How to look older for teens

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to look older and more mature (baby face friendly👶🏾)
Video: how to look older and more mature (baby face friendly👶🏾)


Are you tired of being confused with your little brother or sister? You can look older and appear more mature than you really are. Just watch how you dress and how you behave, and people will start thinking that you are older.


Method 1 of 3: Wear the Right Clothes

  1. 1 Get rid of teenage fancy clothes. One of the ingredients by which we are judged is clothing. What we wear can influence the opinion of others about us. If you want to look older, stop wearing teen clothes. Start purchasing items from other parts of the store. Just walk past the children's section and head to the adult section. In the usual children's sections, you will find clothes made from cheap, thin and translucent materials that give a childish look. Consider clothing made from good material instead.
    • Girls should avoid purely girly trends such as Peter Pan-style shades or Mary Jane shoes. Avoid a lot of lacing or ruffling, ruffled skirts, and anything that looks too cute.
    • Avoid sporty style.Sweatpants, basketball hats, training shorts will give you a lazy and sloppy look. There are many popular youth styles.
  2. 2 Wear clothes that fit. Swap out baggy items for tight fit. You don’t want your clothes to absorb you completely. This style gives you an unsightly and sloppy look. On the contrary, tight-fitting clothing lends an immature and youthful look.
    • For boys, the choice of shirts should match the width of the shoulders. If the hem of the shirt is hanging off your shoulder, then the shirt is too big for you and probably won't fit.
    • For girls, the choice should correspond to the build. If you have narrow thighs, A-line skirts are preferable, which favorably emphasize the figure. Choose deep oval or triangular cutouts. Buy jackets and blouses that accentuate your silhouette.
  3. 3 Don't wear painted T-shirts. A T-shirt with some kind of logo or a funny inscription speaks of a person's immaturity. This includes brand names, logos, and so on. If you want to look mature, remove T-shirts from your wardrobe altogether.
    • Guys should opt for plain shirts or striped fabrics. Choose bright colors such as light pink, yellow, or orange. Dressing mature doesn't mean wearing dull colors.
    • Guys can swap T-shirts for buttoned or polo-style (collared) T-shirts.
    • Girls may prefer embellished blouses. Choose bright colors. However, avoid fluorescent and neon.
  4. 4 Wear quality jeans. Jeans are an integral part of any person's wardrobe, regardless of age. However, you should choose your jeans carefully if you want to look older. Buy jeans of exceptionally good quality. Make sure they are not high or low waist.
    • Guys should only buy straight jeans. Girls can buy loose or skinny jeans with slightly flared legs. If you decide to buy skinny jeans, make sure that you are not too tight in them.
    • Swap out highlights or ripped jeans for darker ones. Don't wear jeans with rhinestones or other accessories.
  5. 5 Wear the right shoes. Complete your look with the right shoes. Do not wear sneakers or fabric shoes. You should also not wear too flashy shoes. If you're a girl, you don't have to wear very high heels or too sophisticated style. Regardless of gender, you shouldn't wear flip-flops. Instead, it is better to get sturdy shoes.
    • Guys are better off wearing shoes. Black boots look good with just about any outfit. Lace-up leather boots can also be paired with all types of clothing. Loafers will also be comfortable to wear if you don't want to wear boots. Patent leather shoes give a mature look.
    • Girls are advised to wear high heels. However, heels don't have to be very high. If you don't want to wear high-top shoes, get ballerinas. Sandals will look good in the summer.
  6. 6 Dress gracefully. This is another way to look mature. Present yourself as a neat, professional person. This will help people see you as an adult, not a child.
    • Guys should wear khaki pants or simple loose pants. Pair them with a tucked polo shirt or buttoned shirt. Get a leather belt and dress shoes. A tie is not a necessity, but it can give you a more solid look.
    • If you are a girl, preference should be given to knee-length dresses with a modest neckline. You can also combine a skirt with a blouse. You can combine a dress or blouse with a cardigan. Wear practical shoes.
  7. 7 Get rid of your backpack. You should not take a backpack when you are going somewhere, it makes you younger in the eyes of people. Guys are advised to carry a messenger bag or leather briefcase. For girls, you can take a simple clutch or a small handbag.

Method 2 of 3: Groom Yourself Like an Adult

  1. 1 Get an adult haircut. Intricate hairstyles and haircuts can give you a childish look. There is no single correct adult hairstyle. However, you should avoid certain things that can make you look immature. Don't dye your hair bright colors or do colored strands. Stay away from crazy hairstyles like mohawk, half-shaved head, or dreadlocks. Maintain a conservative hair style.
    • Shaggy hair gives guys a very youthful look. Change this hairstyle for a short haircut. Tousled, long hair or other options inevitably give a youthful look.
    • Girls are encouraged to tie their hair in a bun, cut it short or choose another elegant hairstyle. Long, straightened hair also gives a mature look. Avoid lots of accessories in your hair. For example, hairpins, headbands or elastic bands.
  2. 2 Guys are encouraged to grow a beard. Studies have shown that a beard can "add" age to 10 years. If you decide to let go of a beard, make sure it suits you. Some young men fail to grow the amount of hair they need for a beard.
    • The beard needs to be looked after properly. Unkempt beards look bad.
    • If your beard grows poorly, shave smoothly. Sparse facial hair will give you an even more youthful look.
  3. 3 Wear lightweight makeup. Girls should wear makeup, which will add several years to them. Use eyeliner to draw the arrows over the eyes. Use natural colors: golden and brown. Don't use bright or pastel colors. Use foundation to even out your complexion.
    • Correct under eye circles with foundation.
    • Avoid teen products like shiny lip gloss or pink nail polish.
  4. 4 Mask your acne. Clearer skin will also give you a more mature look. In order to mask acne, use a correcting pencil. You need to constantly take care of your skin to have healthy skin. You can use a variety of cleansers and wipes.
    • Wash your face twice a day with an acne cleanser. Use moisturizers. If you have oily skin, use non-fat moisturizers.
    • Girls can wear bangs to hide forehead imperfections.
  5. 5 Exercise. This will not only allow you to lose weight, but also build muscle, which definitely makes teenagers look older. Guys can focus on upper torso exercises, widening their shoulders, and pumping up their arms. Girls usually want to accentuate the waist and strengthen the glutes to emphasize their femininity.
    • Interval training is the best way to lose weight quickly. You can also use dumbbells. They will help build muscle. Join the gym or do squats and push-ups.

Method 3 of 3: Become an Adult

  1. 1 Hold on confidently. Nothing symbolizes maturity like self-confidence. Even if your physique, unique personality, or communication skills are not at the stage you would like, this shouldn't stop you from being confident.
    • It should be remembered that there is a fairly large difference between confidence, arrogance, and condescension. Confidence is about being good about yourself, not about being bad about everyone around you. You don't need to brag about your accomplishments too much or speak in a manner that puts you above the rest. This is classic immature behavior.
  2. 2 Work on how you present yourself physically. Slouching also belongs to the classic habits of adolescents. Keep your head high and your back straight. Learn to walk confidently and improve your posture.For starters, keep your back straight, no matter what you're doing: walking down the street, sitting at a desk or computer, or standing in line. As soon as you notice that you have begun to slouch again, straighten your back. It will soon become a habit.
    • Your gait is directly related to confidence. Keep your head straight and don't look at the ground. Make eye contact as you talk.
  3. 3 Develop a sense of tact. Speak slowly and confidently instead of raising your tone. Use the words "please" and "thank you" in your speech. Listen carefully to what is being said. Several skills demonstrate maturity, including listening.
    • When the interlocutor finishes a story about himself, you should not immediately transfer the conversation to yourself. This demonstrates your disinterest and self-centeredness. To begin with, comment on the story told to you and only after that start talking about yourself, in connection with what you heard.
    • Learn to have casual conversations. Ask how the other person is doing. Talk about the weather. Ask about family members. Be polite and have general conversations.
  4. 4 Complain less. People who constantly complain are known to be self-centered. If you are already an adult, then you can accept that everything is short-lived and everything is not just like that. Complaining about your life will not help improve it. You can turn to your friends for advice or just to pour out your heart. However, constant complaints are inappropriate and give the impression of an immature person.
  5. 5 Develop your vocabulary. This does not mean that you should rush into a conversation with long, abstruse words. This behavior will simply give the impression that you are desperately trying to get attention. Concentrate better on removing childish and teenage words from your vocabulary that make you look childish. Speak slowly and deliberately. Choose the right words to express a particular thought.
    • Use difficult words. For example, use: "This is an unusual idea!" - instead of: "This is a new idea." Ask to be with you "wide open", instead of asking to speak honestly. The more vocabulary a person has, the more mature and intelligent he seems.
    • Try not to overdo your slang. Avoid the word "clear", in sentences use "in particular", "you see." Try to exclude the words "cool" and "dude" from your vocabulary. In correspondence, do not write words and sentences in full capital letters. This can be perceived as a harsh tone or even a cry. In most cases, profanity should also be avoided.
  6. 6 Be prepared to stand up for yourself politely. If someone disrespects you, you have the right to ask to stop. After all, an important part of a mature personality is that he or she has respect. Be straightforward and say what you want. Try not to use sarcasm or offensive tone. If you use sarcasm and an offensive tone when joking, you will look unattractive and unlikely to achieve the results you want.
    • For example, if someone interrupts you, ask to wait and not interrupt yourself.
    • Don't say, “Wow, I can't believe you interrupted me! Some people don't know when to shut up. "
    • Learn to let go of the situation. Everyone has unpleasant situations with people, but it is necessary to have wisdom in order to know how to behave correctly in a quarrel. Malicious behavior or resentment can show your immaturity.
    • Often times, people don't even notice when you are hurt. Therefore, be respectful of the feelings of others and sometimes even try not to notice mistakes or, if necessary, tell the interlocutor that he hurt you.


  • Don't underestimate the connection between maturity and self-control. Making the impression of an adult has more to do with how you behave than how you dress.
  • If you can't grow facial hair, try to define your facial features to look more physically developed.
  • Sometimes you should behave according to your age. Your adolescence will not come back. So take everything from him and don't act too mature. It's okay to be elegant and behave with dignity, but don't miss out on your teenage life by trying to become an adult too soon.
  • A good way to figure out what to wear is to search the internet for trend information. Then the information received must be correlated with your wardrobe. Remember that clothes should not be too revealing or ridiculous.
  • Don't spend too much time on social media. It is acceptable to use them to stay up to date. However, sitting there for days and forgetting about communication in real life or constantly uploading selfies is not normal.
  • Use as little abuse as possible in your vocabulary. Teenagers often scold, but mature people usually don't.