How to do the Vitr prayer

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to perform The Three Rakat Salat al-Witr (Odd Numbered Prayer)
Video: How to perform The Three Rakat Salat al-Witr (Odd Numbered Prayer)


Vitr is an Islamic prayer that is recited at night. Unlike the five daily prayers, Vitr is not an obligatory prayer service, but it is still advisable to perform it. Along with fasting and the five daily prayers, the vitr is considered an important part of the Islamic faith. There are several ways to fulfill this prayer. Some people prefer the option of one rak'ah (that is, one part of the prayer), while others prefer to do all eleven rak'ahs, but you can also do all of them in turn. The time for performing namaz can also vary. Vitr can be recited in the evening, after the isha prayer or before bedtime, or at the end of the night and right before dawn. Regardless of what time you decide to perform the Vitr prayer, it is very important to do it regularly and clearly state your desires.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare for Prayer

  1. 1 Realize the importance of the Vitr prayer. Vitr is the last prayer of the day, which consists of an odd number of rak'ahs or parts of a prayer. Along with fasting and prayer of ad-dukh salat, vitr is one of the most important elements of the Islamic faith.
    • Determine which prayer option suits you best. The Prophet allows him to independently choose the time for performing the night prayer of Vitr and the number of pronounced components of the prayer service or rak'ah.
  2. 2 Choose a suitable time for daily Vitr prayer. Determine the length of time that best suits your schedule and during which you are allowed to say this prayer. The Vitr prayer can be recited in the interval between the last obligatory prayer of the day, called isha, and dawn.If you have the opportunity to get up before dawn, then you can choose this time for prayer, otherwise it is better to pray before going to bed.
    • Make time for Vitr prayer as you travel. The Prophet recited the Vitr prayer even during his wanderings, so you can follow his example and perform this prayer during your travels.
  3. 3 Decide how many rak'ahs you will take. For the Vitr prayer, you need to read at least one rak'ah, so you can do just that. But it is also not forbidden to choose several rak'ahs, the number of which must necessarily be odd, for example, three, five, seven or nine.
  4. 4 Choose a suitable time and place for the Vitr prayer. You will have to perform namaz at night, so you need to choose a suitable place where there will be enough space. This is especially important if you are traveling or visiting friends. It will also take enough time to say the Vitr prayer. Since you can choose the number of rak'ahs yourself, it will be easy for you to do Vitr prayer even while traveling.
    • A student and student of a university or college need to find out if your school has designated prayer areas. Ask about this in the student council, dean's office or administration.
    • Choose a clean place to pray.
  5. 5 Wear suitable clothing. Men should wear pants below the ankles. Women should wear clothing that covers the entire body except for the face and palms.
    • For example, a man might wear loose cotton trousers.
    • Women should choose a dress with long sleeves.

Part 2 of 2: Performing the Vitr Prayer

  1. 1 Mentally indicate your intention to perform the Vitr prayer. Determine how many rak'ahs you plan to perform during prayer. It is very important to have good intentions and pray to please Allah.
  2. 2 Learn how to say one part of the prayer or do rak'ah while performing the Vitr prayer. Stand up straight for the upcoming prayer before starting the rak'ah. Then lean forward and bow deeply. Finally, get down on your knees, put your hands on the floor and touch your forehead. All these actions correspond to one rak'ah of the Vitr prayer.
    • Stand up before saying your prayer. Keep your palms on your chest and squeeze your left hand with your right.
    • Bow down. Bend at the lower back and place your palms on your knees. Keep your back straight and say a prayer silently (for example, "Subhana Rabbial-Azim" or "Praise to my Great Lord").
    • Make a deep bow. Place your forehead on the floor and place your hands on either side of your forehead. Remember that your elbows should not touch the floor. In this position, you can say the words of the prayer (for example, "Subhana Rabbial-Azim" or "Praise to my Great Lord")
  3. 3 Learn to read tashahhud. Place your hands on your hips next to your knees. Make a fist with your right palm and touch the middle finger with your thumb, forming a circle. You can also point your index finger on the cables. Then say the words tashahhud. Believe in the truth of Allah and his servant Muhammad.
  4. 4 Learn to pronounce taslim in agreement with the world. Sit down and turn your head to your right shoulder, then say "Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi." Then turn your head to your left shoulder and repeat the phrase. You have now pronounced taslim in agreement with the world.
  5. 5 Perform an odd number of rak'ahs while reciting the Vitr prayer. You can choose between one, three, five, seven, nine or eleven prayer parts or rak'ahs. For example, choose the following options for performing the Vitr prayer:
    • Make one rak'ah prayer vitr. This corresponds to the performance of the sunnah.
    • Make three rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer. There are two options for performing the three rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer. In the first case, you can make three rak'ahs at a time, and then make the final tashahhud.Tashahhud is a test of faith. In the second case, you say taslim after doing two rak'ahs and then say another rak'ah.
    • Say five or seven rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer. If you want to perform five or seven rak'ahs, you must perform them all in a row and continuously, and then say one tashahhud and say taslim at the end.
    • Say the nine rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer. Perform rak'ahs in sequence, one by one. On the eighth rak'ah, it is necessary to perform tashahhud. During the ninth rak'ah, perform tashahhud and then recite taslim.
    • Say the eleven rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer. During the performance of the eleven rak'ahs of the Vitr prayer, it is necessary to say taslim after every two rak'ahs.


  • Remember that the Vitr prayer can be said in many ways, but all of these options are acceptable.