How to learn speech in one night

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How to Memorize a Speech In One Night Using A Memory Palace
Video: How to Memorize a Speech In One Night Using A Memory Palace


Memorizing a speech overnight is not an easy task, but a completely feasible task. There are hundreds of different memorization techniques, but we have found that a simple and proven strategy of repetition and practice works best. If you are looking for some more interesting method, we will help you here too! Try to build a memory palace that will help you visualize the key components of your speech and consolidate it all in your mind in just one night.


Method 1 of 3: Repetition

  1. 1 Write out the entire speech. Just take a piece of paper and a pen and write your entire speech. If it is relatively short, you can write it several times. Many people remember information better when actively writing it down. Rewriting the speech on another sheet of paper will help fix the information in memory.
  2. 2 Type your speech. Type the text of a speech on a computer - this technique is no less effective than writing a speech on paper, since it allows you to use the visual memorization of information. Given that typing is generally faster than handwriting, you will have more time to make multiple copies.
    • You don't need to print out the speech every time.
    • However, some people are better at remembering information when they are handwriting than when typing on a keyboard.
  3. 3 Practice speaking in front of a friend. Sometimes it seems to us that we know our speech well, but we literally freeze when we go out in public.It's important to practice in front of the other person to make sure you really know the information. Ask a friend for some tips. He may tell you that you are not speaking loudly enough or too fast.
  4. 4 Record yourself repeating the speech. If you don't have anyone to practice with, try recording your speech during rehearsal. The best way is to record a video so you can look at the picture and find flaws in your speech and body language. You can also listen to the recording while doing other things to help you remember the information.
  5. 5 Do not try to memorize speech word for word. As a rule, it is not necessary to reproduce the speech verbatim. It is much more important to remember all the topics that need to be covered during the presentation. Take the time to memorize key points, important facts and statistics, and an outline of your speech to ensure you have all the information you need to be covered.

Method 2 of 3: The Memory Palace Method

  1. 1 Divide your speech into several main points. Each item should touch on a new topic. Write these theses on a piece of paper or note cards.
  2. 2 Choose a place in your home for each key moment. Count the main points and find the same number of pieces of furniture in your home, office, or other place where you memorize speech. For example, if you have ten theses, you will need to select ten separate pieces of furniture.
  3. 3 Visualize a subject for each major point. Once you have decided on the furniture to use for the memory palace, imagine the item that relates to each thesis.
    • For example, if the item is related to finance, you can visualize ruble bills.
    • If the paragraph is about fashion, you can draw a shirt in your mind.
  4. 4 Match the main item with the piece of furniture. Then introduce the theme along with the piece of furniture.
    • For example, you can talk about fashion by imagining a row of shirts in your wardrobe.
    • In a speech about finance, you can visualize ruble bills in your wallet.

Method 3 of 3: Preparing for Success

  1. 1 Get some sleep. The idea of ​​staying up all night to prepare for your speech may sound tempting, but it probably won't help you. Lack of sleep increases stress levels and decreases your ability to concentrate. Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep the night before a performance.
  2. 2 Take a break. It's important to remember to take care of your body, even as you cram your presentation material. Take some time for a quick walk. Don't forget to eat and drink to stay hydrated. These steps are equally important for memorizing speech.
  3. 3 Learn to stay calm. Make a list of what scares you about your upcoming talk. Then try to deal with those fears. If eye contact makes you lose focus, try looking just above the audience's heads. If possible, give a speech behind the podium or with a microphone in hand to keep your hands busy. Use breathing exercises to keep calm before speaking.


  • It is not necessary to memorize speech.
  • Remember to practice not only your speech, but also your body language.
  • Read your speech in front of the mirror.
  • Understand each line, because if you understand what you are talking about, it will be easier for you to speak.
  • Train, train, train ... Practice is a necessary thing, because with it you can achieve perfection.
  • Learn speech in small chunks.
  • Be sure to understand the topic before writing a speech.
  • Remain calm and confident.
  • Record yourself, and then when you do something (like housework) listen to the recording 15 times so that it gets stuck in your head.


  • Remembering a speech overnight can be tricky. If you have time, try spreading the task over several nights or evenings.
  • Work on the individual parts, and then gradually combine them.