How to grow kohlrabi

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 13 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow kohlrabi from seed
Video: How to grow kohlrabi from seed


Popular in Germany and India, kohlrabi gets its name from the German words kohl and rübe, and the vegetable's crunch and versatility is suitable for both of these products. This frost-hardy annual grows well in temperate climates, making it a unique and tasty addition to any garden. You can learn how to plant and grow kohlrabi for the most productive harvest.


Part 1 of 2: Planting Kohlrabi

  1. 1 Choose a kohlrabi variety. Kohlrabi is a brassica, a cabbage family. Growing in popularity, kohlrabi comes in a variety of varieties, each of which is easy to grow with slight differences in appearance and ripening times. The bottom line is whether you choose the green or purple variety.
    • The green kohlrabi variety includes varieties such as Corridor and Pobeditel, which can mature quite quickly, in about 50 days, compared to 60 days for other varieties. The light green light makes an attractive addition to the garden.
    • Such varieties of purple kohlrabi as the Star of Azura and the Hummingbird are inaccessible to insects due to the purple leaves on the plant, which repel insects. You won't notice much difference in taste.
    • Storage varieties such as Kossak, Supershmelz and Gigant are, as you might guess, much larger than regular kohlrabi varieties. They last longer in a cellar or refrigerator if properly prepared. All these varieties are very similar in taste.
  2. 2 Choose a place to plant kohlrabi. Kohlrabi should be planted in direct sunlight, close to other root crops such as potatoes, beets, and onions. Kohlrabis consume a lot of substances and drink a lot, which means that they need good watering and fertile soil. It is generally recommended to plant five or six cabbage plants for each family member. Sow three times the amount.
    • Kohlrabi should be grown in a vegetable garden away from beans, tomatoes and strawberries.
  3. 3 Prepare the soil for sowing. Kohlrabi can be planted a few weeks before the last frost of spring, which means you can start tilling the soil early. Kohlrabi should be planted in well-cultivated land, enriched with compost.Kohlrabi are resistant in most conditions, however, they will germinate in soil with a pH value between 5.5 and 6.8.
    • Good drainage is also helpful in preventing rotting and decay of your plants, so make sure you have an area of ​​your garden that doesn't collect too much water.
  4. 4 Plant kohlrabi in cool weather. Kohlrabi are hardy plants that need to be planted about a month before the last spring frost. Ideally, it is advisable for the plant to mature before the temperature rises above 23 C, which means you should plant it earlier, with one of your earliest crops, in an area with very hot summers. Kohlrabi will ripen within 50 - 60 days.
    • If you live in an area where winters are warm, you can also plant kohlrabi in late fall to harvest in early winter. The plant must be able to withstand autumn frosts.
    • If the winter drags on, you can start growing kohlrabi indoors in pots, then take the plants outside about a month before the last frost, and then transplant them.
  5. 5 Plant seeds in an even row. Kohlrabi seeds should be planted in moist soil, to a depth of about 1 - 1.5 cm, at a distance of 2.5 cm from each other, one seed in each hole. Use your finger to make a small hole in the ground, then lightly cover the grain with earth. Leave at least 2.5 cm between the plants.
    • Kohlrabi should be planted in rows that should be about 30 cm apart to give them room to grow and mature.

Part 2 of 2: Plant Care

  1. 1 Weed gently and regularly. When you see any growing sprouts, weed the soil around them very carefully, paying special attention to cottonweed, thistle and any other local weeds. Kohlrabi are very vulnerable in the beginning, and have a shallow root structure as the bulb is above the ground. The most critical time for kohlrabi is the first couple of weeks. Let them bloom and then thin them out.
  2. 2 Thin the successful seedlings about 20 cm apart. After a couple of weeks, the plants should be about 15 cm tall, and you can start thinning the most successful ones to give them room to grow. Dig up the plants carefully and repot them so that they are about 20 cm apart, replanting some of them to other places in the garden if necessary.
    • Young kohlrabi greens can be eaten raw, in salads, or they can be thrown into hot oil, like any field greens. This is a unique and nutrient-rich way of seasoning your food.
  3. 3 Mulch the plants with compost. After thinning your kohlrabis, it is very important to provide them with a little structural and nitrogen support, so you should spread some compost around your plants to help them hold and introduce some nutrients into the soil. This can be a big difference between looking healthy large bulbs and woody, edible bulbs.
  4. 4 Water abundantly and frequently. Kohlrabi need a lot of water and germinate well in temperate and Mediterranean climates. If the soil is dry, insufficiently watered kohlrabi will become woody (tough) and unpleasant to eat. Increase watering if the split striations on the bulb start to look dry.
    • When watering, water the soil around the base of each bulb, do not pour water over the tops of the plants, as this can increase the possibility of rotting. This works well for most types of cabbage.
  5. 5 Watch the tracks closely. Kohlrabi and other cabbage are susceptible to caterpillar attacks, which is why it is so important to keep an eye on these pests as your plants mature. You will notice holes in the leaves and clusters of eggs on the inside of the leaves. If you find this, act quickly.
    • Thoroughly wash the leaves with the laid eggs, removing the eggs from them.Often, "collars" are made with the stems of kohlrabi leaves, tying them up in order to raise the leaves from the ground. This can help keep pests at bay. Use Bacillus thuringiensis if you have serious problems.
    • Watch out for decay, too. Cabbage yellowing is easily recognized by the yellow-brown tints of the leaves. Remove infected plants completely
  6. 6 Harvest kohlrabi by pulling out the plant completely. Kohlrabi is ripe when the stems are about 5 to 7.5 cm in diameter and the bulbs are large and healthy-looking. Bulbs of different varieties grow to different sizes, so you will partly listen to your own judgment. If they overripe, kohlrabi will become a little woody (tough) and unpleasant.
  7. 7 Enjoy kohlrabi raw or cooked. Kohlrabi has a brittle texture and mild flavor, making it a versatile and nutritious food for your table. It is a cross between a cabbage and an apple, sweet and savory at the same time. Sauté kohlrabi with other root vegetables, bake and mash kohlrabi, or serve with mixed vegetable sauté.
    • Kohlrabi is consumed in Germany as a bar snack, seasoned with salt, sliced ​​and served raw. This is arguably the best way to consume this crunchy vegetable, served with a glass of beer.


  • Do not expose the kohlrabi to direct sunlight if the soil is dry.
  • Water the kohlrabi regularly to avoid wilting
  • Keep them away from rabbits or they will eat up the entire crop!


  • Always use reliable (tested) seeds

What do you need

  • Kohlrabi seeds
  • Garden with good soil (humus / humus / black soil
  • A climate suitable for kohlrabi