How to grow lavender from seeds

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to grow lavender from seeds and a trick that I found to help germinate lavender seeds
Video: how to grow lavender from seeds and a trick that I found to help germinate lavender seeds


Lavender is a beautiful, fragrant shrub that produces purple, white, or yellow flowers, depending on the particular cultivar. Most gardeners usually propagate lavender from cuttings, but the plant can also be grown from seed. Growing lavender from seeds is not always a successful and rather slow process, but the method is often cheaper than buying cuttings or pre-planted lavender plants and can end up producing a living plant like that.


Method 1 of 3: Germinating seeds

  1. 1 Plant the seeds 6-12 weeks before warm weather. Lavender seeds take some time to germinate and must be planted indoors first so they have enough time to grow into mature plants during the warm growing season.
  2. 2 Place the seeds through a process called cold peeling."In this process, the seeds should be placed in a plastic bag filled with moist soil. Use a commercial soil specially designed for planting seeds. Put the plastic bag containing the soil and seeds in the refrigerator and let them sit there for three weeks."
  3. 3 Fill a container with planting seed mixture. The seed potting mix should be light and well drained. You can either use a plastic seedling tray or a wide, shallow, unsplit container.
  4. 4 Sow seeds. Sprinkle the soil over the top.
    • Using a plastic seedling tray, plant one seed per hole.
    • Using an undivided container, sow the seeds 1.27 to 2.54 cm apart.
  5. 5 Sprinkle the seeds about 1/3 cm. soil mixture. A light coat of potting soil protects the seeds, but the seeds also need access to sunlight in order to germinate.
  6. 6 Keep seeds warm. A heated tray often works better, but a different location will also work as long as the temperature is around 21 ° C.
  7. 7 Water the seeds lightly. Keep growing seeds moderately moist, but not soggy, and water the seeds in the morning so that the soil is slightly dry before evening. Too moist and cool soil is prone to the development of fungus, and the fungus will destroy the seeds.
  8. 8 Wait. Germination of lavender seeds can take anywhere from two weeks to one month.
  9. 9 Give the sprouted seeds plenty of light. After the seeds have germinated, you should move the container to a place where there is a lot of direct sunlight. If there is no such place, place fluorescent lamps near the sprouts and let them under artificial light for eight hours a day.

Method 2 of 3: Transplant

  1. 1 Transplant the first time after the lavender has developed several sets of leaves. Wait until the leaves are "proper leaves", or fully mature. At this point, the root system will grow too large to continue growing in a shallow tray.
  2. 2 Fill a large container with well-drained potting soil. You no longer need potting mix for seeds, but the potting mix you use should be light. Look for mixtures that are made from a piece of soil and a piece of peat, a piece of perlite. Peat moss is endangered; use coconut fiber instead if possible. Do not use vermiculite, which may contain asbestos, even if not indicated on the label.
    • The pot for each plant should be at least 5 cm in diameter. Alternatively, you can also use a larger pot or a non-split tray and plant a lot of lavender in the tray 5 cm apart.
  3. 3 Mix some fertilizer with the soil. Use a small amount of a slow-release granular fertilizer that contains balanced proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  4. 4 Place lavender in your prepared pot. Dig a hole in the new growth medium, about as large as the compartment in which it was currently growing. Gently lift the lavender out of the original container and transplant it into a new hole, tamp the soil around it until it locks firmly in place.
  5. 5 Let the lavender keep growing. Plants should reach a height of 7.6 cm before transplanting them to their final location, but they should still only have one stem. This can take from one to three months.
  6. 6 Expose lavender to outdoor conditions slowly. Place the pots outdoors in partial shade or partial sun for several hours. Do this for one week, it's just that lavender takes a long time to adapt to external conditions.
  7. 7 Choose a sunny spot. Lavender grows best in full sun. Shaded areas tend to be damp, and wet soil can grow fungus that will destroy the plant.
  8. 8 Prepare the soil in your garden. Break up the soil with a shovel or digging forks to loosen and mix with compost. Compost is composed of uneven particles, it creates a looser soil and this helps the roots to stretch more easily.
    • Check soil pH after adding compost. The soil pH should be between 6-8, and preferably 6.5-7.5 for best results. If the soil pH is too low, mix the soil with agricultural lime. If too tall, add a small amount of pine sawdust bedding.
  9. 9 Transplant lavender 30 1/2 to 61 cm apart. apart. Dig a hole that is as deep as the container the plant is currently growing in. Remove the plant from the pot, carefully remove it with a garden spatula and plant the lavender in a new hole.

Method 3 of 3: Daily Care

  1. 1 Water lavender only when dry. Mature lavender is quite drought tolerant, but in its first year of growth, it needs regular watering. Normal weather conditions are often sufficient, but if you live in a particularly dry area, or if there has been little rainfall, you should soak the soil regularly. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, though.
  2. 2 Avoid chemicals. Herbicides, pesticides, and even fertilizers can kill the beneficial organisms that live in garden soil and help lavender grow well. Do not add fertilizer at all when planting in the ground. If a pesticide is needed, try an organic pesticide solution that does not contain any chemicals, as it is less likely to have a negative impact.
  3. 3 Trim the lavender. Lavender grows slowly in the first year, and most of the plant's energy goes into root development and vegetative growth. You should encourage this process by cutting off the flowering stems as soon as the first buds begin to open during the first growing season.
    • After one year, cut off the flowering stems after 1/3 of the buds have opened to encourage further growth. Leave at least 1/3 of the new growth behind.
  4. 4 Mulch in cold weather. Keep the soil warm by applying gravel or mulch bark around the base of the plant, leaving 15 1/4 cm clear space around the stem for air circulation.


  • You can also grow lavender from cuttings. Growing lavender from cuttings gives you practical lavender much earlier, and many gardeners find it much easier to do than growing lavender from seed.
  • Lavender can be harvested after a year for decorative constellations, culinary purposes, aromatherapy, and homeopathic medicines.

What do you need

  • Loose soil
  • Seedling tray
  • Small pots
  • Scapula
  • Garden pitchfork
  • Granular slow release fertilizer
  • Heated tray
  • Spray
  • garden hose
  • Soil pH Tester
  • Pruner or scissors
  • Mulch