How to choose the perfect pair of winter boots

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How To Choose The Perfect Pair Of Winter Boots
Video: How To Choose The Perfect Pair Of Winter Boots


Finding the perfect pair of winter boots can be difficult for you. However, in stores and on the Internet, the selection of winter shoes is truly huge. In order to facilitate the search process, you should have a clear understanding of the functionality of the boots you are looking for. So when choosing, you will put on the scales of their external beauty versus practicality.


Part 1 of 3: Determine what makes winter boots perfect

  1. 1 Determine if comfort is your priority. Do you plan to regularly walk in the snow over long distances, or will you rarely wear them? Depending on the expected wearing time, determine how comfortable they should be.
    • Buy more expensive shoes if you intend to wear them often.
    • If the use is intended only in rare cases, you can buy a less convenient and, accordingly, less expensive pair.
  2. 2 Choose between insulated and non insulated boots. You want your feet to always be warm while walking in the snow, but they should not be hot. Take the temperature into account and consider how warm your feet should be.
    • You can buy boots with replaceable insoles to improve thermal insulation. If necessary, this is the option to consider.
    • Sometimes you may need a thinner insole, depending on how active you are. For very high activity, such as walking for many hours, you should consider the amount of heat you generate when deciding on the degree of insulation.
  3. 3 Decide if you need waterproof boots. Most people want waterproof boots to keep their feet from getting wet. However, there are different levels of waterproofing. Ideal waterproof boots do not look very stylish, unlike those that are not designed for use in very wet environments. However, there are many semi-waterproof boots that look attractive.
    • If the boots are moisture resistant but not waterproof, then you should have a replacement pair of shoes in case they get wet. This will allow you to wear the second pair until the first is dry.
  4. 4 Determine the appropriate boot height. The taller your boots are, the better they will be able to protect your feet from high snow. In addition, high boots provide better ankle support. On the other hand, low boots do not hinder movement, and they are much easier to take off and put on.
    • Boots that are high enough are guaranteed to protect your feet and ankles from snow.
    • There are high-toed boots that have a fairly elastic structure. Prioritize comfort and a high boot if these are the parameters that matter most to you.
  5. 5 Match fashion and functionality. Sometimes beautiful shoes are not the most comfortable or practical, but they are the right ones for you. Otherwise, you can opt for comfortable boots, even if you don't really like their design.
    • If you can't find the perfect boots that are comfortable for you, you need to decide which aspect is most important to you.
    • Try to find a pair of beautiful shoes. You need a reasonably stylish winter shoe, as in winter you wear boots not only outdoors, but also indoors.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Right Size

  1. 1 Try on winter boots. It is difficult to order a pair of winter shoes without first trying them on because they end up sitting differently on your foot. If you are considering multiple pairs as an option, then start with boots in your regular size. So you can understand whether you need a smaller size or, on the contrary, a little larger.
    • Actual boot sizes can vary greatly. Some manufacturers provide sizes, assuming that you will be wearing warm socks.
    • The difference in size is the main reason why you cannot buy the right shoes online. However, if you still want to buy shoes online without trying them on, check with the manufacturer for correct sizing. You should also make sure that you are ordering from a retailer who offers exchange and delivery of shoes at their own expense in case the client wants to change its size.
  2. 2 Determine how secure the boots should be on your feet. Do you want to easily put on and take off your boots? Or do you need them to sit very tightly on your foot when you walk in the snow? Your decision should be based on exactly how you plan to wear the boots.
    • If you plan to actively go in for sports in boots, then you need shoes that fit your foot securely.
    • If you put on boots to run out of the house and take out the trash, then you will need shoes that are easy to take off and put on.
  3. 3 Buy the correct size. You need to determine which size will suit you best. You can choose boots in your size, or one size up to be able to wear them with warm socks.
    • When it comes to winter boots, it is a mistake to think that they are too big for you, because you will still wear them on warm socks. It is better to choose boots that are slightly larger than smaller ones.
    • Don't be afraid to buy shoes one size larger or smaller than you usually wear. After all, the dimensions are given only as a guide to help you find the best fit.

Part 3 of 3: Buying the Perfect Winter Boots

  1. 1 Decide if you want to overpay for branded shoes. Don't be fooled by the name of a well-known brand. Often people make the wrong decisions when choosing shoes because of the status of the brand or the style of the boots. Unfortunately, all these factors can manifest themselves negatively when walking in the snow.
    • For example, sheepskin boots are now very popular. They are made for comfort and warmth, but not suitable for snowy weather. These boots can be very thick and warm, but they are moisture permeable and easily stained with salt and snow.
    • However, there are branded boots that are renowned for their quality. Manufacturers who sew quality shoes are popular because of this. You have to research this question and learn to distinguish a promoted brand from a really quality-conscious manufacturer.
  2. 2 Compare prices online and in store. Comparing prices will be a good idea, thanks to which you can make a profitable purchase. Check prices in local shops and online. The advantage of shopping in a store is that you can pick up your shoes immediately after trying them on without having to pay for shipping. The advantage of buying over the Internet is that you can have a lot of choice here and the boots will cost you less.
    • Make sure you compare the same boots when you shop. Even a slight difference in shoe style can affect the quality of the shoe.
    • Trying on boots in a store does not oblige you to buy them. Try to figure out which size is best for you, or see how the boots fit, and then buy them where the price will be the lowest. Such a place may well be an online store.
  3. 3 Make sure your boots are covered by the warranty. Every pair of quality shoes purchased must have a lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects. This means that your boots will be repaired or exchanged for a new pair if the stitching comes out or the material breaks.
    • Some damages are not covered by the warranty. You will have to pay for a replacement if the damage is caused by improper operating conditions. For example, the manufacturer will not pay for repairs if you accidentally run over your boots with a car.
    • Guaranteed shoes tend to be more expensive. However, try to view the high cost as an investment, and remember that you will be wearing good shoes for many years instead of buying a new pair every year.
  4. 4 Buy shoes at the end of the season. Usually at the beginning of winter, the cost of boots rises sharply. Buying shoes ahead of time is a good investment and saves your budget.
    • Try to get winter boots in early spring when stores are trying to sell off the entire winter collection. At this time, prices may be much lower than they were a few months ago.
    • Pay attention to last year's collections. They can be even cheaper!


  • Be sure to wipe your shoes. Sometimes, snow and salt will leave marks on your boots if you don't wipe them down regularly.
  • You should have several pairs of shoes per change so that you don't wear them over.
  • Most of the well-known brands have websites where you can order shoes.


  • Beware of scammers when ordering shoes online. Make purchases only from the manufacturer, authorized representative or reseller.