How to speak clearly

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Speak More Clearly | Daily Practice
Video: Speak More Clearly | Daily Practice


Clear speech and effective presentation of thoughts are considered mandatory in modern society. If we could not express ourselves clearly, we would be lost in society. In this article, you will read about the six steps to clear speech.


  1. 1 Take a deep breath before you start speaking so that the air in your lungs does not run out.
  2. 2 Practice articulation.
  3. 3 Speak slowly. You have no idea how useful it can be to give words an extra couple of seconds to pronounce. Pauses can help, too, because they allow your listener to digest what they hear.
  4. 4 Practice your grammar. If your grammar is lame, then thoughts will not be perceived clearly. It is worth reading books of all kinds to constantly expand your vocabulary.A few smart words here and there will make you look smarter, but be careful - if used incorrectly, taken out of context, you will not be taken seriously.
  5. 5 Study the dictionary. Learning words that are appropriate for certain formulations can also help you.
  6. 6 Think before you speak, then your head will remain clear and work faster.
  7. 7 You can silently say the words to make sure the pronunciation is correct.


  • Keep it simple. Sometimes only simplicity is needed to speak clearly.
  • Try to record your voice and listen. This usually helps to understand what more work needs to be done.
  • When you speak, open your mouth and articulate emphatically, it helps. You need to open your mouth as if singing. You may not be aware of this, but an open mouth makes your voice more expressive.
  • During the conversation, take some time to find out if the other person understands you. If not, try rephrasing the words.
  • Exercise in front of your friends and family to see if they understand you better.


  • Do not think more than necessary when you speak; you can only make the situation worse. Try to keep it natural, think about the flow of speech, not what to say next. Think about the flow of speech, breathe deeply, relax, and imagine something soothing, like swimming in a heated pool at night or refreshing drinks like dancing to your favorite song or reading your favorite book.
  • Take precautions so as not to suffocate while practicing articulation with the handle. The handle should be long enough not to slip and accidentally fall into your mouth. Place the pen horizontally along your mouth to help you pronounce some syllables and prevent you from choking or choking on the pen.