a list of pros and cons if you want to satisfy the rational side of your client. Most sales are the result of emotional decisions in which the buyer has already convinced himself that their decision to make a purchase is quite logical (buying a car, for example). Although, sometimes there are trading situations when everything is suspended on simple "pros" and "cons" of a given product. Use Ben Franklin's list, or also known as the pros and cons list, to strike a bargain with the rational buyer.
    • Using Ben Franklin's list, the seller and the buyers will weigh the pros and cons of the item. A good salesperson will try to make more arguments for than against.
  3. 3 Experience a puppy-for-hire-style bargaining experience. As you may have guessed, this method originated in pet stores, where sellers allow you to take a puppy for a day or two, and then return it if you don't like it. And as you think, basically all people quickly get used to a new pet and can no longer part with him. This method should be used if you are confident that your product has this irresistible puppy charisma.
  4. 4 Use the guessing method. Use this type of selling only if you have a lot of successful sales experience and the so-called trading instinct. With this method, the seller behaves as if the buyer has already agreed to buy some product, and the seller seems to be calmly wrapping up the purchase: "The speaker system is just killer. I guarantee that you will fall in love with the V8 crazy - the engine sounds like a song. So, did you want red or black? " Notice how the salesperson assumes that the deal is already in his pocket, preventing the customer from opening his mouth to object. But the disadvantages of this method are quite obvious. Use with care.
    • Experience the "better bird in hand than pie in the sky" sale. In this case, the seller tries to sell by reminding them that the quantity of this product is not infinite and that, perhaps, this product will not appear on store shelves until next year. By doing so, you appeal to your client's feelings of regret.
    • Use the methodall ages are submissive to the purchaseIn this way, you, too, affect your customer's feelings of regret by turning their objection, which sounds like it’s too early to make a given purchase, to the fact that it’s never too late to make the major purchases of life.
    • Apply method trading games: The seller pushes the customer to buy by offering a small discount, justified by the fact that: "If I can sell this product, then my wife and I can go on that cruise." This affects the client's feelings of pity, because your fate depends on his decision to buy or not.
  5. 5 Try to do it your way by hovering the final touch. This method is based on the principle that consent to a small flaw gives consent to complete a trade in its entirety. "Do you prefer to have our wireless service enabled? No? Okay, we'll keep everything except the wireless service."
  6. 6 Selling with one or two negative assumptions. Repeating questions such as "Is there anything else you might not understand about this product?" or “Do you have any reason to refuse to sign this contract?” puts the customer in the position that he or she has no more reason to refuse to purchase. Keep asking these questions until the buyer agrees to the deal.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Making the Last Favorable Experience

  1. 1 Stay with the customer as long as possible without creating unnecessary intrusiveness and fuss. If you constantly rush back and forth to your manager's office and back, you are sowing a grain of doubt in your client's mind. Try to stay close to your client and calmly continue the selling process after you have sensed the initial interest from the buyer. Use your precious time to validate your client's choice.
  2. 2 You should not buy more expensive goods if the client does not want it. Sniffing is the art of selling additional accessories or items that are more expensive than what the customer originally planned to purchase. (Would you like to order a TV 10 centimeters larger?) Sniffing works well when the customer doesn't really know what he wants, but most merchants neglect this method. There are two simple reasons why sniffing should be avoided:
    • This can make the customer doubt their original purchase. If a buyer loses confidence in their choice, the best thing a good seller can do is sell the product as soon as possible. Sniffing often makes us think about things that we would never think about on our own.
    • You run the risk of scaring the client back to you in the future. Many truly gifted salespeople suffer from customer loss due to over-sniffing. If you shove the customer with something that he did not want, then it is unlikely that he will ever return to you for shopping.
  3. 3 Stay confident, even if more and more tricky surprises cloud your sanity when selling. Confidence is everything in the art of selling. Every failure sows our minds with seeds of insecurity, but this should not concern you, since you are confident in yourself and remain so even when faced with danger. After all, every time a customer buys something from you, he also hopes to acquire a piece of that confidence of yours along with a new car, vacuum cleaner or insurance. Remember this. Expect to make a sale on any call or visitor.
  4. 4 Stay connected with buyers. Good customer contact is essential when building loyal customers. Offer all kinds of assistance to buyers after you have made a trade. Make sure that all the products you sell meet the needs of the buyer and if he has any questions, then you are always at his service.


  • Know what you are selling well. There is nothing better than having excellent knowledge of any information about your products or services.
  • Even if you have not been able to sell a certain product, try to reward the potential buyer with a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere, which can push that person to return to you in the future for the purpose of making a purchase.
  • Feel free to use your sense of humor to establish good contact with a client, but always know where and when to be serious.
  • If the buyer is not giving any buying signals, then resort to a test sale to check if they are interested in buying. Otherwise, keep evaluating.
  • Do not hurry. Even if the buyer is in a hurry, you absolutely need to offer everything they need to use this product.


  • If you're doing a face-to-face deal, make sure you look professional with no frills. Your presentability will give your buyer more confidence when purchasing your products.
  • Stop selling or sniffing if the buyer gives all the signals that he is ready to buy, just take him to the checkout and complete the trade, otherwise, excessive persistence to sell something will lead your client into a state of delusion and uncertainty about making a purchase as such.