How to put a cat in the eye

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to give eye medication to a cat
Video: How to give eye medication to a cat


There is not a single cat / cat in the world who would like any restrictions in their actions or who would enjoy the way they bury their eyes. Their aversion to this necessary procedure may lead you to the idea of ​​going to the vet. Despite this, nothing suggests that you will not be able to cope with this task. You need to remain calm, determined and follow our instructions.


  1. 1 - Place the cat / cat on the table or on your lap. To make the animal sit quietly, grasp its body with one hand. You can also wrap the cat / cat in a towel to prevent the animal from scratching you or your helper. Stand behind the cat / cat so that he / she does not fall.
  2. 2 - Make sure your eyes are clean before you bury them. Use a damp cotton pad to remove all dirt.
  3. 3 Ointment. Place one hand gently on the animal's head and use it to open the eyelid. Hold the tube of ointment directly over the cat's / cat's eye. Hold the tube at an angle so it doesn't point directly into the eyeball. Be careful not to hurt your eye. Squeeze out a small amount of the ointment. Allow your pet to close their eyes and then give them a gentle eyelid massage.
  4. 4 Eye drops. Open the animal's eye and keep it open (see point above). Hold the bottle over the animal's eye. Squeeze out one drop so that it hits the center of the eye. Let the animal close its eye. Repeat the procedure as necessary. Make sure that the animal does not rub its eyes. Give him a rewarding treat when you finish.


  • Use medication prescribed by your veterinarian.
  • Bury the eyes of the animal only if the veterinarian has prescribed drops.

What do you need

  • Cat Kitty
  • Eye drops / ointment
  • Wet cotton pads
  • Towel
  • Table