How to straighten curly hair

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 7 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


1 Start working on clean, dry hair. Wash your hair with moisturizing shampoo and conditioner and apply a little over the entire length of your hair. (This will help your hair stay hydrated while blow-drying.) It is also recommended to use a little watery gel. You can blow dry your hair or let it dry itself.
  • 2 Turn on your hot hair straightener. Wait for it to fully warm up - most irons have a special light that will light up when the surface is warm enough. You may need to turn the appliance on at maximum power.
  • 3 Straighten your hair strand by strand. The more strands you select, the easier it will be to straighten all the hair. Start with the strands of the bottom layer of your hair and pin up the top. Apply a heat protectant to your hair first. Spray the product onto a section of hair and then spread it with your hands to moisturize all hair.
  • 4 Select a small section of hair from one section to detangle any knots with the comb.
  • 5 Align in parts. Fix the iron as close to the scalp as possible (do not burn yourself). Wait until you feel a little warm, and then steadily and gradually remove the iron from your hair. Imagine that your iron is a lift that slowly and smoothly descends down the length of your hair. This will help you achieve good results.
  • 6 Repeat the steps if the strand is not completely aligned. Comb through your hair and then flatten again with a flat iron.Once you're done straightening some of your hair, pin it up so it doesn't get in your way.
  • 7 Select the next section of hair and continue smoothing until you complete this process. Work from the crown of the head to the ends of the hair, gradually pinning the treated strands.
  • 8 Once you're done, tie the bottom layer of your hair with a rubber band in a low ponytail. To avoid knots, only tie the elastic once or twice.
  • 9 Take the next section and move to the middle layer of your hair. Tie that hair back in a ponytail as well when you're finished trimming.
  • 10 Move to the top of the head. It will be easiest to align one side first and then the other. While straightening your hair at the crown of your head, press it lightly in the iron. Chances are that your hair is smoother in this part of your head, and excessive pressure will make your hair stiff and even! Finish aligning the top of your head.
  • 11 Take a look at your hair in the mirror as soon as you're done. Are there any strands that are not fully aligned? Look in the small mirror with your back to the large mirror to see your hair from behind and make sure there are no knots on it. If necessary, smooth out the imperfections with an iron.
  • 12 Tie your hair into a low ponytail while dressing / doing makeup or going to bed with straight hair. The ponytail will significantly reduce hair volume and prevent any knots from forming. Do not braid your hair or tie a high ponytail, or you will create knots.
  • 13 Apply some product to complete your hair. Watery gels are great for styling straight hair, or you can add some sheer cream or lip gloss. If you feel your hair is too dry, try adding some olive or coconut oil to your hair for shine and moisture, below ear level.
  • 14 Enjoy your straight hair! Since you've put a lot of effort into smoothing your hair, try to extend the effect for a few days. Do not apply the product to the hair roots so that they get dirty and try experimenting with different hairstyles and accessories to prolong the effect of the hairdryer. Rejoice!
  • 15 Ready.
  • Tips

    • If you don't have enough time to straighten your hair in the morning, do it in the evening, sleep on straight hair and add a couple of strokes in the morning. Silk or satin pillows are excellent at preventing static electricity and frizz at night.
    • If you don't want your hair to look straight like sticks, iron the ends in or out with a flat iron. To do this, gently curve the iron when you come to the end of the section. This makes the hair look more natural.
    • Check in advance how damp your hair is and try to straighten it when it is at its minimum. Use heat to style curly hair that is more prone to frizz in high humidity.
    • If possible, straighten your hair in the opposite direction. This contributes to an even hair styling.
    • Apply a little oil to your hair before smoothing it out. This will give your hair a beautiful shine.


    • Make sure your hair is completely dry before you start straightening. Damp hair will negatively affect both the appliance and your hair.
    • Don't forget to turn off your iron after use! The plates can ignite the surface on which the iron lies. In addition, if it is turned on all day, it will lead to a lot of energy consumption.
    • Do not use the straightener too high to avoid scalding your hair. A high enough power, but not the strongest, is ideal, especially if you have coarse hair.
    • Be very careful with your ironing plates - they are hot. Do not touch them, otherwise you may get burns and red marks on the skin.Store the flat iron high on a shelf away from children when not in use. Children can only use it under the supervision of an adult.
    • When you are finished straightening your hair, do not apply any product to your hair for any reason. The spray will moisturize your hair a little, and when it gets wet or even a little damp, it will start curling again. Don't even think about using a fixing spray. It will help curl your hair.
    • If you constantly straighten your hair, you will damage it, no matter how carefully you do it. Plus, the more heat and time it takes to straighten the hair, the more damage it gets. Try to limit the amount of blow-drying your hair to twice a week and adapt to walking with naturally curly hair.
    • As with any electrical appliance, never use an iron or hair dryer in or near water. There is a risk of electric shock, for example, if you drop it in a sink filled with water.

    What do you need

    • Hair straightener
    • Thermal protection spray
    • Hair Clips Set
    • Scrunchy
    • Optional things:
      • Hairdryer and additional leveling devices
      • Round hair brush
      • Leave-in conditioner
      • Olive oil
      • Watery gel