How to forget about a failed relationship in less than a week

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 28 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How long does it take to get over a breakup? | Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi
Video: How long does it take to get over a breakup? | Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi


If you want to learn how to forget about a failed relationship for less than a week, you need to have a strong desire to get rid of the relationship. When you are ready for this, things will not seem so complicated. Although it will take seven whole days to complete your plan (called ending relationship syndrome), you’ll be surprised that you don’t have to spend a week whining and morally dissatisfied. This article will be of great benefit if your relationship was short-lived. You will not be able to forget about marriage or a more serious relationship in such a short time. In spite of this, seven days exactly will be enough to cheer yourself up and forget about your ex.


  1. 1 Spend the first day crying and free yourself from suffering. The best thing is to throw out all your emotions and spend some time alone. Don't suppress your worries. Express your anger and sadness in a variety of ways. You can cry, beat a pillow, or splash out your emotions on paper.
  2. 2 Take the second day to discuss what happened and put everything in its place.. Talk to a friend or person you trust. Tell him what you think of your ex-boyfriend and think about why you broke up. Talking to a stranger will help you express your thoughts, and you won't be trying to deal with all the problems on your own. Pick a day to prioritize. Remind yourself of why you decided to give up this relationship, and list ways to help you move on with your life. You need this day in order to rid your head of verbal garbage and clearly imagine the future without a boyfriend.
  3. 3 On the third day, get rid of all the things that remind you of your ex-boyfriend. You keep them because you think they will come in handy. Or maybe these things remind you of a great time, but they should only be taken as a sign of friendship, not a romantic relationship. If the donated items bring you bad memories, throw them away or destroy them in any way. Don't hang your ex's gifts all over the room. Your act demonstrates the fact that you are still in love with your ex-boyfriend, but this relationship is by no means healthy.
  4. 4 Towards the end of the week, choose a day for relaxation and fun. Walking with a friend is a great idea as your friend can comfort you and make sure you are not feeling depressed. Make sure you don't go to places that remind you of your ex. If you want to spend this day alone, make sure to forget about your ex and focus on yourself. Pamper yourself, spend time relaxing and doing what you love to help you cheer up.
  5. 5 On the fifth day, focus on yourself.Don't let yourself become limp. Take the time to reassess your life goals and values. Remind yourself of who you really are. Focus on your independence and do what will make you stronger.
  6. 6 For the next two days, try to relax. After all, you have come a long way.Use the extra two days to stop thinking about your boyfriend and sort out your priorities. Do what makes you happy and healthy. Get ready to move on.


  • Act with dignity. Never lose respect for yourself.
  • Remember that you are still worthy of love and respect. You are capable of loving and being loved.
  • Remember that you are entitled to a happy, successful relationship. If the relationship ends, a change for the better awaits you.
  • If you happen to meet your ex-boyfriend, don't show hate towards him. Do not try to act like a girl who has lost her head from love. Try to be polite.
  • After a serious or long-term relationship, you may become confused and confused about who you really are and what your goals in life are now that you are alone. Take the time to focus on your goals. You will be more considerate and independent.
  • In the process of releasing your emotions, try not to hurt yourself. We cannot tolerate and welcome such actions. We're just asking you to think twice before doing anything. There are many other options that will prevent you from hurting yourself physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
  • Friends and loving family members are always there to support you after a difficult breakup.
  • Force yourself not to whine or get depressed. Allow yourself to feel a little sad, but don't fall into the trap.
  • With the help of meditation, you can cope with the problem in 2-3 days, but this period will only be enough for a short-term relationship. If you meditate in order to forget about the person with whom you have lived for two years, it will not help.


  • Not all girls take a week to forget about a failed relationship. This article is a guide to mental recovery.
  • Never go on a date with a stranger just to distract yourself. Such an act is a manifestation of selfishness. Besides, it won't help you for long.
  • You may regret your decision.