How to wash olive oil out of your hair

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To: Wash & Remove Excess Hair Oil From Scalp And Hair Correctly/ Hair Care Tips & Routine
Video: How To: Wash & Remove Excess Hair Oil From Scalp And Hair Correctly/ Hair Care Tips & Routine


For those who prefer to use natural products instead of chemical products and purchased products, olive oil is an indispensable assistant in the house. Olive oil has many beneficial properties, and it is used not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom (including the preparation of a mask for deep conditioning of hair). Keep in mind, however, that olive oil is high in fat and can be difficult to rinse off your hair.But with the right care and cleaning, you can reap the benefits of olive oil and still easily wash residues out of your hair.


Method 1 of 3: Rinse and condition your hair

  1. 1 Use your regular shampoo. Wash your hair thoroughly using your regular shampoo and conditioner. Rub the shampoo gently into your scalp and then wash it off with warm water. Apply the conditioner in the same way and rinse too.
    • Reapply shampoo and conditioner as needed. Repeat these steps until your hair is less greasy from the olive oil. You may need to rinse your hair up to three times to wash your olive oil with a regular shampoo.
  2. 2 Wash your hair with a special shampoo for deep cleaning. Deep cleansing shampoos (HDPs) are products designed to remove deposits in the hair, including residues of wax, gel, hairspray, chlorine, or hair masks with olive oil. Pour some deep cleansing shampoo into the palm of your hand and apply it to your hair. Rub it gently through your hair, paying special attention to the scalp. Then wash it off with warm water.
    • The deep cleansing shampoo will rinse all the oil out of your hair after the first use.
  3. 3 Make a baking soda paste. Mix baking soda and water to remove excess olive oil. Rub the ingredients in the palm of your hand until a paste. Just add small portions of water to the baking soda until the mixture becomes a paste. Apply the paste to your hair. Start at the roots and work towards the ends of your hair.
    • Cover your hair with a shower cap, towel, plastic bag, or something similar and leave it on for fifteen minutes.
    • Rinse your hair thoroughly in the shower. Repeat if necessary to rinse off any remaining olive oil.

Method 2 of 3: Other Tricks

  1. 1 Use dry shampoo. The dry shampoo will absorb the excess olive oil you've applied to your hair. Simply apply dry shampoo to dry hair as directed. Most dry shampoos come in an aerosol spray, so apply it to your scalp and use a hairbrush to spread it through your hair.
    • Dry shampoo should not be applied to wet hair.
    • Try towel drying your hair after applying dry shampoo. The extra friction will remove more olive oil.
    • If you don't have dry shampoo, use some baby powder. Simply scatter the powder over the crown of your head and spread it out with a hairbrush.
  2. 2 Use a dishwasher detergent. If your hair is oily, apply a little liquid dishwasher detergent to it. Detergents are designed to remove fats and oils, and therefore will remove all the olive oil, while conditioners and shampoos remove only a portion of the oils.
    • To keep your hair from drying out, start with a little detergent and use more as needed.
    • After washing your hair with dishwasher detergent, apply a deep conditioning moisturizing balm to your hair. Detergent can dry out your hair and strip it of its natural oils.
  3. 3 Ponytail your hair again. If you're having trouble getting all the olive oil out of your hair, try pulling it up in a ponytail. This hairstyle will mask some of the oily sheen from the remaining olive oil and give you a little more time to tackle the problem.
    • Make a ponytail at the top of the head, at the back of the head, or collect a beautiful low ponytail at the neck.
    • You can also tie it up in a bun, French braids, or another braid to hide the oily hair. These styles are more suitable for long hair.

Method 3 of 3: Precautions

  1. 1 Give yourself enough time. Do not apply an olive oil mask before an event such as a wedding or party.If you have trouble removing olive oil, your hair may appear greasy or unwashed. You don't want your hair to look greasy or your hairstyle unattractive at a gala event.
    • Apply olive oil to your hair at least a few days before any major event, so you have plenty of time to deal with any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.
  2. 2 Avoid prolonged skin contact. To avoid acne breakouts, do not leave hair on your neck or forehead after applying or removing olive oil. Cover your hair with a shower cap or towel to avoid possible skin problems.
    • Remember that hot olive oil can burn your skin. Be careful when heating the oil and applying it to your hair.
  3. 3 Dilute the oil before use. Before applying olive oil to your hair, take precautions by diluting it with water. Dilute olive oil by mixing one part olive oil and two parts water.
    • This step will make it easier to remove oil from your hair and save you the trouble of dealing with oily hair.
  4. 4 Remove absolutely all oil. Don't leave olive oil in your hair for too long to avoid damaging your scalp. Clogged pores on the scalp can lead to blemishes and irritation. In addition, the olive oil will cause flakes (dandruff) to stick to the scalp, further aggravating the situation.
    • If you have tried one of the methods, but did not achieve the desired result, do not be discouraged. Continue washing your hair or trying other methods until the hair is back again.


  • Only apply olive oil to wet or damp hair. Removing olive oil will be more difficult if you apply it to dry hair.
  • Before applying olive oil to your hair, warm it up slightly (for example, by holding it in your palms). The oil will become thinner and evenly distributed throughout the hair.
  • Olive oil is a natural conditioner for hair and adds extra shine to it. Depending on the texture and type of hair, apply an olive oil-based mask several times a week to once a month.


  • Do not apply too much olive oil to your hair, otherwise it will be difficult to rinse off your hair. Start small and add more as needed.

What do you need

  • Water
  • Shampoo
  • Deep cleansing shampoo
  • Conditioning balm
  • Soda
  • Dishwasher Liquid Detergent