How to forget someone you've never met

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Missing memories that never got made and missing the people you never met  // a playlist
Video: Missing memories that never got made and missing the people you never met // a playlist


It may be hard enough to forget someone after breaking up, but forgetting someone you’ve never been with will be just as difficult for many similar reasons - if there are no more of them. You need to confront the problem with courage and honesty until you put an end to it and start moving on.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Identifying the Problem

  1. 1 Confess your feelings. You already know that you have feelings for this person. However, if you have not fully admitted to yourself how powerful they are, you need to do so before you start to forget about them. Ignoring the strength of the enemy - in this case, your own love feelings - will only distance you from victory.
    • Even though you've never met, you've spent a lot of time, energy, and emotion on this person. The depth of your feelings probably reflects this.
    • Resist the urge to dismiss the problem by saying it's “silly little fad”. If you admit the depth of your feelings, your pride will suffer a little, but in the end, this act will be much more useful than denial.
  2. 2 Tell yourself the truth. There are two main things you need to admit to yourself. First, this person does not share your feelings. Secondly, your situation is no different from those that happened to other people.
    • Your feelings are one-sided. Even if you know it, honestly admitting it can be one of the most difficult steps in the entire process. You may want to think that something is going to happen between you, but the point is, your feelings are not mutual.
    • Other people have experienced the same experience that you are now. The good news is that this means that you are not alone and that you will experience it in the same way that those who have gone through it all before you. The bad news is, chances are your situation is no exception to the rule. You may think you're going to fall in love with the other person, but despite everything that romance novels and romantic movies tell us, this rarely happens in life. Your situation is likely to have a real, not a fairy tale ending.
  3. 3 Realize that it's not worth it. Falling in love can be a pleasant feeling, but at a certain stage, it starts to bring more pain than pleasure. Letting go of your feelings will make you happier in the future.
    • Tell yourself honestly if you are happy with the situation. Chances are, if you're searching the internet and reading an article on how to forget someone you've never met, the answer is no. If you are not happy, it’s best to move on so that you can be happy again sometime.
  4. 4 Stop giving importance to the little things. A loved one may say or do something that misleads you, but more often than not, what seems deceiving to us is deceiving just because we desperately want hope. If the action does not indicate love directly, do not tell yourself that it is implied.
    • The vast majority of guys behave in such a way that their reciprocity will be obvious. While girls are known for their ability to send mixed signals, if you're not hiding your feelings and she doesn't respond in the same way, then she's most likely not interested in you.
  5. 5 Review your memories. You probably have a history of communication, and you could afford to believe that this communication means a possible spark. Think again and be honest with yourself about whether this spark ever existed.
    • Treat your memories as objectively as you began to deal with your communication in the present.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Putting an End to Everything

  1. 1 Stop thinking about little things all the time. If you've communicated in the past, you may need to do so in the present. You need to stop coming back to these moments of communication over and over again.
    • Everything from a touch on your hand, a smile in your direction, or a sweet greeting can take over your mind for hours if you let it happen.
    • Once you catch yourself doing something like this, you need to turn your attention to something else.
  2. 2 Increase the distance between you. As the saying goes, “out of sight - out of mind.” You do not need to permanently break the connection with this person, but for the period of your not-parting you need to create the maximum distance.
    • It will be more difficult if you study, work together, or see each other constantly. But it can also be difficult if this person is a close friend of yours.
    • If you cannot completely cut the connection, at least distance yourself as far as possible. If you deliberately walk down the hallway just to meet this person, for example, take a different route.
  3. 3 Your world shouldn't revolve around him or her. Stop adjusting to that person's interests and schedule. Let your life be again the way it was before meeting this person.
    • If you've convinced yourself that you like something just because your loved one likes it, be honest with yourself and forget about it.
    • Stop rearranging your schedule or changing your daily routine just to meet this person or do something nice for him or her.
  4. 4 Look at him or her objectively. Unfortunately, most people tend to put their loved one on a pedestal. Take your love object off that pedestal and honestly admit his or her mistakes.
    • This does not mean that you should hate the person, especially if they are truly praiseworthy. However, it does mean that you must point out mistakes and shortcomings to yourself and acknowledge that he or she is the embodiment of the ideal.
  5. 5 Tell yourself why this relationship would be a mistake. This person can be a good man or woman, but that doesn't mean you are right for each other. Convince yourself that such a relationship would, in fact, be a mistake.
    • State the reasons why your relationship would end in a breakup. You can start with incompatible goals or value systems.
    • This can be especially helpful if you are close friends with the other person, as breaking up after the relationship could end your friendship as well.
  6. 6 Discuss this with your friends. Find a few friends who sympathize with you and cry on their shoulders. Friends can often forget about everything and move on.
    • Not everyone will understand your dilemma, but many will.
    • Friends who are also single are more likely to sympathize with you, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk to friends in a relationship.
  7. 7 Talk to your loved one if the situation is right. This can be a risky move and won't work for everyone. If, however, the light of your eyes already has an idea of ​​your feelings or is offended by the fact that you are distant, you may consider explaining your feelings to this person.
    • If you think your feelings might be used against you, or if you don't want the situation to get “weird,” talking to that person might be a bad idea.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Move on

  1. 1 Pay off. While this is not a real breakup, it does not mean that it is less painful. Allow yourself to cry, get angry, and just let your emotions out. If you give free rein to your emotions, you will feel better than suppressing them.
    • As with a real breakup, there must be a limit. Allow yourself to cry for days or weeks, but do not allow yourself to be completely immersed in self-pity. It is completely normal to be upset, but at the same time, you need to work to get rid of that grief.
    • Avoid irrational aggression towards this person. He or she may have deliberately played with your feelings, but it could have happened by accident. You can't control falling in love, but he or she couldn't bring himself to fall in love.
  2. 2 Be active and distract yourself. You need to distract your thoughts from this person, and the best way to achieve this is by filling your mind with other thoughts that will push that person into the background.
    • Exercise and physical activity can instantly distract you while exhausting you so much that you won't have the energy to think about your pain.
    • Activities you love can be a great distraction, especially if it’s something you’ve never done or enjoyed with the person you want to forget.
    • Enlist the support of friends if needed, or go on an adventure on your own.
  3. 3 Raise your self-esteem. Do something that gives you confidence.Ending a relationship that never started can hurt your self-worth, because it means someone else thinks you are not worthy of it. If you fail to take steps to raise your self-esteem, you yourself may begin to think that you are unworthy.
    • If you're having trouble accepting your own body, take the opportunity and change your diet and exercise regimen. As you get leaner and toned, your self-esteem will also improve.
    • Look for healthy ways to improve yourself. Sign up for classes in a subject that interests you, but that you have never studied. Explore new art forms like theater or opera. Expand your horizons and become a well-rounded person.
  4. 4 Dress up and go out in public. Try to look your best and force yourself to plunge into the world of single people. Let's see if you can get some attention.
    • For the same purpose, you can create a profile on a dating site. Even if you never intend to meet these people in life and decide to maintain a profile for only a week, if they write you messages, you will feel more attractive and confident.
    • One thing to avoid, though - don't mislead people if you don't want a relationship. Attention can be pleasant, but if you manipulate other people's feelings, then you are simply transferring your pain to someone innocent.
  5. 5 Find someone new. Let yourself fall in love with the new person. Your feelings do not have to be as serious or deep as they were for the person you are trying to forget, but if you allow yourself to see someone else attractive or desirable, then you will be distracted from the person you want to forget about.
    • It's up to you whether or not to date this person, but always remember to renew the relationship. You can hurt yourself or someone else if you only use it as temporary support.
  6. 6 Give it time. As with a real breakup, you won't be able to forget someone you've never met overnight. Be patient and trust the process.
    • The length of time you need may depend on the depth of your feelings and how close you were to the person. The entire process can take weeks, months, or even years.
  7. 7 Ask yourself if it's a good idea to keep in touch. If this person is a good friend of yours, you may not want to end the relationship completely. Once you've decided that your feelings are stable, you can try to get your friendship back.
    • If you feel like your feelings are coming back, step back again. You have gone through a lot of pain and worked hard to get things done, and the very last thing to do now is to open new wounds that have just healed.


  • Use this experience in the future. You must not allow the pain of this experience to cause you to give up on love and avoid people. You should, however, use this experience to notice signals that you are falling into the same trap. Once you feel that your new sympathy is not responding to your feelings, release it and move on instead of denying everything.