How to make your girlfriend fall in love with you

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!
Video: How to Make ANY Girl Fall in Love with You FAST!


When a man falls in love with his girlfriend but is considered just a friend, he feels overwhelmed. Changing the role of a friend to that of a lover can be challenging. It's impossible to make someone love yourself, but there are ways to increase your chances of success and try to achieve reciprocity.


Method 1 of 4: Learn more about your sweetheart's preferences

  1. 1 Find out what she is looking for in love. Some of these things are going to be very simple. Perhaps she wants to be with someone who shares her religious beliefs, or someone who does not smoke. You don't have to meet all the criteria, but you should be able to meet at least some of her requirements, otherwise she won't even consider you as a potential boyfriend.
    • Make a list of the qualities that all of her previous boyfriends had. Most likely, these qualities are important to her, and you should pay attention to these traits in yourself.
  2. 2 Think about her unconscious criteria. They are often associated with a person's own character traits. Many people, including your friend, are looking for a partner with the same set of positive qualities that they have, and with personality traits that are the opposite of what they don't like about themselves.
    • When you find out what she doesn't like about herself, show her how you can complement those weaknesses with your strengths.
    • You could put it this way: “I hate myself for competing all the time. I would be much happier if I could just enjoy something, and not turn everything into a competition. And you? If you could change something in yourself, what would it be? "
  3. 3 Sketch her love map. Psychologists have found that, growing up, a person forms a love card, that is, an image of who he wants to be in a romantic relationship. Some aspects will be conscious (for example, she may want her partner to have a college degree), and others will be unconscious (how often the partner will express their love). If you understand her preferences, your chances of reciprocity will increase. There are several things that define a love card. Take a closer look at the following girl's preferences:
    • expectation or lack of expectation of a serious relationship;
    • acceptable duration of the relationship;
    • the belief that the right partner will make life better;
    • the ideal length of time before the start of a serious relationship (until the moment of declaration of love);
    • the length of time between the breakdown of previous relationships and the entry into new ones;
    • an acceptable length of time to wait for a declaration of love;
    • an acceptable degree of disagreement in basic life values;
    • Does an argument with a partner seem exciting or frightening to her?
    • whether she considers polygamous relationships acceptable;
    • an acceptable amount of time she plans to spend away from friends, family, and social life / commitments.
  4. 4 Meet her friends. Behave as best you can when dealing with them, as these people will help you understand her. If you are serious about it, be nice to her friends and this will win their respect and favor.
    • You do not need to fully open up to her friends and tell them about your love for her. Be a good guy and they will start to respect you. Tell them that you have noticed what she is going through. Ask them how you can help her. On occasion, mention that she is a close friend of yours, and you want to give her a gift, but do not know which is best for her.
  5. 5 Think about her previous relationship. Breaks, especially severe ones, force a person to consciously or unconsciously revise their love map. Letting her know that you are not like her ex-boyfriend will make you more attractive in her eyes.
  6. 6 Find out what scares and delights her at the same time. Scientists have found that when people experience fear with their partner, substances are produced in their bodies that are associated with arousal and sympathy. Appropriate activities will recharge you with new emotions and prepare you for new steps in your relationship.
    • Roller coasters and amusement parks are ideal for new sensations, but the person is not overly intimidated.
    • An addictive thriller will have the same effect, but it is better to avoid films with rivers of blood. You don't want to associate her with murder - you need to win her heart.
  7. 7 Find out how she loves to play sports. The body's physical response to sports coincides with the response to arousal. Exercising together will increase your blood endorphins and make her associate with pleasure. In addition, she will begin to see something new in you.

Method 2 of 4: Win Her Heart

  1. 1 Use mutual friends to your advantage. It may seem like you shouldn't, but if you feel like you would be a great couple, but the girl simply does not see you as a potential lover, your actions can lead to success with the support of friends. If her friends like you, most likely she will sympathize with you. Friends will help you win her heart.
  2. 2 Remind you of your presence. The more often you hear something, the more likely you are to believe it. This will help you in your relationship with your friend. You don’t need to call her every five minutes - this will put her off, but it’s worth being with her from time to time so that your presence becomes a habit.
  3. 3 Set the mood with soft lighting. It may seem that this will be too much, so it is hardly necessary to have a candlelit dinner, because you do not want to put pressure on the girl. However, researchers have found that dilated pupils are a sign that your girlfriend will subconsciously react to.
    • Dilated pupils can say a lot, but in your situation it is important when they dilate from physical or psychological pleasure. If the two of you go to a movie or a coffee shop with dim lights, you will look each other in the eyes, and this can help her understand that there is something between you.
  4. 4 Try to make your image more mysterious. If you think you've met the person of your dreams, you may be tempted to tell them as much about yourself as possible right away. Restraining yourself can be difficult, but if you don't tell everything at once, the girl will have more reasons to think about you more often. Thanks to this, your friendship can turn into something more.
  5. 5 Flirt with her. This can be challenging because all women have different ideas about the acceptable level of flirting. Draw conclusions from her past relationships. Have you seen what your girlfriend's ex-boyfriends have done well? Where did they fail? Remember that it is extremely important for you to respect her personal boundaries, even if you are trying to please her.
    • Compliment her with a subtle hint of sexuality. Instead of saying that she looks good, try saying, "I wish my ex-girlfriend looked as amazing as you." This will give her a hint that she is right for you and compliment her.
    • Find a way to be physically close. In all respects, closeness is a sign of comfort and close connection. But remember that some people need more personal space than others. Don't force her to be with you - try to create that intimacy naturally. In the silence of a museum, whispering in your ear is the most appropriate way to communicate.
    • Stretch touches. Before you try to touch a girl, you will need to make sure that she is comfortable, otherwise your touch may seem too intrusive to her.Physical touch stimulates the production of oxytocin in the blood, a hormone often referred to as the hormone of love.
  6. 6 Be persistent when the situation allows. If your friend is dependent on others, that is, if she needs other people's attention in order to feel good, she will most likely flatter your actions. But do not press on her - many women find this behavior intrusive, and this will not help you get closer to your goal.

Method 3 of 4: Share Your Feelings

  1. 1 Do not hurry. This girl is your friend, and even if you have been plagued by feelings for a long time, she should not be embarrassed in your presence. Strong emotions can captivate a person - don't let them ruin your relationship.
    • Writing about your feelings in a diary will make it easier for you to put things in order in your thoughts, and this will help you not to commit rash acts.
    • Write her a letter. This will allow you to talk about your feelings without saying those words out loud. Consider if this sounds too serious - you don't want to scare her off, especially if she likes you.
  2. 2 Try to understand her feelings. Does she try to spend time alone with you? Does she look at you more often? Did she break up with her boyfriend for no apparent reason? All of these could be signs that you are starting to interest her more than just a friend.
  3. 3 Talk to her friends. This can be dangerous, because friends can draw conclusions for the girl, because they think that it will be more correct. However, if you have a mutual friend you trust, ask them for their views on your chances of success.
    • Ask the question clearly: “Did she say anything about me? I would ask her myself, but lately I have been thinking all the time that I would like to be her more than a friend. "
  4. 4 Choose the right moment. As her friend, it will be easier for you to find the moment. Consider her work schedule, routine, any events she must attend, and any other factors that may stress or upset her. You don't want this to influence her decision.
    • To increase your chances of success, talk to her on a free and comfortable day when she is not overly tired or nervous.
  5. 5 Accept the thought of your vulnerability. Being vulnerable is not very comfortable, but it is the only way to express your feelings. Soothe yourself with the thought that everyone feels vulnerable at some point. Don't be afraid to take action.
    • You can express your feelings like this: “It's hard for me to talk about it. I don’t like to feel vulnerable, and it’s always been difficult for me to talk about my feelings. I don’t want anything to change in our relationship if you’re uncomfortable, but lately I’ve often thought about asking you out. ”
  6. 6 Calm her down. If your friendship is very important to you and she doesn't want to date you, it's important to tell her that you would like to keep the relationship.
    • Say something like, “I hope I am not embarrassing you. I want you to know that nothing will change if you don't want to. But it seems to me that there is something between us, and I want to know if you feel it. "
  7. 7 Be honest about your feelings. This does not mean that you should invite the musicians, get on one knee and sing a serenade to her. It is important to express feelings in the way it is customary between you. If she loves big gestures, it is quite possible that a string quartet will do. Remember that you want to change the nature of your relationship, which is a big step in itself. Be careful not to overdo it and take your time - this can ruin everything.

Method 4 of 4: When is it worth the risk?

  1. 1 Try to win her over if you think she likes you too. If you're pretty sure that she also likes more than just a friend, why not see what happens? Help her see you in a romantic light, and love can grow out of your friendship - this happens all the time. If a girl occasionally flirts with you or says something like “only with you I always feel that I can be myself,” take this as a signal that you can confess your true feelings to her.
  2. 2 If you're not sure about her answer, give it a try. If the girl isn't flirting with you or showing any other romantic interest, you may still open up to her one day. While you may not know how she will react, you can still be yourself and find out if she is ready to date you and not just be friends.
  3. 3 If your friendship is dear to you, be aware of the consequences of your confession. Perhaps the girl likes the way your relationship is going at the moment. When she learns about your feelings, a lot will change. If she says that she likes you too, your relationship will change; if not, they will change too. In the worst case scenario, she will not be comfortable with you and will feel unable to return to your old friendship.
  4. 4 Understand that no means no. Respect the girl's feelings and her response. As much as you love her, you cannot make her love you in return. She doesn't owe you anything. If she is really dear to you, do not try to get her after she has already turned you down.


  • Be interesting, funny, unpredictable, mysterious!
  • Find out what she likes and let her know that you have it too! So you will become even more desirable and interesting for her.
  • It is very important to be confident in yourself! Use body language and don't judge yourself too harshly.
  • Don't think that she will love you if you spend all your money on her. Perhaps she will perceive all this as a friendly gesture, and you will have to spend money.


  • There is always a risk that your relationship will change when she finds out about your feelings.
  • It will be difficult for you to be mysterious and unpredictable because she knows you very well. But do not despair - just treat it as an opportunity to show your best side and show those character traits that you underestimated in yourself.