How to impress your girlfriend

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
19 Sweet Things To Do For Your Girl - Tricks to Easily Make Her Day
Video: 19 Sweet Things To Do For Your Girl - Tricks to Easily Make Her Day


Do you feel like your girlfriend is not very impressed with your efforts to charm her? If you really want to show her how adorable you are, you might need some advice. Lucky for you, wikiHow is here to help! Below you will find tips, techniques and suggestions on how to make your girlfriend take her breath away with admiration! Just get started with the first step to find out how to do it!


Part 1 of 3: What You Can Do

  1. 1 Clean often. If you are not so clean, then the easiest way to impress a girl is by your desire to devote a little more time to cleaning the house. Start by simply cleaning up after yourself: wash your plates after meals, collect dirty clothes from the floor, and more. After that, move on to generally helping more with household chores, such as washing the bathroom every week or vacuuming.
    • Cleaning behind it is, of course, your desire. If you save her some time, it will really impress her.
    • If you usually create a mess, cleaning will show that you have taken on some responsibilities that she might not have expected, and this will definitely amaze her.
    • This works even if you don't live together. You still spend time together at each other's house, and if you take on some responsibilities, especially in a house that is not yours, you will definitely surprise her.
  2. 2 Take her somewhere for an unforgettable date. Invite her somewhere other than the standard trip to a cafe or movie. This will demonstrate that you are really serious and that you are very creative. Go somewhere you haven't been, or try something you haven't eaten before.
    • You can invite her to geocaching in search of adventure.
    • Look at the restaurant of the cuisine of a new country for you. Sometimes the food there is significantly different from ours, but it may suit your taste. This way you can try something new without ruining your lunch.
  3. 3 Find out more about her interests. If you take a genuine interest in what matters to her, you will see how impressed she is. Find out more about her hobbies, movies, music, or charity work she does. Read the general information on this on the Internet, and then start gaining experiences in life. Ask her to join her in one of these activities and turn it into a real date!
    • If you don't know what her interests are, this is a serious problem at this stage. In the worst case, ask your forehead about it. It's still better than nothing!
  4. 4 Show your ambition. Girls are drawn to guys who want to achieve their dreams and demand more from life (and fight for it!). This allows her not to think that you will be a failure, and all the problems of making money will fall on her. If you are overly passive in life, try starting small and striving for something that will revive your passion for life.
    • Try yourself in a new profession or resume your studies, for example.
  5. 5 Ask her for advice and follow it. Women are often inspired by society that no one really needs their opinion, even if they are not fully aware of it. If you ask her for advice in some matter, you kind of hint to her that she is wise and smart. Obviously, if you take her advice, you will demonstrate that you are serious in your respect for her.
    • For example, if your friend is having problems with a girl and asks for your advice, ask her for her opinion.
    • If you have a problem with your boss, talk to her and see if she has any ideas on how you can sort things out.
  6. 6 Improve your skills in bed. Anyone likes to think he's a tiger in bed (and sometimes that can be true), but it never hurts to read about this topic and improve your skills. You may stumble upon some technique that you have not even heard of before and which is capable of waking up a wild lioness in her. If you prioritize her pleasure over your pride in her new skills, it will certainly impress her.

Part 2 of 3: How to behave

  1. 1 Focus on her. When you're with her, make sure she gets 110% of your attention. Avoid answering phone calls or messages, especially from other girls, when you’re hanging out with her. Don't flirt with others or dress in a way that pleases someone other than her. Look her in the eye as she speaks and listen carefully (have her get feedback and questions from you).
  2. 2 Be honorable. Real nobility is when you show her true respect. Open the door in front of her because it feels good. Protect her because she doesn't have to defend herself. Take her side when your friends behave inappropriately. And do all this without putting pressure on her and expecting nothing in return. A nice guy does all of these things because it's the right thing to do, not to get a girl to bed.
    • Women think that guys expect some kind of physical reward for good behavior. By proving that this is not the case, and by allowing her to attach to you, you will surprise her and make her happy.
  3. 3 Don't talk inappropriately to people. Don't be rude to other people and don't say nasty things behind their backs. If you do this, you kind of hint to her that the same can await her. She will be especially pleasantly surprised if you behave like an adult and be smarter than others, if they behave obscenely to you, or if your friends are immaturity.
  4. 4 Help and show respect for vulnerable people. When we show respect for the people around us, it says a lot about our character. It is very easy to laugh and misbehave with homeless people, mentally handicapped people, salespeople or waiters ... and so many people do that. If you want her to make sure you are a good guy, be friendly with those people and help them whenever you can.
    • Give us a good tip. This is usually 10% of the amount.
  5. 5 Be kind to children. Guys are often thought of as not good with kids, so if you’re kind to them (even if you don’t really like messing with babies), she will appreciate it. Learn to play with children, but remember: in most cases, they want to play the same games that you did in your childhood. Include a pirate in you and you won't even notice how much fun you yourself will have.

Part 3 of 3: Romantic Gestures

  1. 1 Become the king of compliments. Leave aside the ambiguous compliments and words that will make her say goodbye to you: you become the maestro of compliments. Focus on giving compliments honestly and appropriately. Avoid compliments that apply to any girl or other formulaic compliments (“you have beautiful eyes,” for example). Choose something special. Try to highlight the qualities she likes about herself and compliment what she can control.
    • For example, if you compliment her figure that she may one day lose control, she will get nervous about gaining weight because she will think that this is the only thing you like about her.
    • Instead, compliment her intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, and determination.
  2. 2 Do something for her with your own hands. Give her a gift. You can find many ideas on wikiHow and other sources. In any case, a handmade gift will demonstrate your creativity and feelings for her.
    • If you feel like trying something for her, a souvenir littered with checks, photos, and ticket stubs that mean something to your relationship will make her cry.
  3. 3 Make a selection for her on disk. If you can't do something yourself, try creating a compilation for her on disk. Gone are the days of cassettes, but discs and mp3s are still popular. Create a playlist that captures your feelings for her and chronicles your relationship from the first date to this day.
    • Good songs for that: Billy Joel "For the Longest Time", Frankie Valli "You’re Just to Good to Be True" and the Beach Boys "God Only Knows".
  4. 4 Send flowers to her throughout the day. Send her flowers with delivery to the classroom or to work. Such a great expression of feelings in front of so many other people will really make her admire.
    • Instead of roses, choose custom flowers that remind her of you.
  5. 5 Give her a spa night. Start with a standard back massage and move on. Prepare warm massage oil, candles, good music, and let her body enjoy the massage. She will melt with pleasure and will be pleasantly amazed by your action.
  6. 6 Make breakfast for her. Or just cook something. By preparing a dish for her, especially if you don't usually cook, you will not only reduce her fatigue, but also make an incredibly unexpected surprise. You can find many recipes here on wikiHow that will tell you step by step what to do (for dummies in the kitchen).
    • Make her some pancakes with nutella and banana so she really looks like a gourmet in you.
    • If you want to make dinner, try the avocado pasta. It's easy to make, takes less than an hour and looks really delicious when served with dried tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.
  7. 7 Hide love messages everywhere. Buy a box of adhesive paper and write one message on each piece of paper. Then stick your sticky notes everywhere! Hide a few and leave the rest in plain sight. You can put them in kitchen drawers, in a box of oatmeal, on a bathroom mirror, in her purse, on a book on her bedside table, anywhere, in general!
    • Write something like "You give my life unforgettable colors" and "Every day, when I say goodbye to you, a piece comes off my heart."
  8. 8 Invite her to a picnic at home. Take her out on a romantic date right at home. Set up a tent in the living room, light a fire in the fireplace, and cook hot dogs and marshmallows. Turn off the lights, open all the windows to get really cold, and then wrap yourself in a blanket with her. Pure romance without all the fuss of a real hike.


  • Compliment her on how she looks.
  • Finding out more about her family when it comes to meeting her parents will surprise both her and them.
  • Be there in good and bad situations to show her that you care about her at all times.
  • Remember the moments you spent together ... it will make her feel special.
  • Don't bring your friends with you on dates. This will make her feel uncomfortable.
  • Don't betray her.
  • Whatever you do, be honest. Let her feel your love.
  • Compliment her throughout the day.
  • If your girlfriend doesn't care about your grades, then study, study, study!
  • Never drop her call or make the mistake of not answering her call, even if you are very busy.
  • Accompany her as often as possible. Be with her.
  • Dress nicely. Wear collared shirts. That's very beautiful!
  • Ask her what she likes about you.
  • Stop smoking. Research has shown that smoking is repulsive, reducing your chances of being liked by a girl by 90%. Quitting smoking is an easy way to surprise her.


  • Don't be your typical man: always try to do something special for her. But don't become the sticky guy who calls every 10 minutes and ruins her life.
  • Don't be overbearing.