Get beautiful and radiant skin

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
7 Tips to follow this New year for Glowing Skin - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle
Video: 7 Tips to follow this New year for Glowing Skin - Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle


Would you also like a naturally beautiful, radiant skin? Read on to learn how to care for and protect your skin so that you have beautiful skin from the moment you get up in the morning.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Healthy eating and exercise

  1. Drink enough. Try to drink 6 to 8 large glasses of water per day. Water purifies the skin making it glow because all toxins have been flushed out.
    • Take a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
    • Drink herbal teas or other non-caffeinated drinks when you are fed up with all that water.
  2. Eat healthy. Healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables are very important if you want glowing skin. Add the following elements to your diet to see quick results:
    • Omega3 fatty acids. You can find them in fish and nuts, and they are very good for your skin.
    • Vitamin C. This will heal existing pimples faster, so if you eat a few pieces of citrus fruit or a portion of spinach you will get rid of it faster.
    • Fiber-rich food. Fresh vegetables, nuts and fruits ensure a good balance and regular bowel movements. It can make you tired and sick if you don't have regular bowel movements.
  3. Eat less sugar and salt. Try to eat less than 45 grams of sugar a day, and avoid overly salty foods. Eating too salty can make your face bloated.
  4. Take vitamins. If you're concerned about getting enough vitamins and minerals, you can take a supplement. Vitamins intended for pregnant women are especially good for the skin. EXPERT TIP

    Sport. Cardio training makes your skin glow because it stimulates blood flow. It is also healthy for the rest of your body and makes you stronger.

Method 2 of 3: Tackle acne

  1. Prevent acne before it starts. Here are some little things you can do to prevent breakouts:
    • Change your pillowcase every four to five days. A clean pillowcase without bacteria prevents a breakout of pimples during the night.
    • Don't touch your face. If you tend to put your chin in the palm of your hand, or just pick your face all the time, stop. The oils from your hands can cause acne.
    • Put your hair back when you go to sleep. If you have long hair, keep it out of your face when you sleep. Braid or tie in a hair band so that your bangs are not on your forehead.
    • Get enough sleep. Stress can cause breakouts, so get well rested and stay calm.
    • Switch to another pill (for women). Some birth control pills that contain estrogen can help prevent acne. Ask your doctor if that might be right for you.
  2. Squeeze or pul not to your pimples. Doing so worsens the infection and can leave you with permanent scarring.
  3. See a dermatologist. If you can't control the problem yourself, see your doctor. He or she can refer you to a dermatologist or prescribe medication.
  4. Consider a cleanser with salicylic acid. Some acne cleansers contain salicylic acid, which kills the bacteria that cause acne.
    • To prevent your skin from drying out, use the salicylic acid remedy only in the morning and see if that is enough. If not, you can also start using it in the evening.
  5. Use a spot marker. There are many products that you can put on your pimple to reduce redness and kill bacteria.
    • The most popular agents are salicylic ointment and benzoyl peroxide gel.
    • Be aware that benzoyl peroxide can bleach your hair and clothing.
  6. Try a clay mask. Clay absorbs excess oil, removes impurities, and even kills bacteria in imperfections for brighter, more even skin. Once a week, after showering, pat your skin dry and apply a clay mask. Leave it on for 10 minutes or until it starts to dry. Rinse and apply moisturizer.
    • Do not let the clay harden completely and do not let it sit overnight. It can make the skin too dry.

Method 3 of 3: Learning habits

  1. Wash your face at night. During the day make-up, dirt and grease accumulate on your face. Make sure you thoroughly cleanse your face every night before going to bed.
    • Use makeup remover. This will not only prevent your pores from getting clogged and causing pimples, but you will also prevent mascara from getting all over your pillow - after which it returns to your skin.
    • Use a mild soap. You want to clean your skin, but you don't want all natural fats to disappear. If your skin feels tight and dry after washing, use too strong an agent.
    • Avoid the area around your eyes; the skin around your eyes is too sensitive to most cleansing products.
    • Rinse it off by throwing water on your face. Using a washcloth can irritate your skin. Therefore, bend over the sink, cup your hands and keep throwing some water in your face. Throwing about 10 times should be enough.
    • Pat your face dry. Don't rub your skin too hard with a towel. Rather, pat it dry gently, or just let it air dry.
  2. Apply a facial tonic. A tonic removes excess grease and dirt that the soap has not removed and closes your pores. Not everyone needs a tonic, but some people like it.
    • Put some drops on a cotton pad or ball. Rub it lightly over your skin.
    • Only use an astringent tonic if you have very oily skin. An astringent tonic is a stronger type of tonic with up to 60% alcohol. If your skin is dry, you can even get acne with such a tonic, because your sebaceous glands will overcompensate.
    • Witch hazel is a natural alternative to a synthetic tonic.
    • You can also only use tonic on the areas of your face that are prone to breakouts, such as your nose or forehead.
  3. Apply some moisturizer. Using a lotion in the morning will help your makeup "keep" better throughout the day. By applying a good moisturizer in the evening, you prevent wrinkles and your skin can recover better. So this is one of the most important things for long-term glowing skin.
    • Use a lighter moisturizer during the day. If you are prone to breakouts, only use a heavier cream at night and a light lotion or gel during the day.
    • Don't forget your neck and décolleté. Those areas can become very dry and irritated if you never moisturize them.

    Scrub once a week. If your skin is quickly dry and flaky, you can remove the dead skin cells by exfoliating. Find a scrub with a very fine grain and don't rub it too roughly into your skin - rub gently in circular motions.

    • A simple sugar and honey scrub is a great solution. Rinse it off with warm water.
    • You can also exfoliate with a dry facial brush. Brush your face gently with small circular motions.
    • Acne-prone skin can be exfoliated 2-3 times a week. A chemical exfoliant is often best for acne-prone skin.
  4. Protect your skin from the sun. Prevent leathery, tough skin by always using a light sunscreen when you go outside. If you protect your skin from sun damage, your skin will remain supple and radiant for years to come. You can burn within 15 minutes, so be careful.
    • Stick to factor 30, because a higher factor has no more advantages.
    • Look for a light sunscreen that absorbs quickly.
    • You can also take a foundation or colored moisturizer with a factor and your face is immediately protected.


  • Exercise for half an hour at least three times a week. This will give you radiant skin.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Make sure to use products that are suitable for your skin type.
  • Take your makeup off every day with remover and then apply moisturizer.
  • Use rose water as a mild tonic, it is very gentle and you will get a smooth skin.
  • Use fresh, ripe papaya for instant glowing skin! Take a small piece of ripe papaya and rub it on your skin. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. You will immediately see a difference!
  • Use a mild cleanser and rinse with rose water.
  • Use almond oil as a moisturizer in the evening and you will have radiant skin in the morning.
  • If you have sensitive skin, put a little castor oil on your pimples once a week after opening your pores with warm water or steam. It may sound contradictory, but it really helps.
  • 15% Tea tree oil works wonders if you have pimples quickly. Apply it directly to acne-prone areas and leave it on overnight. It can dry out the skin a bit, but it is absolutely harmless. The next morning, wash your skin with a pH neutral cleanser, then put on a mild moisturizer and your skin will glow!


  • Do not put toothpaste or lemon juice on pimples, as these will dry out the skin and make it worse. If you want to use lemon juice as a peel, you can replenish the lost fats with a good moisturizer or olive oil.


  • Cleaning product
  • Tonic
  • Moisturizer
  • Scrub
  • Sunscreen