How to clean and wax your floor

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
How to Strip and Wax A Floor
Video: How to Strip and Wax A Floor


Read on to learn how to professionally clean and wax your floor. Follow the instructions and you will clean and scrub your floor in no time!


  1. 1 Buy a deep floor cleaning stripper, match it to your floor.
    • To make your job easier, choose a stripper that does not require additional rinsing and is certified, such as Tera Choice (Canada) or Green Seal (USA).
    • For best results, use a floor stripper from the same brand as the wax.
  2. 2 Buy or rent an electric floor scrubber and wet - dry vacuum to reduce heavy work. The heavier the machine, the easier it will be to clean the floor (and protective covering). The electric scraper cleans the flooring and parquet flooring, while the wet - dry vacuum sucks in residues from the scraper, flooring or parquet flooring.
  3. 3 Collect all household items.
  4. 4 Remove all furniture, rugs, pet bowls. Remove or suck up all dust, crumbs and dirt with a vacuum.
  5. 5 Test the squeegee on a less visible part of the floor before starting. Some old linoleum surfaces will not be cleaned and paint may peel off.
  6. 6 Define your plan of action. You need to start at the corner farthest from the exit. If you do everything by hand, then peel 60-120 cm at a time. If you are using an electric scraper, then you can grab parts wider - about 10 square meters at a time.
  7. 7 Fill the bucket with a stripper and dilute according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  8. 8 Put all your scrapers and tools in another bucket.
  9. 9 Place all three buckets in the corner of the room where you want to start.
  10. 10 Use a mop for spreading the wax stripper over each part of the floor (60-120 cm). Apply enough stripper to fill the surface, but do not flood and soak seams and cracks. Apply the stripper more thoroughly to tight spots.
  11. 11 Allow the stripper to soak according to the instructions, use a stiff brush (or electric scraper if available) to spread the wax over one surface while it hardens on another.
  12. 12 Use a toothbrush to clean any nooks and crannies and a spatula to scrape off any lumps and layers in the corners.
  13. 13 Use a rubber squeegee to pick up any remaining wax and stripper in a scoop. Absorb any excess liquid with a rag or mop. Leave it all in the third bucket. (Or just suck up the leftovers with a wet - dry vacuum, if available).
  14. 14 Spread the stripper over the third section before scrubbing the second, so the stripper will already be absorbed while you work on the second section.
  15. 15 Proceed in this manner until you have finished cleaning the entire floor. Check if you have also cleaned the skirting boards. Always distribute the stripper to the next section while cleaning another, but also take into account that the stripper will be difficult to remove once it dries.
  16. 16 If you are unable to scrape off excess accumulations on one of the sections, remove everything you can and reapply the stripper. Leave the wax to soak in while you work on another section, then scrape off any excess residue again.
  17. 17 Clean the floor if you have used a stripper that requires rinsing.
  18. 18 Leave the floor to dry completely. You can install a fan next to the floor to speed up the process.
  19. 19 Apply a protective coating (usually 2 coats) and the flooring (3 coats) immediately after the floor is dry to provide protection. Use wax sparingly to avoid further wax build-up.


  • Apply thin layers of flooring, let the product absorb well. Then polish the floor with a high speed machine.
  • Do everything on time. Otherwise, the floor may deteriorate.
  • Remember that 5 layers of coating should be thinner than a piece of waxed paper.


  • Test the stripper on an old floor covering that contains asbestos. If you have asbestos tiled floors, use a strong, safe degreaser, such as Brulin's Terragreen, to your cleaning brush.

What do you need

  • Latex gloves
  • Sunglasses
  • Cotton mop (a rayon mop will work too)
  • Several hard cleaning pads (preferably black)
  • Toothbrush
  • Putty knife
  • Floor or window scraper
  • Plastic scoop
  • Rags
  • Three buckets (You won't need a mop, scoop and rags if you are using a wet-dry vacuum).