How to cook Bratwurst sausages in the oven

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Cook Sausage in the Oven
Video: How to Cook Sausage in the Oven


1 Place the foil on a high-sided baking sheet and place in the oven. Place a sheet of aluminum foil on a baking sheet and secure it by folding the edges of the sheet on both sides of the baking sheet. This is necessary in order not to stain the baking sheet and prevent the sausages from burning. Place the foil on a baking sheet and place the baking sheet in the preheating oven.
  • To bake Bratwurst sausages, you can use a baking sheet, baking dish, or any other suitable utensil. The main thing is that there is enough space for all the sausages and a small distance can be left between the sausages.
  • A baking sheet with high sides is convenient because sausages cannot roll out of it.
  • 2 Preheat the oven up to 200 ° C. After placing the baking sheet in the oven, preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Wait 10-15 minutes for the oven to warm up to the desired temperature. If your oven has a built-in thermometer, you can use it to keep track of the temperature.
    • If you place the Bratwurst sausages in a preheated oven, you will not be mistaken with the cooking time, since you can time the time when the oven is already at the right temperature.
    • The baking sheet must be heated with the oven, as this will cause the sausages to brown during baking.
  • 3 Remove the baking sheet from the oven and place the Bratwurst sausages in one layer on top of it. Remove the baking sheet from the oven using oven mitts. Place it on a stovetop or on a heat-resistant plate on the table, and then place the sausages on the foil.
    • Leave a small distance between the sausages to bake evenly. It is not necessary to put the sausages too far apart, it is enough to leave a gap of 1–2 cm.
  • 4 Place the Bratwurst sausage pan in the oven for about 45 minutes. After 20 minutes of baking, gently turn the sausages over to the other side with kitchen tongs. This will cook them evenly on both sides. Bake the sausages for another 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.
    • Remember to grab the oven mitts when you take the baking sheet out of the oven.
  • 5 Bake the Bratwurst sausages until the inside temperature is 70 ° C. The sausages are fully cooked when the inside temperature reaches 70 ° C. Pierce the thickest part of the sausage with a thermometer to measure the temperature.
    • Meat readiness should not be determined by cooking time, but by the temperature of the inside. Small sausages can take 30 minutes to cook, while large sausages can take about 1 hour.
  • 6 Let the Bratwurst sausages cool for 5 minutes and then serve. While the meat is cooking, its meat juice is collected in the very center. If you do not serve the sausages right away, but let them lie down for 5 minutes after you take them out of the oven, during this time the juice will again be distributed evenly inside the sausages, due to which the sausages will be tastier and more tender!
    • Store leftover sausages in an airtight container in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days or in the freezer for no more than 1-2 months.

    Advice: try serving Bratwurst sausages with lightly fried onions and peppers. You can also serve the dish with fried vegetables and potatoes!

  • Method 2 of 3: Searing

    1. 1 Move the top rack of the oven to the highest level. Most ovens have a heating element at the top of the oven. It gives a powerful stream of direct heat, which allows you to quickly cook food, so it is necessary to place the Bratwurst sausages as close to the burner as possible.
      • On older models of ovens, the heating element can be located at the bottom in a special compartment under the oven. In this case, you do not need to rearrange the grating.
    2. 2 Turn on the grill setting and preheat the oven for 10 minutes. The grill mode usually cannot be set to the temperature, there is only the ability to turn it on or off. If your oven has the ability to set the grill temperature to high or low, set it to high. After 10 minutes, the oven should warm up.
      • The oven heats up very quickly, therefore, the grates should be rearranged before switching on, otherwise you can burn yourself.
    3. 3 Place the Bratwurst sausages on the roasting rack so that they do not touch each other. This grid is usually placed on a frying pan or drip tray.Hot air will actively circulate through the holes in the grill, which will help to cook the sausages evenly.
      • There must be a tray under the grate, which will prevent drops of juice from the sausages from getting to the bottom of the oven. Dripping onto the bottom of the oven may cause a fire.
    4. 4 Fry the Bratwurst sausages for 15–20 minutes. To prevent the sausages from burning, turn them over every 5 minutes with kitchen tongs. To turn the sausages, you need to pull the pan out of the oven a little. Use potholders for this so as not to burn yourself.
      • Do not touch the grate when turning the sausages. It will be very hot. Touching it can burn you.
    5. 5 Remove the Bratwurst sausages from the oven when they have a golden crust and grill marks. Frying in the oven usually leaves no residue on the food, but in this case, dark streaks from the hot grate may appear on the sausages. If it's cloudy outside and there is no way to light the grill, this is a great way to make Bratwurst sausages almost like charcoal!
      • Bratwurst sausages are made from minced pork, so their readiness should be checked not by their appearance, but with a thermometer.
    6. 6 Make sure the inside temperature of the sausages reaches 70 ° C. Use a meat thermometer to pierce the thickest part of the sausage. If the temperature reaches 70 ° C, the sausages are ready!
      • If the inside temperature of the sausages has not reached 70 ° C, put them in the oven for another 5 minutes and then check the temperature again.
    7. 7 Leave the Bratwurst sausages to cool for 5 minutes. Do not serve the sausages right away, but let them sit for a while. During this time, the sausages are completely saturated with juice, and, moreover, you will not burn your tongue. You will have delicious and tender sausages, as if they had just been removed from the grill!
      • Place the remaining sausages in an airtight container or in a plastic bag with a fastener. They can be stored no more than 3-4 days in the refrigerator and no more than 2 months in the freezer.

    Method 3 of 3: Bratwurst Beer Braised Sausages

    1. 1 Preheat oven to 200 ° C. The sausages will be stewed in beer, and the oven must be preheated to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly cooked. Before putting the sausages in the oven, let it warm up for 10-15 minutes to the desired temperature.
      • If you preheat the oven, you can't go wrong with the cooking time of the sausages. If you put the sausages in a cold oven, you will also need to consider the oven warm-up time.
    2. 2 Chop the onion rings and chop 2 cloves of garlic. Take a sharp knife and carefully cut the white onion into rings about 1/2 cm thick and divide the rings into thin strips. Then chop the garlic as small as possible.
      • If you don't like adding a lot of onions or the onion is very large, cut it in half and use only half.
      • If you have watery eyes while slicing onions, place the onion in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, but no longer, so that the onion does not become too soft.
      • Not everyone loves garlic. In this dish, it goes well with onions and beer, but if you are not a fan of garlic, you can cook sausages without it.
    3. 3 Take a deep baking dish and place the onion and garlic in it. If the shape is deep enough (5–7 cm), its size is not so important. The best option is a standard 23 cm x 33 cm baking dish.
      • After preparing this dish, it is easy to wash the dishes, as they usually do not get very dirty. To avoid wasting time washing dishes at all, use disposable aluminum foil trays!
    4. 4 Pour in some olive oil, add salt and pepper, and add Worcestershire sauce. With the onion and garlic in the pan, add 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 ml) olive oil and 2-3 tablespoons (30-44 ml) Worcestershire sauce, then add salt and pepper to taste. Stir all ingredients.
      • You can sweeten your dish a little by adding 1 tablespoon (12.5 g) brown sugar.
      • For a spicier meal, add 1 teaspoon (1.5 g) ground red pepper.
    5. 5 Place 5 Bratwurst sausages in a mold. While spreading the sausages, lightly press them into the onion mixture. While the onions are stewing and softening in the beer, they will gradually begin to envelop the sausages, due to which the taste of the sausages and onions will become more intense.
    6. 6 Pour the sausages and onions with two 0.33 liter cans of beer. Any type of beer can be used, from the cheapest brands from the store to draft beers at the local beer shop. Fill the mold with beer so that the sausages are half submerged in it.
      • The taste of the dish will depend on the type of beer you choose. For example, a light beer will give a mild flavor, while a dark beer will give a dish a deeper and richer flavor.
      • If you're looking for a cross between light and dark beers, try adding an amber beer to your dish.
      • If you are cooking on a small baking sheet, you may need even less beer than the can.
    7. 7 Cover the baking dish tightly with aluminum foil. Place a long sheet of foil on top of the mold and fold it over the edges of the mold. Thanks to this, the Bratwurst sausages will be steamed thoroughly and, as a result, will acquire a richer taste and become juicier.
      • If one sheet of foil is not enough, cover the mold with a second overlapping sheet.
    8. 8 Place the baking dish in the oven for 1 hour. After preheating the oven and covering the tin with foil, place the Bratwurst sausages in the oven on the middle wire rack. After 30 minutes, turn them over to the other side. Carefully remove the mold using oven mitts and turn the sausages over. Place the mold back in the oven and cook for another 30 minutes.
      • Be careful when unscrewing the foil - strong steam will come out of the mold. Do not expose your hands and face to the stream of steam, otherwise you will get burned.
      • Do not pierce the sausages with a fork, otherwise juice will leak out.
      • After an hour, remove the sausages from the oven and check the temperature of the inside of the sausages by piercing one of them with a thermometer in the thickest part. If the temperature reaches 70 ° C, the sausages are ready! If not, put the mold back in the oven for 5-10 minutes and then check the temperature again.
    9. 9 Place the Bratwurst sausages on the bread, place the onions on top and serve. Beer stewed onions are ideal with Bratwurst sausages on soft bread. If you like, dry the bread in a toaster and top the sausages with mustard, or just make a sausage sandwich without mustard and onions.
      • Store leftover sausages in a plastic container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days or in the freezer for up to 2 months.

      What else can you eat Bratwurst sausages with: place sauerkraut or pickles on top of the sausages!

    What do you need

    For baking

    • Baking tray with high sides
    • Aluminium foil
    • Potholders
    • Heat Resistant Stand (Optional)
    • Meat thermometer
    • Kitchen tongs
    • Oven

    For frying

    • Stove burner
    • Lattice with pallet
    • Kitchen tongs
    • Potholders
    • Meat thermometer

    For stewing in beer

    • Oven
    • Cutting board
    • Sharp knife
    • Baking dish 23 cm x 33 cm
    • Aluminium foil
    • Potholders