Ways to Cope With Anxiety

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt
Video: How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt


Anxiety is a psychological state that anyone experiences from time to time. Feeling stressed before a performance or an exam, or even when you're busy or overly excited, are all fairly normal. However, the nature of worry is not simply stress'. If you find that you often experience anxiety over a long period of time, and you cannot eliminate it, you should take a closer look at the issue. The advice in this article can help you reduce your anxiety levels both in the short term and in the long run.


Method 1 of 3: Lifestyle Changes

  1. Eliminate foods that cause anxiety from your daily diet. It sounds simple enough, but changing the foods you eat can have a strong impact on your anxiety level. Rethinking food consumption is the following anxiety triggers:

    • The coffee. The most common "energy drink" of all times can be one of the main causes of anxiety. If you have the habit of drinking coffee every morning, switch to a decaffeinated tea within a few weeks. It can be difficult to give up coffee, but you should be able to reduce your stress levels during this time.

    • Sugar and starches. People often think of foods containing sugars and starches as stress-relieving options, as foods that help you "relieve melancholy" such as ice cream and cookies provide temporary relief. However, the rise and fall of blood sugar after consuming these foods can actually make your emotions more unstable. Try to replace them with fruits or vegetables to avoid hyperglycemia.

    • Wine. After a stressful working day, many people use alcohol as a way to relax. Alcohol can help you let go of stress for a while, but the resulting aftermath will completely eliminate any momentary relaxation feelings you may experience. Don't drink too much alcohol, and if you do, make sure to drink more water to reduce your chances of experiencing unpleasant stress after the alcohol loses its effect.

  2. Add emotional foods to your diet. Staying healthy through a well-balanced diet can help stabilize your mood. If you give it all the nutrients it needs, your body won't have to worry when faced with a stressful situation.
    • Eat a variety of foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries and acai berries. They can help improve your emotions and reduce stress hormones.

    • Foods rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium, found in bran, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, fish, and almonds are very effective in dealing with stress. Most people do not get the required amount of magnesium and this causes a variety of symptoms including anxiety.

    • Food and drink containing GABA, a neurotransmitter that improves sleep and promotes relaxation, can be consumed through diet every day. Some foods that contain GABA include kefir (yeast products), kimchi, and oolong tea.

  3. Exercise to help reduce stress. Many studies have shown that exercising regularly reduces daily anxiety symptoms and also helps treat anxiety disorders. It helps build a feeling of well-being now and for the next several hours.
    • Cardiovascular exercises such as running or cycling, as well as exercise that improves weight and other muscles, are all meant to reduce anxiety.
    • You can try yoga. The relaxing atmosphere of the yoga studio, and the opportunity to be quiet and calm for a few hours make this physical activity very beneficial in alleviating anxiety.
    • If the thought of exercise is enough to make you feel anxious, you can incorporate light physical activity into your daily routine. You don't have to be on a sports team or go to the gym to get full sports training; Just walking around the neighborhood is enough to improve your mood every day.
  4. Deep breath. Taking slow, deep breaths has immediate effects on your stress. Most people practice shallow breathing, breathing air into their lungs, and exhaling quickly. When we feel stressed, we often breathe faster, which in turn, makes us feel more stressed. Instead, you should focus on breathing through your diaphragm or abdomen. Your belly should be balloon-like. This will let you breathe in more air than through your lungs and also help lower your blood pressure, relax your muscles, and help calm you down.
    • Try to be mindful of your breathing even if you don't feel anxious. Deep breathing is very important regardless of your mental state.
    • Try to inhale for 4 counts, hold the air in your lungs for 3 counts, and exhale for 4 counts. Allowing breathing for 8 beats or less for 1 minute can help reduce your anxiety immediately.
  5. Do the things you love to do. Usually, anxiety is formed when we do not have a chance to release stress from life problems. Take at least 10 minutes a day to pursue a hobby or take action that brings peace to yourself. They could be reading books, playing sports, playing music, painting, anything else. Creating a way out for yourself can help you get rid of both immediate and long-term anxiety in your mind.
    • You should also take a class in an area that interests you. If you love jewelry, you can look for a ring making class where you live, take lessons from your local teacher or take a language class at a community college.
    • While you do something you enjoy, make a conscious decision to avoid thinking about your stressors. Removing them from your thoughts will allow you to focus on enjoying the activities you are doing, and help prevent future contemplation.
  6. Relax at home. When you are at home, you need to be completely relaxed; home should be your shelter. When you are dealing with anxiety, take some time to relax at home. Soak in a hot tub, listen to soothing music, and avoid anything that might make your anxiety worse. You need to make sure you allow yourself plenty of time during the day or week to enjoy these things.
  7. Avoid exposing yourself to an overload. If your schedule is quite busy, taking the chores home to do, and stressing yourself over having to complete the school report, it will make you feel overwhelmed and anxious for yourself. more than necessary. You should keep your timetable around essential activities and eliminate a few other things. Allowing yourself time alone to deal with your anxiety can help you overcome it.
    • While meeting friends can be fun, doing this too often can make you feel anxious about upsetting them every time you have to turn them down and about not being able to take time out for yourself. . Make a balance between meeting friends and making time for yourself.
    • Learn to say "no" to certain requests. Whether it's a job at the company or another chore, it's okay to turn down an offer from time to time.
  8. Sleep a lot. Lack of sleep prevents the body from getting rid of excess cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone in high concentrations, and is responsible for causing stress and anxiety. You need to make sure you get 8-9 hours of sleep each night.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This will help you regulate your sleep cycle, and will help you sleep better.
    • If you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you can take a melatonin supplement. Melatonin is a hormone that the body forms to help you sleep. You can find this hormone as a low-dose pill at most pharmacies.
    • Avoid using cell phones, laptops, and TVs before bed. The light in these devices is a source of anxiety and also prevents the body from producing the right amount of melatonin.

Method 2 of 3: Coping with Anxiety with Mental Tactics

  1. Face a source of anxiety you can control. There are many different situations that cause anxiety, and it is better if you can identify the specific cause of your anxiety and work on how to deal with it. For example, if you are late for your taxes, you may feel like you have to carry a yoke on your shoulder until you finish the job.
    • Journaling will help you identify the causes of your bad mood. Writing about your thoughts can help you discover sources of stress you have never thought of.
    • Even if you feel that the source of the anxiety is completely out of your control, you can change the situation slightly so that it is less stressful for you. For example, if you are worried about an upcoming vacation because it means you are about to have a family visit, approach the situation in a different direction. You can have family parties at home so you don't have to visit family, or have a party at a restaurant so you don't have to cook. Try to find the flexible side of the situation.
  2. Stay away from sources of stress you cannot control. If a situation worries you, you can completely avoid it. If you don't like flying, and you don't think your fears will abate, it's okay to drive. You need to understand your limits and practice your self-preservation instinct.
    • If someone in your life worries you and doesn't feel comfortable / unable to face them, you can make some changes to stay away from them.
    • If work or school is stressful for you, take time during the day to turn off all your phones and laptops and free yourself from the anxiety they cause. If you feel anxious about having to keep your eyes on your email for work, take it out of your life for a moment.
  3. Meditate. Relaxation and meditation routines are very effective in reducing anxiety levels. There are many different types of meditation, so it's best to try a few different techniques before choosing the one that makes you feel most comfortable and relaxed.
    • Guided meditation is also a good choice for beginners. You can meditate in person, but it might be easier if you buy a CD or watch a YouTube meditation video to practice. You will learn techniques to stay calm when your heart rate starts to increase rapidly or when you feel that you have no control over your thoughts.
    • Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on a particular thought or thought pattern that worries you, allowing your mind to immerse in these thoughts until they fade and your mind is complete. all empty.This practice method can be as simple as finding a quiet space to think for five minutes before the start of your day, but it's an age-old method that can be quite beneficial if you want to study. help further. Here are a few techniques to try:
      • Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
      • Take 5 minutes to notice each breath you breathe. Mindfulness breathing is a valuable prelude to mindfulness meditation.
      • Next, immerse yourself in a certain emotion - anxiety, depression, a painful memory, a recent conflict. Keep that feeling in your subconscious mind, but don't allow yourself to get lost in your thoughts. You just need to "sit" with your emotions just like sitting with a friend.
      • Observe your emotions. Keep it in your consciousness and say "I'm here for you. I'll sit with you for as long as you want".
      • Allow your emotions to express yourself and see how it changes. If you sit with your emotions as a friend, it will begin to change and heal itself.
      • You can check out other articles in our category to learn more details and other techniques about the Mindfulness Meditation technique.
  4. Please imagine. This is the process of letting go of anxiety-provoking thoughts and images and replacing them with calmer thoughts and images. You can use guided visualization to visualize a picture of where you feel relaxed and safe. When you are thinking about the landscape of the place, focus on the details so that your mind can fully immerse yourself in the place you imagine. Getting rid of your anxious thoughts can help soothe your body and mind, and prepare you for anything that causes you anxiety.
  5. Get help. For many people, talking about anxiety is a very effective relief. If you need to vent, ask your spouse or friend for advice and share your feelings with them. Sometimes, expressing your feelings through words can help relieve a lot of stress.
    • If you rely on someone on a regular basis for advice, your problems can feel overwhelming. If you need to deal with a lot of anxiety, you should see a therapist. You will be free to present your problem as much as you want and a trained expert will be on hand to help.

Method 3 of 3: Coping with Anxiety through a Medical Approach

  1. Use natural remedies. Some herbs, teas, and supplements have been shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety. You can try the following foods:
    • Chamomile is commonly used to treat anxiety, stress and digestive disorders. It has properties similar to those of antidepressants. It can be brewed into tea or used as a supplement.
    • Ginseng can help reduce stress on the body. You can take ginseng extract supplements every day to deal with anxiety.
    • Kava kava is a plant native to Polynesia (a subdivision of Oceania) that is believed to have a sedative effect, helping to soothe anxiety. You can check to see if the pharmacy where you live sells this supplement, or you can order it online.
    • Valerian root is very popular in Europe for its sedative properties. You can use it when you have difficulty coping with an anxiety situation you think you cannot overcome.
  2. See a therapist. Realize when you need to see your doctor. If you are experiencing chronic anxiety and feel like you may have an anxiety disorder, you should see a psychiatrist or psychiatrist. It can be difficult to treat an anxiety disorder without a doctor's intervention, the sooner you see a doctor, the faster you will feel.
  3. Consider using anti-anxiety medications. If you have a long-term anxiety that's interfering with your sleep and it doesn't stop throughout the day, it's time to see your doctor. Panic attacks, extreme social anxiety, and many other symptoms can be effectively treated through prescription medications tailored to your needs. advertisement


  • Know that your anxiety does not go away immediately. It takes time for you to re-train your body and mind to deal with your feelings of anxiety.
  • Be kind to yourself. Anxiety is a very common emotional state, and you don't have to deal with it alone.
  • Do not hide your anxiety from others. You should share with people you trust and work together to deal with the problem.
  • The most important thing to remember is that anxiety only goes on in your mind. Be yourself and ignore what others think of you. You need to be confident so that everyone can see this.
  • Blow bubbles. Blowing bubbles helps you focus on your breathing, so it will also calm you down when you're having a panic attack.


  • Severe anxiety or depression requires treatment by a health professional. You should see a doctor if you are concerned about your problem.
  • Do not take herbal supplements without first consulting your doctor.