How to look 10 years younger

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 June 2024
How to Look 10 Years Younger – Anti-aging Hacks – Dr.Berg
Video: How to Look 10 Years Younger – Anti-aging Hacks – Dr.Berg


We all feel the influence of age, but if we try hard, we can add youth and vigor to our appearance. To look ten years younger, you can apply a variety of makeup, hair, and clothing tricks to get the look you want. You can also work on a healthy lifestyle that will help you stay in shape. The most important thing is to remember that you are still beautiful no matter how old you are. In fact, many people look even better at a later age, as a result of the experience gained, and therefore, both self-confidence and a worked image. If you want to know what you can do to look ten years younger, study the steps below and get started now.


Part 1 of 3: Taking care of your face

  1. 1 Use lotion to cleanse your face every day. Make sure to choose cleansers that are mild and not overly greasy. If your cleanser is too harsh, it can dry out the skin, resulting in premature aging. Make sure the cleanser is for your age group, not teenagers, and that it is described as moisturizing and gentle on the skin. You must use a cleanser before applying any makeup.
    • If until today you have not used a cleanser, then from this moment on, using it should become a habit for you, especially if you are no longer young. The cleanser removes traces of chemicals from your face, as well as cosmetics that can cause aging if you leave them on your skin for too long.
  2. 2 Always moisturize your face after cleansing. Moisturizing your skin to keep it looking fresh and clean is just as important as cleansing it of harmful substances. Find a special anti-aging moisturizer that has a deeply moisturizing effect. Men can get just as much benefit from this product as women, even if they are not used to using a moisturizer or the like on their face.
  3. 3 Protect your skin from sun damage. Sunblock isn't just for the beach. If you really want to look ten years younger, then you must make sure that your skin is protected from the sun whenever you are under it. You can find a sunscreen factor (SPF) moisturizer that will protect your face from drying out while preventing the harmful effects of UV rays. Sun damage is a factor in premature aging, so make sure to apply at least an SPF 15 cream to your face daily. Otherwise, you can end up with wrinkles, age spots and a dull complexion.
    • Apply sunscreen to more than just your face. Also use it on your hands, chest, and any other part of your body that is exposed to the sun. This will save you from the appearance of age spots on the arms and chest.
  4. 4 Exfoliate the skin. Exfoliating is another practice you must get into the habit if you want your skin to look younger. It will make your skin softer and brighter, leaving you feeling refreshed. Again, make sure you choose the right cream that is designed for people in your age group in order to get the most out of it. Get in the habit of exfoliating.
  5. 5 Use facial hair to your advantage. Men and women should do the following with their facial hair to look ten years younger:
    • Women should strive to maintain a full and beautiful eyebrow shape. You may think that thin eyebrows will make you look sexier, but in fact, such eyebrows visually add years. If your eyebrows have thinned a little with age, choose a pencil with a lead of the right size to tint your eyebrows and visually give a youthful face. Thick eyebrows will create the effect of youthfulness and completeness.
    • Men should watch out for the stubble; sloppy face stubble makes them look older than their age. You will be amazed at how instantly you will "look younger" if you trim the stubble or shave it off completely.
  6. 6 Do the right makeup (for women). There are countless tricks that can help you look younger with the right makeup. The correct use of cosmetics not only helps to hide imperfections, but also enhances your strengths, bringing your face to life. Here are a few tricks you should try:
    • Use a greasy concealer. Concealer wax can stick around your wrinkles, giving you a look of years. When it comes to concealer, you can really look younger with just a little applied to your face; if you use too much concealer it can backfire.
    • Use the blush correctly. A small amount of blush on the protruding part of the cheekbones will do the trick. Blush applied to the hollows of your cheeks will make you look older than your years. This is due to the fact that the face tends to lose weight with age, and using blush in this way will make your face look even narrower.
    • Change your black eyeliner to brown. As you age, black pencil on your face will be too conspicuous, so choose softer browns to add expression to your eyes. Eyeliner shading can also give you a more natural and youthful look.
    • Accentuate your lashes. Try rich mascara, curling lashes, or even fake extra lashes to make yourself look younger. As you age, your eyelashes will thin, but you can resist it.
    • Use a simple lipstick. Just a nice light shade of pink is what you need; if you trace the contour of your lips too much and apply very bright lipstick colors, it will look like you overdid it. Your lips will become thinner with age, so you can artificially give them fullness, but not too obvious, otherwise the result will be the opposite. Every woman can also choose the perfect shade of red to highlight her lips; terracotta or tomato are arguably some of the brightest shades and can look great on your lips.

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of your appearance

  1. 1 Consider painting over gray hair. Many people think that gray hair adds sexuality and style to both men and women. But if you are reading this article right now, then you probably don't mind masking this natural beauty, right? If you are ready for this, then visit a stylist who will help you with high-quality hair coloring. You can also dye your hair yourself or with the help of a trusted friend if you have all the accessories you need. You will be surprised at the difference in appearance when you regain your natural hair color.
    • However, you should remember that coloring has a negative effect on your hair and that masking gray hair with coloring can damage your hair, which as a result may not live up to your expectations for a youthful look. But the final decision is always yours.
    • Women who dye their hair should also consider highlighting to add softness to the appearance of their hair.
  2. 2 Get a more modern haircut. You can feel the effects of aging because you have been wearing the same hairstyle since the early 80s. It's time to get a modern, sleek and trendy haircut to show everyone your pretty face. For inspiration, look online or in magazines for hot styles, or ask your stylist for advice. Haircuts may not be the trendiest, most are not even worth considering, but changing your hairstyle can instantly help you look ten years younger. Here are a few things to suit both men and women:
    • Women can think about bangs, but only if it emphasizes only dignity; people with large foreheads are generally better off wearing bangs. Bangs are a trendy and stylish way to look younger. The cascade can also give women a youthful look by adding volume and fluffiness to their hair. If you are one of those women with very long hair, you may want to consider shortening it so that the strands frame your face and extend just above your shoulders.
    • Hair length for men should be such that the signs of aging are not too obvious. 5 centimeters is enough; shaggy hair visually adds several years and creates a tired look. Find the right balance. Balding men should consider shaving their heads completely. It will be a kind of statement and will give a youthful appearance. Among other things, short hair or a bald head will better accentuate your dignity.
  3. 3 Keep your teeth healthy. White, straight, clean teeth can help you look younger. For the same reason, yellowed, crooked, or decayed teeth can visually age you. If you have dental problems that you put off for whatever reason, now is the time to solve them; visit your dentist if necessary.If you do not have serious problems in this regard, but at the same time you do not pay enough attention to your teeth, then it is time to ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and regularly use dental floss. You can try whitening toothpastes or strips, but use them until you feel they are damaging your teeth and are not as effective.
  4. 4 Wear the right clothes. It is very important to choose the right modern clothing that will add a slimmer appearance to your appearance. As long as you are not trying to wear something that half your age prefers, you can use your clothes to your advantage. Dressing according to age and in accordance with proportions, you thereby visually age yourself. Here are a few things you can try:
    • Women should wear flattering shirts without being overly cut. The neckline may just give out the true age.
    • Both men and women will benefit from updating their wardrobe. If the last time you bought something for yourself was a few years or a decade ago, then it's time to go shopping with a knowledgeable friend for some fashionable items. You can keep your style, but at the same time, you should try to update your looks.
    • Don't wear too tight clothing in an attempt to look younger; instead, choose the right clothes to show off your dignity.
    • Wear brightly colored clothing. Dark browns, grays, and blacks will visually age you and give you a morose appearance. Brighter colors such as blue, red, green or pink can help you create a cheerful and energetic look. While dark colors are visually slimming, they can also age you. To avoid completely rejecting dark colored clothing, pair it with lighter clothing or jewelry; for example, black trousers can go well with a bright top.
    • Women also need to choose the right accessories. A set of identical necklaces and earrings, as a rule, visually ages; instead, wear brightly colored rings, cute studs, and trendy, less bulky jewelry.
  5. 5 Remember to drink plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 2 liters of water daily to keep your skin youthful for as long as possible and to feel good. Drink a glass or two of water with every meal and throughout the day. You also shouldn't be thirsty to get to the glass of water. Drink even more fluids after your workout than usual to make up for lost fluids. This will allow you to look young and feel the same, and even throw off a couple of years.
  6. 6 Train every day. Make sure you pay attention to physical activity, either in the form of vigorous walks, a short yoga session, or jogging in the morning. You may think that you are too busy for this or that health does not allow, but there are some types of exercise that can help almost everyone. Among other things, exercise will energize you and make you feel even younger and more energized. Exercising on a regular basis will help you look younger in no time.
    • Of course, you should avoid the wiry look by eating healthy foods every day. Otherwise, you risk ultimately depriving your body of the nutrients it needs during exercise, leading to premature aging.
    • Older people should try yoga. It is a form of effortless exercise that will help you tone up and feel more energized. Cycling, walking, and Pilates are also great for this.
    • If you experience pain during exercise, this is only part of the process! Massage can help you relax and feel younger, especially after a stressful week of great workouts.
  7. 7 Maintain a healthy diet. Eating three healthy meals a day, along with healthy snacks and plenty of water, will ensure your youthfulness on the outside as well as on the inside. Eating only processed foods on a regular basis or constantly overeating are likely to lead to premature aging. Vitamin C-rich foods like broccoli and oranges can help you rejuvenate both externally and internally, while the antioxidants found in berries can help keep your skin youthful. Carrots and sweet potatoes will also take great care of your skin, while low fat yogurt can help keep your teeth strong.
    • Just about any fruit, vegetable, or organic food can have youthful benefits. Cut out processed, greasy foods and you will definitely look younger than ever before.

Part 3 of 3: Healthy Habits

  1. 1 Reduce stress. Of course, the phrase “don't worry, be happy” sounds like a cliché, but it basically means trying to live without the stress of life. The less stress you have in your life, the less mental stress you will experience, which will affect your physical condition. Have your friends had to go through difficult moments in life, and have you noticed how preoccupied and precocious they seemed? We all go through difficult times, but it all depends on how we feel about them. Try to get enough sleep and rest at all times. If life seems overwhelming, try meditating and thinking positively, because most of the troubles are only temporary.
    • Yoga is a great way to reduce stress, live in the moment, and take care of your body at the same time.
    • Unfortunately, some things will always stress you out. You cannot avoid stress completely. But working on a positive attitude and a solid plan for how to deal with stress can have a big impact on the positive outcome of your dealing with it.
    • Laugh as much as you can. By adding laughter to your life, you can help your body deal with stress and make you look younger and feel the same.
  2. 2 Maintain good posture. Keep your back straight and your head held high, and you will not only feel better and be ready for new daily challenges, but you will also become noticeably younger. The next time you feel slouched or hunched over, think about how much older you look and feel right now. It's all about posture - keeping your back straight will make you look more energetic and ready to tackle the challenges of the day, and then start looking and feeling younger in no time!
    • You should also watch your posture when sitting. You must keep your back straight, whether you are sitting or standing.
  3. 3 Get more rest. Although each person has different needs for rest, at least 7-8 hours a day are necessary hours for the body to begin to rest, which will give the appearance of vigor. You don't want your face to look puffy or your skin to look saggy because you barely slept. Not getting enough rest makes a person hunch over, and it is unlikely that a person will maintain healthy habits under this regime. As you get older, your body will show signs of fatigue faster, so you must find the right amount of sleep hours you need and stick to them.
    • It is true that as you age, you may need more or less sleep. Listen to what your body is saying and follow its needs.
  4. 4 Do not smoke. Smoking is harmful not only to your health but also to your appearance. It contributes to premature aging, and a smoker in a short period of time looks much older than his age.If you smoke, you should quit to avoid thinning your lips, wrinkled skin and maintain a healthy shine in your hair. Smoking also discolors your hands and nails, which is another way to make yourself older than your age. You will be surprised how quickly you will rejuvenate immediately after giving up this habit.
  5. 5 Avoid drinking too much or too much alcohol. There is nothing wrong with drinking with friends from time to time and having fun, and you do not have to completely quit drinking if you enjoy meeting with friends from time to time for a glass of martini and having fun; after all, among other things, you also want to have fun and energy, don't you? But drinking alcohol on a regular basis has been proven to make your skin feel more flabby and dry, which is something to avoid if you want to look 10 years younger.
    • Of course, some of those people who look young, feel young and enjoy life. For some people, alcohol is a fun social lubricant. So, if from time to time you want to play a little naughty and drink a few glasses of martini, then do not completely throw alcohol out of your life.
  6. 6 Be proud of your age. While there are many different tricks to look younger, you should be proud of your years in the first place instead of hiding your real selves. At your age, you have already achieved a lot, and there is no need to look twenty or thirty again. If you stay youthful and proud of yourself and your looks, then you will actually look much younger than those desperate to hide their age.
    • Positive thoughts will have a big impact on how you look and how young you look! You should practice this at least sometimes.