Know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
6 signs she wants to have sex with you
Video: 6 signs she wants to have sex with you


If you've been with your girlfriend for a while - or not that long - and you're ready to take the relationship to a more intimate level, you'll probably wonder if she feels the same way. While you may think it's easier to simply ask her, you may also get a response you didn't expect. If you really want to know if your girlfriend wants to have sex with you, you better pay attention to what she says and does. If you want to know if your girlfriend is ready to get intimate, follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Pay attention to what she's doing

  1. See if she gets more physical. If your girlfriend can't get away from you and she's touching you all the time, has her arms around you, or wants you to hold her hand, put your arm around her, or even sit on your lap, then she's probably done for more. If her actions have become more sexual - if she feels your manhood through your pants, or moves your hands to her breasts - then she's probably ready for the next step.
    • If she's gotten more physical around you, it indicates that she's comfortable with you. And she will only want to have sex with you when she's comfortable with you.
    • Notice how she dances with you. Is she closer to you than ever before? She may be trying to explain something to you.
  2. Watch how things are progressing in the bedroom. Your girlfriend is unlikely to want to have sex with you if you haven't even kissed tongues yet. But if you've been messing around for a while and have already passed that station, chances are she's ready to make out with you. If you've already touched her breasts and each other's private parts or even performed oral sex, then it's not inconceivable - but certainly not guaranteed - that she's ready to move on with you.
    • That a girl satisfies you orally means not that she is ready to have sex. Some girls do oral sex before they're willing to have sex, some don't do it until after sex has happened, and others don't do it at all. Every girl is different.
    • If you've been kissing for hours and your girlfriend isn't doing anything else, there could be two things going on. Either she's waiting for you to take the first step, or she's not ready to have sex yet. If she pushes you away when you try to touch her breasts, when you try to take off her top, or when you try to touch her down there, she's definitely not ready.
  3. See if she wants to spend a lot of time with the two of you. If her friends are suddenly nowhere to be seen and she wants to spend a lot of time with you alone, at your house or in one of both bedrooms, chances are she wants to get more intimate with you - to some extent anyway. If she's not ready to have sex yet, she will likely try to avoid potentially awkward moments between the two of you. Of course, she doesn't want to disappoint you if you want more from her than she can give you at the moment
  4. Notice if she invites you. If you've never been to her house alone before and she invites you, she can tell you she wants a little more from you. If she chooses a location for a date that's damn much toward her house, and she casually guides you toward her house, then she may want to tell you that she wants to get intimate with you. This requires planning and foresight. So there is a good chance that she has invested a lot of time here, that she will really do her best to bring you alone to her house.
  5. See if she tries to stay with you. If she's never slept over before but suddenly comes by with a larger bag than usual, it may indicate that she wants something more. If she wants to spend time in bed with you, chances are she doesn't want to sleep alone. Falling asleep next to someone else can feel almost as intimate as sex. So if she's trying to sleep with you, she may be trying to tell you she's ready to take the next step.
    • This doesn't necessarily mean she's ready to have sex. But she's more likely to want to get more intimate with you.

Method 2 of 3: Just ask

  1. Be prepared. If you're planning on asking your girlfriend to have sex, do it in an intimate setting - not when you're sharing a cheeseburger. If it turns out that both you and she are ready to have sex, do you know what to do? Condoms. Do not visit her unprepared or invite her to you unprepared, knowing that there is a chance that you will have sex.
    • Don't show her the condoms or you'll scare her. Just make sure you have them on hand when she turns out to be ready. Nothing spoils an intimate moment faster than a visit to the drug store.
  2. Get intimate. When you are prepared, the time will come to get intimate with your girl. This means taking her out, making her feel special, and then spending some time alone with her. How intimate should you be? That depends on how fast things progress. If you are already in the bedroom and there are already items of clothing on the floor, the time to strike may have arrived.
    • If you're kissing on the couch and she's not making any further advances, it may be too early to ask.
  3. Ask her if she's ready. When the moment comes, caress your girl, look her in the eye, and ask her "Are you ready?" Don't say something like "Do you want sex?" or the like. She won't take you seriously if you do. Make it clear to her that you are asking her whether or not she is ready to have sex, and then wait for her response. She will appreciate that you are both subtle and open at the same time.
    • Obviously make sure your girl sober is when the decision is made. The worst thing you can do is put too much pressure on her, which will make her regret it later.
  4. Respond appropriately. When she tells you she's ready, do an internal dance of joy, grab your condoms, and get ready to go. And if she tells you she's not ready yet, respect her decision. Let her know that you understand and that you don't mind. Tell her she's worth waiting for and can take whatever time she needs. Be a gentleman. If you get angry or if you try to force her, she'll start questioning your relationship right away.
    • If she says no, wait a while before asking again. Don't ask her for sex every time she kisses you on the lips. That gets boring quickly. More haste less speed.

Method 3 of 3: Pay attention to what she says

  1. See if she's talking about sex more and more. If your girlfriend is ready to take the next step with you, chances are she will talk about sex more and more. She can do this in several ways. For example, she might ask you about one of your friends who recently started having sex, or casually ask you about your thoughts on sexual topics. What the heart is full of, the mouth overflows.
    • When she talks about sex when the two of you are together, she's even more likely to want to have sex with you.
    • If she's suddenly very curious about which of your friends are having sex and who aren't, she may be wondering when the two of you are going to have sex.
  2. See if she is giving you sexual compliments. If she tells you you have a nice chest, sexy biceps, or great abs, she's giving you clues that your body is turning her on. Instead of telling you that you have a nice haircut or a nice shirt, she chooses to compliment your body. Perhaps she keeps thinking about what that body can do for her.
    • If she gives you these kinds of compliments when you kiss or are intimate with each other, she's even more likely to want to take the next step.
  3. See if she often talks about your bed. If she comes to your house, flops down on the bed, and says you have "a great bed," she might give you a hint. Then she wants to be in that bed with you. If she just lay down on the bed and say how good it is, she wants you to join her ASAP.
  4. Check if she tells you she's excited. This is a pretty cheeky move, but okay. Your girl can just tell you she's up for it ... This doesn't necessarily mean she wants to have sex. But if she's so comfortable telling you she's in the mood for something intimate, the step to having sex with you isn't that big of a deal anymore.
  5. Pay attention to any "dirty talk". If your girlfriend is talking to you a little dirty, over the phone, texting, or when you're messing with each other, especially if she's having phone sex with you, it could indicate that she's ready to take the next step. to put. Of course these can also only be talks. But if she's so comfortable going this far, she might be willing to go a little further.


  • Ask yourself if it is the right time to have sex. In some cases, the moment is not yet suitable for it, even if both of you are interested. Consider, for example, how long you have been together, how close you are, which sexual acts you have and have not tried, whether there are external factors that cause you or your girlfriend unnecessary stress, etc.
  • Don't do it until you are ready! Don't let anyone persuade you to do it anyway, to be "cool" or "cool". You must have self-control.
  • Relatively safe. If your girlfriend is ready to have sex, follow the tips from this guide: Safer sex. Safer sex is better.
  • Be patient. A good relationship is about more than just sex. Be her best friend, protect her like a sister, argue like husbands, and play like kids. Wait 6 months, then think about sex. It's worth the wait if you really want her to be your one and only girl. Also remember that sex can lead to pregnancy. So you want to make sure she is the one for you, just as you want to be the one for her.
  • Find out if you are ready to have sex. Just because your girlfriend is interested doesn't mean you can both handle the next level of your relationship.
  • Let her make the decision.
  • Don't pressure her, give her time to make her decision.
  • Respect what she has to say. If she's not ready yet, accept it. Don't pressure her, you will lose her.
  • See if she gives you hints by talking about sex. This probably means she feels the same way you do. If she doesn't want to have sex with you, she won't be too happy to bring up the topic.
  • Let your girlfriend take the first step: don't force it.
  • Just wait, be patient.


  • Protect yourself and your partner from unwanted pregnancy. Use condoms, birth control pills, or other scientifically proven effective contraceptives. Going out to church before singing is not an effective or acceptable alternative. Contraception is a lot cheaper than alimony.
  • If she says no, she means no. When she's drunk, she means no. Even if she doesn't say anything, it can also mean no. The absence of a refusal is not the same as consent. Make sure you have your girlfriend's unambiguous consent before having sex. If you do not do this, it can be labeled as (attempted) rape and used against you.Most importantly, it can cause lifelong emotional damage to your "so-called" partner.
  • Ask yourself what will happen if the contraceptives don't work. It's best to know how in advance both of you would deal with the situation. An unwanted pregnancy is no fun, but what is even less fun: unwanted disagreements about what is about to happen.
  • Protect yourself and your sexual partner against STDs (sexually transmitted infections). The only way you can do this is to use a condom
  • If she gets pregnant with you and decides to keep the child, remember you legally bound to the child.