How to cultivate a disruptive character

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 24 March 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Social Influence: Crash Course Psychology #38
Video: Social Influence: Crash Course Psychology #38


What does it mean to be combative, daring, decisive? When we talk about disruptive people, we are faced with the image of strong, strong-willed and cheerful personalities, with a taste for life. By becoming more combative, cultivating these qualities, you will be able to enjoy life better, as well as become more desirable to others in terms of friendship and relationships, so if you are interested, read on! Go to step 1 to get started.


Part 1 of 3: Be Confident and Assertive

  1. 1 Let your opinion be considered. Punchy people are not delicate flowers. They don't hesitate to share their opinions with others. If you want to be decisive, start with this. All cocky people have their say, one way or another. Whether you're chatting about trivia with a friend or engaging in serious debate, you must let people around you know your opinion, even if it's something they might disagree with. This has its advantages over just appearing cocky; By fearlessly expressing your opinion, you will convince people that you should be respected for your straightforwardness, even if they disagree with you.
    • Of course, you will want to say what is in your mind without hesitation, but no one has canceled simple social etiquette, even if you are assertive, so avoid being rude when expressing your opinion.For example, if you are with friends and they want to watch a movie that you don’t think you’ll enjoy, at dinner you might say something casual and sarcastic, like, “Wow, another teen melodrama? excitingguys! "Don't say something like that," You fools. I didn’t know that you are so idiots that you like this kind of dregs. "Punchy people have their own opinion, but they are not cruel.
  2. 2 Show your emotions. As a disruptive person, you probably want people to know your positionso that they are also aware that you feel... To a certain extent, your inner experiences should determine your behavior on the outside. If you feel like laughing, laugh. If you feel like crying, cry. If you want to yell at someone, do not restrain yourself (of course, if the person deserves it and the situation is conducive to that). Don't waste time thinking about what others think about your emotions. If these manifestations are sincere, people will respect you for them.
    • Again, we think you want to be smart about the degree to which you express your emotions. If you are annoyed on a math exam, do not grumble loudly to the entire audience or distract others. If you are at a funeral, avoid laughing, even if the joke you remember is really funny. A healthy sense of proportion is very important here; Disruptive people are open about their emotions, but they are not emotional nerds.
  3. 3 Cultivate self-confidence. The two tips above (being open about how you feel and think) are easier to give than follow, especially if you are naturally shy. For the most part, being cocky is have self-confidence be open about these things. Confidence allows you to be sincere without fear, to express yourself without restraint, and to think about what others think in a way that doesn't depend on their approval. As a great all-encompassing social weapon, confidence will also help your interactions with those around you flow smoothly, affirming your public image as decisive, not conflicted.
    • Gaining self-confidence in certain social situations is something almost everyone fights for. Endless books, articles, and other sources have been written on this topic. Of course, building up a sense of self-confidence is too long a process to go into here. The main idea worth mentioning is that at first you will have to portray this confidence by imitating decisive behavior (eye contact, good posture, etc.). Over time, you will be able to project these outward manifestations into your inner state and focus on your strengths, not weaknesses, while at the same time working on self-improvement. It's a pretty tricky process, but it comes with practice.
    • You can find more information on our website as well.
  4. 4 Enjoy friendly arguments. You shouldn't avoid them; if you are confident and open about your feelings and thoughts, you will bump into someone who thinks or acts differently than you do. Conflicts are a natural part of insolence, don't get away from them. Instead, accept them. Cocky people enjoy the opportunity to engage in a lively but friendly debate, so don't miss the opportunity to be a part of it. This is not only a way to pump up your mental and verbal muscles, but also an opportunity to develop a new point of view, connect with another person, and even flirt if you are open to such possibilities. As usual, however, your insolence is not a reason to be rude. Therefore, do not forget about the feelings of the other person during the argument.
    • The trickiest part of an argument for a disruptive person is finding a balance between your genuine emotions and your need to support the argument.You shouldn't laugh at offensive comments (such as racist or sexist), however, you should be polite to your opponent's sane lines. It is generally okay to assertively confront someone else's opinion, but not the person personally (for example, favor phrases like “this won't work” over “you had to be an idiot to think it would work”).
  5. 5 Dress the way you want it, not others. As corny as it sounds, the clothes we choose are an important way of expressing ourselves. If you show up for a job interview in a business suit, you will create a more professional image than if you show up in trousers and a T-shirt. While disruptive people need to pay attention to social norms when it comes to dressing for important events (wedding, interview, graduation, etc.), when there are no obvious social representations of what to wear, the choice is yours!
    • Dress as you like; if you have a desire to wear clothes in bright colors, do so. If you want dark, muted tones, make this choice. Let your clothes be a symbol of your inner personality; this is somewhat corny, but quite a memorable way of expressing yourself!
  6. 6 Maintain self-confidence, but not arrogance. All of the previous comments have encouraged you to listen to your inner thoughts and feelings when it comes to expressing yourself and not be influenced by others. For disruptive people, it is usually more important to be sincere and open than to tone down their opinions just because the other person might disagree with them. However, by doing this, extremely important maintain a positive, friendly attitude, otherwise you run the risk of being arrogant or arrogant. Worrying about what you expect of yourself and not how others see you is a good attitude, but other people's opinions shouldn't be ignored, so don't ignore them! People who under no circumstances do not listen to others, not impudent, but simply limited.
    • Other people's contributions can help you see the problem from new perspectives or even come to a new understanding of yourself. For example, if you are having a friendly, cocky conversation about how permissible and unacceptable Behavior during a relationship, and you listen to what your friend has to say (without letting you get fooled), you may learn something that will allow you to better express yourself in the relationship in the future. Of course, you may not hear anything like this, but if you don’t listen, then this exactly will not happen.

Part 2 of 3: Fostering an ironic attitude

  1. 1 Develop a sense of mischief. As discussed earlier, disruptive people have willpower and opinions. But they are not braggart. In fact, cocky people are really nice to be around because they just enjoy having a good time. If you want to be more cocky, start with a sense of mischief. Cocky people are always looking for opportunities to get the best out of others in good-natured, fun ways. Practical jokes and practical jokes are all yours at this stage, although you can give the impression of being mischievous, simply speaking naughty things. There are a few points for beginners:
    • Deliberately interpret what your friends are saying in the worst possible way (for example, with jokes like "this is what she said")
    • Leave wacky messages on your friend's computer after they leave.
    • Pretend to be a telephone agent when your parents answer your call.
    • Tell the people you meet at the party not your name.
    • More elaborate pranks like the ones you can find in our articles.
  2. 2 Notice humor in life. Although cocky people enjoy occasional arguments, they are good-natured, happy people at heart. This level of satisfaction is easier to achieve if you have a strong sense of humor.If you are naturally serious or morose, this may not be an easy task. But nothing is impossible. By memorizing a few common jokes or funny stories, you can better connect, allowing you to strike up a conversation, leave the brakes behind, and enjoy the process. Try to stay relaxed and open in social interactions. Sympathize with other people; realize that most of them are just like you. Practiceь in friendly conversations with acquaintances. A sense of humor is like a muscle: you need to use it to strengthen it.
    • It is very difficult to have a good sense of humor if you are tired, nervous, or distracted. This means that in order to be as disruptive as possible, you need to streamline all aspects of your life, like your career and your family. As ironic as it sounds, the best way to develop a sense of humor is serious attitude to everything else in life, then you can relax and have fun.
  3. 3 Tease! Among impudent people, the reputation of notorious teased and for good reason. Good-natured teasing is a great way to control another person's ego while building your own. In other words, it's just fun! When teasing, however, it is very important not to make overly caustic remarks and avoid personal themes in order not to hurt the person's feelings. It is also important to be prepared to receive a little joke in return. Don't start this if you can't take the punch!
    • One of the most daring ways to trick someone is to say something back after hearing something dodgy or unexpected. This will require quick wit and excellent timing; it's not easy, but training will help you improve at it. For more information, read the articles on this topic.
  4. 4 Flirt! One of the greatest perks of insolence is that it is a direct pass to shameless flirting. Flirting should be a fun, exciting opportunity to prove yourself as a punchy person, it's not something to be afraid of. Don't be too shy; remember that cocky people don't keep their opinions to themselves.
    • As well as self-confidence, the specifics of flirting are so wide that it is not possible to describe them all in this article. The basic idea is that you should joke and pin up the person you like a little, showing him signs of attention, while remaining, at the same time, rather inaccessible. A sense of confidence is very important for good flirting skills, although appearance, mind and personality have not been canceled.
    • If you want to know more about it, check out our flirting articles.
  5. 5 Be sarcastic! Fast! Create a list of the most daring people or characters you know. Now look how many of them had a sarcastic sense of humor? Most likely the majority! From Princess Leia to Denny DeVito to Hermione Granger, cocky people are known for their amazing sarcasm. Basically, sarcasm is the ability to say the opposite of what you think, adding humor to make it obvious that you are joking. Sarcasm is a great tool for jokes, jokes and flirting, and a powerful weapon in conversation in the hands of a cocky person.
    • As an example of sarcasm, you might say, “Ha, this chicken the samelike grandma's ”if you think she is not very tasty. You are unlikely to say, "This chicken is good" as a sarcastic joke. Since there is no climax in this, other than that you consider the chicken to be a failure. Sarcasm needs humor; sarcasm for the sake of sarcasm can be annoying as hell.
  6. 6 Consider socializing as an opportunity to have fun. More than anything else, cocky people see the possibility of interacting with another person as a way to enjoy life. Flirting, jokes, jokes, and socializing are all great ways for the cocky person to have fun.By enjoying moments of good conversation and engaging in exciting new acquaintances, no matter where you are, you will forge new connections, make new friends, and very soon build a reputation for being an enterprising person.

Part 3 of 3: Staying Energetic

  1. 1 Eat a diet and exercise. Insolence takes a lot of energy. Treat every conversation as an exciting new opportunity. The constant search for ways to joke or joke and the effort of making sure everyone around you knows what you are thinking is very exhausting physically and mentally. This makes it easier to be cocky if your body can keep up with the demands of your new cocky personality. Stay fit by exercising every day and avoiding sugary and fatty foods. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be cocky; you just need to have enough energy to grab onto every opportunity to express yourself.
    • For in-depth fitness tips, you can browse our selection of fitness and wellness articles.
  2. 2 Get enough rest and allow yourself some free time. Just as it is important to keep your body in shape for the sake of energy, it is also important to give yourself a good rest so that when you do run out of energy, you can replenish it. Everyone gets tired of social interactions in different ways; some can go from one party to the next without losing their passion. While others need to be alone after hours of fun. Only you know how much rest you need to stay on top, so listen to your body. If you feel inner resistance at the thought of interacting with a person, allow yourself to be alone before going out into the light.
    • It's also worth remembering that rest is important on a basic physical level. Most medical sources state that an adult should sleep 7-9 hours a night. Not getting enough sleep can lead to chronic fatigue, stress, irritability, which will make you act grumpy rather than cocky.
  3. 3 Cheer yourself up when you feel energy drain. While you can take care of your physical side by exercising, eating wholesome food and allowing yourself the right amount of rest, and looking for the energy to stay cocky all the time, even the most cocky people sometimes have a motivation crisis. If you feel like you don't have the energy to show the world the cocky personality you have in you, try one of the following motivation strategies:
    • Listen to your favorite song. Find motivation in the lines "Eye of the Tiger".
    • Watch inspirational or exciting movie scenes. Alec Baldwin's cocky speech in Glengarry glen ross and the Mexican confrontation at the end The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
    • Take a splash of physical activity, such as jumping or running.
    • Watch your favorite comedian perform.
    • Call a friend you haven't spoken to for a long time.
    • Send a message while flirting with someone.
    • Watch the shocking jumping video for a little shake-up.


  • Don't be rude. Rudens are cowards who mock people weaker than them. Cocky people are confident and don't need to humiliate others to demonstrate this.
  • Always have a witty, sharp remark in response to an insult at the ready.


  • Don't be too conspicuous.
  • Don't insult people emotionally.
  • Remember that you don't know everything. Being brave does not mean being arrogant, unable to accept someone else's opinion.
  • Try not to become one of those people who threaten to punch a person in the face for looking in their direction for 2 seconds. Failure to follow this advice will result in suspension from school or house arrest.