How to Know Someone with Anti-Social Personality Disorder

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How do you assess antisocial personality disorder?
Video: How do you assess antisocial personality disorder?


A person is considered a Sociopath when they have an Anti-Social Personality Disorder (Sociopathic). This includes characteristics such as: taking people's feelings lightly, having no feelings of regret or shame, manipulating others, selfishness, always deceiving to achieve your goals. Sociopath can be extremely dangerous, or it can cause discomfort for everyone. You need to realize if you are around someone like that, maybe it is your lover or a colleague. If you want to know ways to recognize someone with anti-social personality disorder (Sociopath), you must pay close attention to what that person says or does. Let's start from step 1.


Part 1 of 2: Recognizing the Signs

  1. Notice if the person is not ashamed. Most people with this disorder have committed bad behaviors but do not feel repentant. Such behaviors may include: physical abuse or offending others in public. If it is true that a person has a pathological personality, he or she will not feel remorse for hurting others, lying, manipulating or other wrongdoing.
    • When Sociopath did something wrong, they would never admit mistakes and would blame others.
    • They are ready to hurt others at any time, as long as their goal is achieved. That is why Sociopaths are often successful people.
    • They treat animals cruelly and don't feel any repentance at all.

  2. Notice how often they lie. People with this syndrome are completely comfortable with lying about everything. In fact, they will find it extremely annoying to have to tell the truth. If the lie was exposed, they will continue to lie around. Even so, if they are about to be debunked, they will confess everything to maintain trust in you.
    • For example, they may promise to ask others for help but then fail to comply, or they may just change themselves for a short time and then fall back into it.
    • They also love to lie about their past. Notice the irrationalities in the stories they tell.
    • Some people are very good at hiding their lies. For example, they may pretend to leave home to work every day while unemployed.
    • Many people are so paranoid that they believe that all the lies they say are true. For example, Charles Manson, a dangerous murderer once declared: "I have never killed! I don't have to kill people! ” (He assumed it was all caused by his juniors, not himself.)

  3. Notice if they seem strangely calm under all circumstances. Sociopath can go through a traumatic event without the slightest hint of emotion, even his expression unchanged. They often receive the good news with a cold, blank expression. They don't accept events like ordinary people. They may react only minimally in dangerous or dreadful situations.
    • If you find yourself confused or scared and the person next to you is not responding, they may not be as welcoming to the event as you are. This is a manifestation of someone lacking empathy. Among them were people with antisocial personality disorder who had no sympathy for others.
    • Check to see if they ever feel restless or anxious, especially in the situations that cause the state. Of course, there are people who are calmer than others, but then they will show a bit of confusion.
    • You should also watch out if they react strongly in situations for unknown reasons. It could be their fake emotion or their defense mechanism.
    • Many studies show that a Sociopath will not feel fear even when viewed with terrible images or under mild electric shock. Meanwhile, ordinary people will feel discomfort and fear in those cases.

  4. Notice if they are super attractive at first. People with these disorders know how to attract others, because they know how to get what they want. Attractive people can always make others feel special, they know how to ask the right questions and are judged to be funny, likable and interesting. Truly attractive people have the ability to attract anyone, from young children to old people. If the person attracts you at first sight, but later acts that frighten or worry you, you may have encountered a Sociopath.
    • They may act out of the ordinary by helping strangers or by being extremely generous toward people barely familiar. However, they treat relatives and friends in the exact opposite way.
    • They can also be seen as artists in controlling others because they have their own secrets. They need to attract others to get what they need. To accomplish their goals, they need to integrate into the crowd, which means they must know how to smile, welcome people and make everyone feel comfortable.
    • Even though Sociopaths are very attractive, they all tend to be very antisocial. They often have difficulty communicating for a long time. They went to the bathroom many times and sat there for a long time. They can be incredibly attractive and then cold and distant. They also cannot communicate naturally. While everyone's personality ranges from very difficult to very attractive, people with these extremes are very clear. They may also find other people's weaknesses or secrets to manipulate. This is often accompanied by a lack of compassion or indifference to another person's life.
  5. Watch to see if they manipulate others. People with this disease have the ability to capture the weaknesses of others and make the most of it. Once they have made a decision, they will manipulate anyone to do anything. They often target the weak and avoid those stronger than themselves. They are bored, insecure, or disoriented. Those are the easiest objects to attack. In other words, the person with unmet needs is the person most easily manipulated with those needs. Let's see if he or she is good at getting others to do what he wants.
    • True Sociopaths will gradually expand their influence and control others without being noticed by anyone. They like to be in control of every situation and aren't comfortable around strong people. They are always afraid of being discovered.
    • They will keep a certain distance, and from there, always contact the "strong" person to see if they have been discovered. On the other hand, sick people are very fond of tailoring people they feel they can deceive. If found out, they will either play cards face-up, or leave for very unreasonable reasons.
    • For the most part, they are dominated by emotional abuse, making others dependent on them. They want to make others weaker and weaker than themselves. They believe that as long as they are not discovered, they will be safe.
    • Notice if they casually deceive others in order to achieve their goal, if they do so with a bit of guilt or embarrassment.
  6. Watch for signs of violent behavior. As children, some people with this disorder have tortured small animals such as frogs, kittens, puppies or people who are defenseless. (As they grow up, these manifestations become more pronounced, but often they will be emotionally abusive.) Such behavior is always malicious, not self-defense. They will suddenly create a bad situation or warp other people's words. If questioned, they will immediately blame others, relying on everyone's compassion to avoid them, as long as they are safe.
    • If you feel that the person looks very calm on the surface and at the same time can become violent suddenly, then perhaps, they are engaging in antisocial behavior.
  7. Notice if they have a big ego or not. These people are paranoid and claim that they are the best in the world. They don't accept criticism and are often complacent about themselves. They are very sensitive to the issue of power and consider themselves worthy of being obeyed by others, regardless of anyone. They just want to take advantage of others.
    • They also have unrealistic views on their abilities. For example, they may think that they are very talented in singing or dancing, when in reality, they have no talent at all. They are delusional and / or say things to reinforce their lies.
    • They always believe that they are better than everyone else without having any convincing evidence.
    • They may also just love themselves. Therefore, they often prefer to talk about themselves rather than listen to other people tell stories. They also spend a lot of time looking at themselves in the mirror instead of observing life. In general, they don't like to hear what other people want to say.
  8. See if the person has few friends. Even though not everyone has a lot of friends, you should be on the lookout if the person doesn't have a friend at all. Maybe he or she has flattery around, but find out if they have a really meaningful relationship. If they have almost no friends, chances are they have a problem, unless they are very shy or have any other compelling reason.
    • The same is true of their family members. If they have nothing to do with family and never mention family then it is most likely the problem. Of course they may have reasons for doing so, such as bad memories as children.
    • Notice if they have nothing to do with their past.If they don't have any friends from high school or college, or any prior period, chances are they have a pathological personality. When they are discovered or find another suitable object, they will leave.
  9. See if the person wants to isolate you. People with this stench love meeting people and getting along very quickly. Therefore, you do not have a chance to withdraw or change your mind. Maybe after a few weeks, you will find that they become extremely intimate with you if you are dating. He or she will make you feel like a couple, because they have the ability to say exactly what you want to hear. When they realize you have an unsatisfied need, they will see it as a great opportunity to role-play and fulfill your desires. They will want to monopolize you, instead of "sharing" you with others.
    • If you are dating, that person will quickly prevent you from hanging out with your friends because they feel threatened. They will give you every reason not to go out with your friends like: "They don't understand me as much as you do" or "They don't want you to come with them" or "They are trying to split us because they don't like you" . They will play the role of the victim to gain sympathy and protection from you. They will make you feel like you can only help them, that you should spend time with them and just listen to them.
  10. Notice if they are immature. Sociopath never learned anything from a mistake, and they would make mistakes over and over again. Therefore, they do not learn from experience like other people. Notice the immature behaviors that they hide under dexterity and charm. Here are a few such behaviors:
    • Extremely selfish. They want everything at all costs. Attached is the dislike of sharing with others.
    • Has a huge ego. They are so obsessed with themselves that they don't care about anyone else.
    • Cling on. They want you to be with them whenever they need it.
    • Don't like to take responsibility. They are not willing or able to handle any of the assigned responsibilities. Either they will push the job to others and steal the credit or they will completely avoid the responsibility.
  11. Mental manipulation. Since sociopaths often lie and cheat, they tend to make their victims feel like they are the source of the problems caused by the sociopath. This is the hallmark of a sociopath.
    • Blame you for what they do. If the person is lying and accuses you of lying, you are probably dealing with a sociopath.
    • Drive you crazy. If they do something that makes you go crazy, and appear to be unreasonably pissed off, that person is probably a sociopath.
  12. A manipulative staring. The sociopath's ego gets bigger when their victims are upset.
    • If they look cold and confusing to intimidate you, and show no regret for putting you under stress, that person is probably a sociopath.

Part 2 of 2: Staying Away and Terminating Relationship

  1. Don't give them what they want from you. When communicating with them, be tedious to not satisfy their need for pleasure. Those people get bored very quickly. This includes mentally. When you talk to them, stay calm. Don't get excited or argue with them. Always pretend you don't have what they want, for example: lose your money, get stolen ... Whatever they want, calmly and coolly decline.
  2. Stay away if possible. Once you are sure someone is a Sociopath, keep them as far away as possible. If the person is a colleague or is in groups with you, you probably won't be able to avoid them completely. But please avoid them politely and skillfully. Remember, they will find that you are purposely alienating them, and as a result they will want to reach you more. Be tough and spend as little time with them as possible.
    • You shouldn't be mean or overly cold. It is very easy to put you in danger.
    • Don't tell them, "You have an antisocial personality disorder." This will make them angry and want to entice you even more. You shouldn't let them know that you are wary of them. Avoid them skillfully.

  3. Learn to be "immune" to their attraction. People with a medical personality always want to conquer you with gifts, compliments or stories to attract your feelings. But remember, once you recognize who they are, never turn back. No bribery or lie will give them a second chance. You are much smarter than that.
    • However, keep in mind that it is okay to feel suspicious at this moment, because sociopath knows how to get others to suspect yourself with their behavior at this time or another.
    • Don't give in. They can make you feel pity. They will talk about how lonely they feel, how important you are to them. But if they're such a deceitful person and want to manipulate you, don't really love them. Just be sympathetic because they have an abnormal mentality.

  4. If you are dating someone like that, get out of the relationship right away. The longer you linger, the worse things will be, and the more likely you are to get caught up in their thoughts. If you want to end the relationship, you must say break up as soon as possible. But don't say the reason for the breakup is because you think they have a mental illness.
    • Let them be suspicious of your reasons for the breakup to avoid tempting them to attempt to manipulate you. Be firm with your decision as you may have to re-commit many times to the decision.
    • Remember someone who is truly careless is different from someone with a pathological personality. Just because a person treats you badly and careless doesn't mean they're sick, but maybe they're just a bad person. A real Sociopath will not care about anyone's feelings.
    • If you are truly controlled or manipulated, take the initiative to cut off relationships. You can say goodbye over the phone or ask a friend for help if you need to come pick up your stuff. To a Sociopath the saying "No" is not an answer. If you want to break up, they may despair and use violence to force you to stay.

  5. Please warn everyone. Even if you don't have to spread the word about the person having a pathological personality, unless the person is truly dangerous, you should still warn those you know. Especially warn people who are trying to date someone who is sick. Do not anger them by telling everyone the truth. In case you see someone falling victim to them, you should definitely say what you think.
    • Please improvise the case. If the person is at a higher level than you in the company, you should not go telling the truth. You just need to avoid them as far as possible.
  6. Think for yourself. The aim of the Sociopaths is those who lack of opinion or always need help. To avoid being their target, you should have confidence in yourself and your own opinion. People with a pathological personality always stay away from strong and tough people. They know that they cannot manipulate such people.
    • It may take a lot of time, but by staying alert to things, approaching problems from multiple directions, spending time with people who think differently, you can become a righteous person. more ants.
    • Confidence is also essential. If you are confident, you will have independent thoughts. This way, people with this disorder will not dare to approach you.
  7. Do not be afraid of the Sociopaths. Use your thinking skills (as just mentioned), use reasoning and composure in response to them. In the beginning, they can lie about anything. If this person pretends, you shouldn't be fooling around with their gossip. Second, they are very intelligent. It can also make you uncomfortable when you have to force yourself or try to be smart with them. Or most likely, you have to dodge their need to be the center of their attention.
    • If you stop being afraid of them, stop competing with them, accept yourself and appreciate your worth, they won't have a chance to manipulate you. Most of the Sociopaths were not murderers, cruel or monstrous.They are also human, whom you should be careful about in communication. They never choose to be that person, and you have no choice but to fall victim to them. However, you can make their manipulation easier or harder, this choice is yours. Learn how they manipulate others and, at the same time, master strategies to protect themselves.
    • Of course, Sociopath won't like it when you show a strong personality or reject them. But thanks to that, they will stop clinging and stop trying to manipulate you, because they know nothing is pulling you. For them, it was very boring.


  • If someone is unimaginably good, chances are they have a problem. This is the result of any diagnosis of psychosis, from antisocial personality disorder, boundary personality disorder and narcissism.
  • Sociopath always knows how to make others think of themselves as a victim, when they are themselves the culprit. That's how they fight you wits.
  • They will say enough to make you forgive, and then say: they never said that before.
  • Some experts believe that: people with this suffer damage in the prefrontal cortex - which controls emotions, morals ...
  • Sociopath often blamed the victim for his own shortcomings. They never admit to their own mistakes but instead criticize the victim. That is the key point in diagnosing mental disorders.
  • Most of them know how to hide their insensitivity. They are good actors (role-playing in all circumstances). Thus, these were discovered based on the apparent behavior of inexperienced Sociopaths, young or low-profile autistic people (who did not conceal aggressive antisocial behaviors).
  • Some experts say that the majority of people with this disorder have experienced abuse as children.
  • Antisocial behavior is inherited. Take a close look at their family to see their true personality.
  • Anti-social people often lie about the past, don't believe what they say. Instead, pay attention to the inconsistencies in their stories. Usually, there will be one or two details in their counterfeit stories that remain unchanged. Either it's the truth, or it's just what they believe is true.
  • Recognize when they want to manipulate you. Otherwise, they'll make you do the things you don't want to do.
  • Try to manipulate them. This is very difficult, but if you can do it, it will benefit you. To do this, you have to make them think: it (what you want) is their idea. Make them believe they want to do it too. If they think you have nothing to do with the idea, they will.
  • They often overreact. They will observe other people's reactions in each situation and then imitate. Pay close attention and you will see: their reaction usually occurs after they have observed it. They often grasp emotions very quickly but will also over-express them.


  • Sociopaths are very good liars because they don't feel repentant. They will justify enough of their actions to avoid being revealed the truth.
  • While not all of these people are violent, it's best to stay away from them in all relationships.
  • Antisocial personality disorder is easy to be confused with autism spectrum disorder (Asperger) or vice versa. The key difference is: Sociopath cannot repent, and people with autism are incapable of thinking.
  • Sociopaths have few emotions so they can use their emotions against you. Effective communication is when you approach others with something they can understand. For these people, put your emotions aside, otherwise they will find a way to control you.
  • Don't let them know that you are alert to them. Each Sociopath will take this in his own way, but at best they should not know what you know.
  • Of course, you should always be alert to their attraction.