How to grow soybeans

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 3 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing Edamame from Seed to Plate | Backyard Soybeans
Video: Growing Edamame from Seed to Plate | Backyard Soybeans


The cultivation of soybeans has become very popular among amateur gardeners. This thermophilic plant is native to Africa, Asia and Australia. Soybeans have earned their popularity for their health benefits. The composition of soybeans is high in fiber and protein. They are also a natural source of calcium. Plus, soybeans are delicious. Amateur gardeners assure that there is nothing difficult in growing this plant. They grow like any other bush beans and produce a large harvest.


  1. 1 After planting, you can expect a harvest in 3 months. To get a consistent harvest every few weeks, you can plant this plant one at a time, not all at once.
  2. 2 Sow the soil with soybean seeds. The seeds come in both black and green. Black seeds are for drying, while green seeds can be used in any form. Plant the plant in soil on a cooler day. The soil must be warmed up before planting.
  3. 3 Sow soybean seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other and to a depth of just over 1 cm in rows, the distance between which is 50-60 cm. If you have a small garden area, then you can plant soybeans in double rows.
  4. 4 Planted seeds should be well watered every 2-4 days if there is no rain.
  5. 5 Feed the soil with nutrients from time to time.
  6. 6 Soy is a picky plant, germinates easily. Especially if there is a lot of sun and warm weather. Soy likes well fertilized soil that is rich in nitrogen. For soybeans to grow well, the soil must contain moisture and hold it well.
    • Soy grows best in rich soils. Add fertilizer to the soil before sowing seeds. Apply fertilizer regularly throughout the entire period.
  7. 7 The crop is ripe when the pods are thick. Rinse the pods and cook for about 20 minutes. Let them cool, then squeeze the pods to remove the beans. They can be frozen or canned.
  8. 8 Protect the plant from insects and diseases. Like any other legume, soybeans are highly susceptible to various insect pests, such as beetles. You can protect plants with drugs like Sevin, Diazinon, or any other insect repellent.
    • Rabbits eat tender young soybean leaves. If there are a lot of rabbits in your area, then a fence from them will be a must. Rabbits very quickly damage fresh bean shoots and return to the site when new ones appear.
  9. 9 Harvest. Harvesting takes place in summer when the beans are getting large and the pods are still green.
    • Pour boiling water over the beans before you begin cleaning them to soften them.
  10. 10 Ready.


  • The Japanese call refined soybeans green soybeans. They are rich in protein and delicious.
  • Did you know that soy plants contain many beneficial properties? After harvesting, place the remains of the plant in a compost pit to improve the soil with this compound.
  • Soy is a frost-resistant plant. It is prone to cold and frost. Take your time to plant seeds in the soil if there may still be frosts. Cover the plants overnight in the fall if the temperature is below 5 degrees.
  • The most famous soybeans are Early Hakucho and Envyy.
  • Soybeans belong to the legume family and are good for food.


  • Infectious and vascular diseases are common among the legume family. These diseases can begin during the summer heat and high humidity. This often occurs before or during the ripening of the pod. We recommend antifungal agents in areas with high humidity and high temperatures.