How to date a Mormon

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mormon Dating
Video: Mormon Dating


Are you dating or have a liking for a Mormon? The guidelines below will help you understand what to expect from your relationship.


  1. 1 First and foremost, you should understand that Mormons have certain standards when it comes to romantic relationships.
    • They are advised not to date anyone under the age of 16.
    • More often than not, they start going on group dates.
    • They are not looking for entertainment or spending money on Sundays.
  2. 2 Be open-minded. Mormons often do things that might seem strange to others:
    • They pray before eating.
    • They attend spiritual seminars - these are religious classes about the Bible and the Book of Mormons, as well as other scriptures. They are held before school. Almost every Mormon in high school takes part in some kind of seminar.
  3. 3 Take note that there are times when they cannot be entertained for money.
    • Sundays
  4. 4 Talk to him. Your Mormon partner will likely want to discuss their religious beliefs with you. This will help you understand and get to know him better. A Mormon may invite you to serve at his church. Decide for yourself whether you should go or not. Many activities, such as dancing and entertainment, are social rather than religious and provide an opportunity to meet new people.
  5. 5 Respect other people's beliefs. If you respect their religious feelings, they will respond in kind to you and are more likely to develop sympathy for you.
  6. 6 Take note that Mormons do not drink coffee, tea, alcohol or beer, nor do they smoke tobacco, shisha or weed. They may feel uncomfortable in the company of people who use these things, especially if you are one of them. (This applies more to alcohol and tobacco, but some people dislike tea and coffee as well.)
  7. 7 Meet your parents. When you go to meet them, make sure you dress nicely. Don't wear offensive T-shirts or revealing clothes. Be respectful and don't swear.
  8. 8 Entertainment and the media - Mormons also believe in the wisdom of limiting the content and rating of films and TV shows they watch. They do not look at works that:
    • They are rated R.
    • They contain explicit scenes with naked actors in the frame, even if it is shown very fleetingly.
    • Films with eerie or violent scenes
  9. 9 In addition, they do not listen to music that contains:
    • Candid texts
    • Has a sexual connotation
    • Promotes violence
  10. 10 The law of chastity. Mormons, like members of other Christian denominations, believe in the law of chastity. It means they shouldn't have sex before marriage. Be aware that your partner will not want to have physical intimacy with you before the wedding. Respect his beliefs and don't pressure him. In more detail, the law of chastity implies that, prior to marriage, Mormons should not:
    • Kiss on the lips
    • Lie on top of another person
    • Touching another person's private parts with or without clothing
    • Watch pornography
    • Show sexual attraction in any way other than being in a relationship with your partner. Including watching films with nudity.
  11. 11 A word of wisdom. Mormons have a health recommendation system collectively called the Word of Wisdom. They relate to the need to consume healthy food and a balanced diet, and also include a ban on the use of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea. (Some also choose to abstain from other caffeinated foods, such as colas and energy drinks.)
  12. 12 You should also know that Mormons only marry in temples. Both of you must be Mormons to get married in a church. Therefore, if you are dating a Mormon and are going to start a family with him, you should consider becoming a Mormon too.
  13. 13 Mormons are taught to look for attractiveness in a girl's inner world, not in her beauty. Therefore, if you like Mormon, try to wear more nourishing clothes (knee-length shorts, T-shirts that cover the shoulders, clothes that do not show through, and no bikinis.


  • Respect their standards. Mormons also have personal principles that you think will be difficult for you to come to terms with, but many people have gone through similar trials. Respect them and don't force them to change.
  • Let them be individuals. Not all Mormons adhere strictly to the above standards. Asking and answering their questions will help you understand how different their rules are from their church.