How to get onto the track without creating an emergency

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 15 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


1 Accelerate to flow rate. After entering the track, your speed should be equal to the flow rate as soon as possible - this is the first safety issue. To gain speed, use a special acceleration lane - after taxiing on the highway, the first thing you do is get straight onto it.
  • Leaving at the speed of the flow significantly reduces the likelihood of an emergency, since your speed relative to other cars will be small, and you will not interfere with cars approaching from behind.
  • In the process of acceleration, look in the rear-view mirrors and follow other road users. If you notice that a group of cars is approaching from behind on the lane into which you are going to rebuild, then wait a moment or two until they sweep, and only then pick up cruising speed.
  • 2 Turn on the turn signal. Do this in advance so that other road users clearly understand what you are going to do. In order to coordinate their actions with yours, they need some time. Do not forget that you, as entering from the secondary road, are obliged to give way to all passing vehicles. Don't expect other drivers to slow down and miss; assume that all cars will continue to move at the same speed, and your task is to gain speed and predictably safe infusion into the stream.
  • 3 Look for windows in the stream. If the traffic on the highway is dense enough, then to enter the lane you will have to find a free gap in the stream of cars. Keep an eye on the road, but also do not forget to look around and in the rear-view mirrors so as not to miss the safest moment to leave. Once you have started, pick up the speed at which the traffic is moving, and then safely change lane from the acceleration lane to the next lane.
    • First glance in the salon, and then in the side rearview mirror.
    • Purposefully watch for the appearance of cars in your blind spot (to the left and slightly behind in the next lane).
    • Check if the exit to the track is not blocked by a stationary vehicle.
  • 4 Only get out if you are absolutely sure that your maneuver is safe. When you see a free window, start driving into the acceleration lane. You should now pick up the speed at which the stream is moving. Keep the surrounding cars out of sight; you need to be ready and quickly react if someone in front of you decides to brake sharply or change directly into your lane.
  • Part 2 of 2: Develop the Right Lane Change Skills

    1. 1 Read the "sign language" of nearby cars. Strictly speaking, all cars on the main road will continue to move at the same speed, and it is your responsibility to find a suitable window in the stream and integrate there without creating an emergency. In practice, it turns out that all drivers behave slightly differently, which is why it is so important to monitor the situation and make decisions based on the surrounding reality.
      • If an approaching car slows down, then this most likely means that the driver is letting you pass; go and thank the person with the emergency gang. The same applies to the situation when the approaching car clearly shifts into the next lane, freeing your way.
      • If an approaching car does not slow down or even accelerates, then just let it pass and keep looking for a window in the stream.
      • Sometimes drivers communicate their intentions with gestures.
      • Never expect other road users to comply with the speed limit. Everyone is responsible for themselves and reacts to circumstances in their own way.
    2. 2 Keep your distance from the front and back. Get into the stream keeping in mind that there should be sufficient distance between your car and the cars in the front and rear.Thus, you create yourself an additional reserve of time in case the vehicle in front starts emergency braking, and you also have to slow down sharply. Try to synchronize your speed with the flow as accurately as possible so that you do not quickly catch up with the front car or force the rear car to slow down.
    3. 3 Never leave suddenly. Never lean out into the target lane before the start of the maneuver, as other motorists may not notice you. Always turn on the blinker and, if possible, make eye contact with other drivers.
    4. 4 Do not stop at the acceleration lane. If the flow is very dense and you don't see any clear gaps, it may be tempting to stop. This is not a good idea, as it takes too long to accelerate from 0 to 90 km / h; starting after stopping, you create additional danger - both for yourself and for other road users. Turn on the blinker, accelerate to speed and make eye contact with the driver in front of whom you want to change lanes. Most likely, he will miss you.
    5. 5 Be condescending to other drivers who wish to enter the track. If you see that someone is trying to enter the highway or change lanes in front of you from the acceleration lane into the stream, then letting him pass is the safest option. Be alert and try to make life as easy as possible for other drivers: this style of behavior makes the track safer for all road users.


    • It is entirely your responsibility to ensure the safety of the lane change. Cars moving along the highway have an advantage over you. You must pick up the speed of the flow and make a safe lane change!
    • Start observing the flow of cars as soon as possible, and then you will increase your chances of finding a free window as soon as possible and successfully re-lining there.
    • Don't just rely on your rearview mirrors and always turn your head as you risk not seeing a vehicle in your blind spot.
    • A situation may arise when you need to move into an adjacent lane. Do not wedge in directly in front of the nose of the car going to the side and slightly behind. You can make a mistake with the calculation of the distance and make an accident.
    • Make sure your speed is high enough to safely change lanes.
    • When driving on the acceleration lane, do not forget to keep an eye on the remaining free space in front of you. The length of the acceleration lanes can vary greatly, even within the same track.
    • Concentrate and do not let extraneous things distract you from maneuvering.
    • When integrating into a stream, try to choose such a window so that after rebuilding the free distance both in front of you and behind you is at least one car body in length.
    • Check to see if you can continue driving in the lane you just entered. In most large cities, the right-most lane is reserved for passenger transport and may only be open to traffic at certain times.
    • If you are nervous and there are passengers in the car, ask them to be quiet and not distract you from driving.
    • If you are unable to change lanes from the acceleration lane and it immediately turns into an exit lane, then do not stop there and leave the highway. Chances are, you can then loop down the country road, walk back down the same exit, and try again.


    • Sometimes it happens that the exit to the highway is not accompanied by the acceleration strip. In this case, you may see a “Give way” or “No fast lane” sign. In this case, it makes sense for you to slow down or even stop, waiting for a suitable clearance in the traffic.
    • Keep an eye on the situation: cars moving in the stream may start changing lanes into the acceleration lane.The fact is that often the entrances to the highway are also exits.
    • Don't forget to turn on the turn signal. This is the best way to communicate to other road users what you are about to do.
    • Be aware that there may be other vehicles following you and that drivers are also about to enter the track. Try to make room for them to maneuver by moving from the acceleration lane to the next lane as soon as possible.