How to get bad

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FNF Indie Cross How to get Bad to the Bone Song + Bad Route Ending
Video: FNF Indie Cross How to get Bad to the Bone Song + Bad Route Ending


Being bad is all about attitude. Even if you secretly - honey - shh, don't tell anyone! - You can cultivate a bad personality in yourself thanks to several secret tricks. Learn to project a bad attitude, speak like a bad child followed by trouble, and learn to look bad to deceive them all. It's fun to be bad if you do it right.


Method 1 of 3: Behaving Badly

  1. 1 Become the life of the party. If you're going to be bad, fun should come first. Ambition, responsibilities and high seriousness can be in the background while you take everything from life. As a bad kid, you always need to be intriguing, partying and teasing. Always laugh and have a good time.
    • When you enter the premises, your friends should be equally happy and horrified at your arrival. Everyone should pay attention to your attitude, your gait, and your style. You have to really highlight the danger.
    • When you enter the classroom, never fuss so that you can quickly take your place and sit quietly. Poke your friend in the ribs and say: "What is it, professor?" and burp before sitting down. Place your feet on the table. You're bad.
  2. 2 Don't take on new responsibilities. It's hard to be a rule breaker when you're worried about having to go back to your dorm room and feed your roommate's fish, or having to pick up your little sister from school every day. The bad guy immediately gives up all unnecessary responsibilities. You have enough strength and energy just to keep an eye on one single person. Behind myself. Don't take on unnecessary responsibilities that keep you from doing more important things. Doze, for example.
    • It is important to take responsibility for yourself. If you absolutely have to do something, do it. You can't make yourself happy if you get in trouble and have to sit at home all day. If someone else is dependent on you, do what needs to be done. And then get yourself into trouble.
  3. 3 Be late everywhere. Getting there on time is for nerds, suckers, and teacher's favorites. Do you ring for lesson? Now what? Is the break at work over? Who cares? There is no point in arriving on time. The party starts anyway when you walk in. Let them wait.
    • A bad kid never comes to a party until it's in full swing. Show up late, a couple of hours after the expected start. Never be the first to come.
  4. 4 To assert your hooligan behavior, break the little rules. Little rules are made to be broken. This is how people will know that you are one of the bad guys and not some law-abiding citizen. Find the little things you can do wrong without getting into serious trouble and you will quickly build up a reputation for breaking the rules and being the bad guy.
    • Break the dress code by wearing jewelry or the wrong colors on the wrong day. Always pretend it's a mistake. "I didn't know (a)" - should be your main phrase, and immediately after it: "What will I do?"
    • There is a difference between a bad-behaved person and a real troublemaker and criminal. Do not break the law or engage in illegal activities that can cause serious trouble.
  5. 5 Relax badly. Being bad is hard work.You need to learn to relax and be bad at the same time. Never quit your bad habits. When you have some free time, consider the following activities:
    • Play golf and lose hard and then blame your teen driver. Scold the guy and report him to the manager. Get him fired.
    • Take a relaxing Sunday stroll during rush hour. Let your anger boil. Cut others. But it's safe, of course. There is no point in scratching your car.
    • Hunt like an adult. Go on hunting expeditions where you can hunt beautiful animals that have no way to defend themselves. Store trophies and hang them on your wall.
  6. 6 Assemble a team of attackers to match yourself. From wolves to teenagers, the bad ones live in packs. Find a street gang or other bad guys and make your gang out of them. If you want to give it more style, you can even get leather jackets with patches on the back and this will be the gang officially. Go and clang, buddy. Go and clang.
  7. 7 Pretend you don't care about the punishment. If you are hooligan enough, you will be punished for a considerable amount of time. Punishment for a child usually means that he or she will be sent to sleep without dinner, suspended from school, or worse. As they get older, the punishments will get stricter. Whatever the consequences for you, meet them with an icy and stoic air. Remain calm when you face punishment.
    • When you find out what kind of punishment they have invented for you, say something cool, like: "This seems to be fun." You will knock the soil out from under the feet of your punisher.
    • You should always be aware of the possible consequences of your actions. Never break a rule you don't want to pay for.
  8. 8 Find yourself a lucrative villainous occupation. If you want to become bad full-time, then it's not a bad idea to find a job that puts your hard-won skills to work. Good career options for bad guys include:
    • Work in the media as the propaganda king for a logging corporation. Become the face of forest destruction.
    • Work in a slaughterhouse. Kill cute pigs, cows and other farm animals for a living. A strong stomach comes in handy.
    • Become a lawyer in court and only defend criminals. The worse their crimes are, the more satisfied you will be when they are released.
    • Become a police officer or security guard at the mall. Find yourself a small kingdom and rule in it with all possible immorality. Wear sunglasses.

Method 2 of 3: Conversation Bully

  1. 1 Criticize instead of complimenting. When talking to someone, never compliment them. Instead, always find a reason to point out what they are doing wrong. Point out small failures and big disappointments. If necessary, deviate from the main topic. Never let another succeed.
    • Try dubious compliments. "You look so good. But I bet you dream of being smarter too."
    • Also practice the art of modest bragging: "Oh, you were in France, right? And I went there five years ago. It seems to be good there. I was bored, of course. But I think you liked it."
  2. 2 Never start conversations, but always end them on a negative note. You have to become like a black hole for other people to communicate. Sit with a grimace on your face and never bring anything into the conversation. If it comes to a topic that interests you, just grin derisively and speak ironically. People will try to avoid you, but that's part of the idea, buddy.
    • Don't end your line of conversation. Don't ask questions or act like a good listener. Just stay focused on yourself.
    • Play bad news.If someone talks about their recent vacation in the Philippines, talk about Ebola. When a person is talking about a great meal they just had in a fancy restaurant, it's time to mention E. coli.
  3. 3 Speak out loud. When you do speak, it should be uncomfortably loud and interfere with other people's conversations. Do not pay the slightest attention to personal space and the noise level that befits the occasion. Talk loudly while shouting suggestions to your friends, even if you are sitting right in front of them. Bonus points - for bad breath.
    • Let your conversations be terribly inappropriate for the place. If you're in church, talk to your brother about death metal and Call of Duty. If you are at a political meeting, start talking about an opposition political force and how you like certain members of it.
  4. 4 Swear whenever you can. Good as adverbs and adjectives, interjections, swear words are very useful for bad guys. Befriend them and use them in a wide variety of variations. For some ideas, watch Scorsese's films.
  5. 5 Ignore the body language of others. Don't forget about non-verbal ways of bad communication. If you notice that people around you are uncomfortable, as if you have offended them, or they are disgusted with what you are talking about, then you are on the right track. Keep saying whatever it is. This means that your theme is doing its job.

Method 3 of 3: Look Bad

  1. 1 Let the frown become your regular look. Practice in front of a mirror: frown up your eyebrows as if you are very focused. Wrinkle your nose, something stinks awful. And frown. Flip your smile like two fishhooks dangling from the corners of your mouth. Wonderful. Use this expression on your face all the time.
  2. 2 Don't look people in the eye. Bad guys never look anyone in the eye. This would mean that you are willing to talk and are interested in someone as a person. The bad kid is never interested. Look over others as if you are bored with what they are saying, or focus on the floor. Look anywhere but in the eyes of another person.
    • Alternatively, if someone challenges you - another bad guy or a gullible good guy - then you need to win the duel of glances. Fix your gaze and direct your death rays. Be in charge.
  3. 3 Use closed body language. The bad guy must look completely unapproachable. It means crossed legs, crossed arms, stoop and drooped head. You should look like it is physically painful for you to sit up straight. If you need to sit next to someone, sit as far away as possible, as if the very thought of physical contact makes you nauseous.
  4. 4 Smirk instead of smile. It doesn't matter how bad you are, in the end - somehow or sometime - you will want to smile once or twice. Something will make you laugh, especially the failure of others. But if someone slips on the ice and falls, or you find out about a terrible school bus accident, you shouldn't smile like a dumbass: grin. Learn to grin instead of smiling.
    • Try this: Imagine that you have a fish hook threaded through the corner of your mouth and someone pulls it up. Now, close your eyes and nod slowly, as if you are absolutely happy with what you see, but you are not worried about it in any way. Ideally.
  5. 5 Dress like a bad guy. Bad guys are friends with black, especially if it's black skin. Learn to dress like a bad kid and it instantly builds your reputation.
    • For guys, go for black rock band tees, leather jackets, and lace-up combat boots for a quick way to look bad. You can always pull on camouflage pants to look like a commando. It will always leave an impression of harshness and somberness. A more office option: Wear a suit that fits you well and constantly talk about how expensive it is.Don't let anyone touch him.
    • For girls who want to stand out as a rule breaker and rebel, an image with asymmetric haircuts and bright makeup will work. Bright red lipstick, dark eye makeup and big boots for a doll-style dress. Put a few pins in your jacket and you're ready for a punk show.
  6. 6 Consider getting a tattoo or piercing on your face. No bad guy can do a look without ink and metal. If your age already allows, or you can get permission from your parents (or even better, get permission from your older brother who will sign for you), you can get a tattoo so that your hooligan behavior will be with you forever.
    • Good tattoos for bad kids: skulls, jaguars, anything sharp or resembling barbed wire. Sailor tattoos are popular, as well as drawings in the Japanese style. Any combinations of all of the above are welcome.
    • A good piercing is usually located on the face. An eyebrow, nose, or lip are common places for bad guys to pierce. They are instantly recognizable for such iconic things. If you have pierced ears, add some more risky things. If anyone asks, it didn't hurt.


  • You don't have to suddenly change and become someone you are not.
  • Once you've earned a certain reputation for yourself, it's hard to get rid of it.
  • Become a popular bad guy or mysterious bad girl.
  • Ignore rude comments unless they are so bad that something needs to be done about it.


  • Don't let your anger get the best of you.
  • Be prepared for isolation.
  • Prepare to be suspended, expelled, or even arrested if things go too far.
  • If you succeed, you can offend many people.
  • Get ready for trouble.

Get ready to lose a lot or even all of your friends.