Determining if your cat is overweight

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is my cat fat?  Mr. Pirate and Clawdia demonstrate how to tell.
Video: Is my cat fat? Mr. Pirate and Clawdia demonstrate how to tell.


On average, a medium or small cat weighs between seven and 13 pounds. A large cat should weigh between 13 and 24 lbs. However, like humans, cats vary in shape and size. Your cat can be outside these ranges and still be healthy. Performing a body check can help you determine if your cat's weight is an issue. If you are concerned after viewing your cat, make an appointment with your vet. Obesity can increase the risk of a variety of health problems and shorten your cat's lifespan. It is important that you make sure your cat is a healthy weight for its size.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Assessing your cat's body

  1. Look at your cat from different angles. You can start to determine if your cat is overweight by looking at him. Viewing your cat from above and from the side can help you determine if its weight is an issue.
    • View your cat from above. The area between his ribs and hips should move inward slightly, creating a clearly defined waist. If there is no waist or if his waist is wider than his hips or ribs, your cat may be overweight.
    • You should also view your cat from the side. Cats with a healthy weight have a so-called abdominal cove. This means that the area just behind their ribs should be a smaller diameter than the chest. If you don't see a belly cove, your cat could be overweight.
  2. Touch your cat's ribs. You can further examine your cat by hand. Run your hand over your cat's flanks. You should be able to feel his ribs easily. If you can't feel, or have to push down, his ribs, your cat may be overweight.
  3. Examine the base of your cat's tail. you should also be able to feel bones at the base of your cat's tail. Although a small layer of fat protects this area, you should be able to feel the contours of the bones without much effort. If you can't easily feel the bones here, your cat could be overweight.
  4. Check other bony areas. A cat's spine, hips, and shoulders should also be moderately bony. While highly visible and pointed bones may indicate that your cat is underweight, in a healthy cat you should be able to feel hip, spine and shoulder bones easily by petting them gently. If you cannot feel these bones because of fat layers, then your cat is overweight.
  5. Don't worry too much about a saggy tummy. Many cats have sagging skin that hangs down between their back legs. If your cat is otherwise bony, this small patch of skin is unlikely to be an indication of a weight problem. This skin flap is called the "primordial pouch" and serves to protect the stomach during fights with other cats. Cats often kick their back legs when angry, and this skin flap protects your cat from such attacks. Many cats will develop a primordial pouch at some point in their lives and it is not necessarily an indicator of obesity.
    • However, excess fat can be stored in your cat's primordial pouch if he is overweight. If he's showing other obesity symptoms, check his pouch. It should hang loose and consist mainly of skin. If the pouch appears to be filling up with fat, this could be an indication of obesity.

Part 2 of 3: Getting your cat medically examined

  1. Make an appointment with your vet. If you are concerned after a physical check-up, take your cat to a vet. You can weigh your cat yourself at home, but it is better to take it to the vet. The scales at the vet are specially designed for animals. A vet can also determine if your cat is medically obese, given its body type. While a body check can help you understand if you should be concerned, a professional veterinary evaluation is important in determining whether your cat is overweight or obese.
  2. Determine the cause of your cat's weight gain. When you visit the vet, your vet will ask you a few questions about your cat. This will help determine if your cat's weight is due to environmental or medical factors.
    • Overweight in cats can be the result of environmental factors. Your vet will want to know how often you feed your cat, as overfeeding can lead to weight gain. If your cat hides a lot for fear of children or other pets, it may not be getting enough exercise. Your cat may also be bored and lack toys or entertainment. You may need to adjust your home environment to help your cat lose weight.
    • However, the environment is not always the cause. Some medications, illnesses, and medical conditions can cause your cat to gain weight. If your cat has other ailments, such as vomiting or diarrhea, let your vet know. He or she may want to perform certain tests or tests on your cat to rule out an underlying medical condition.
  3. Discuss your cat's diet with your vet. If your cat's weight gain is related to the environment, talk to your vet about the way you feed your cat. He or she can suggest changes you can make to get your cat to a healthier weight. It is important that you discuss any major changes in your cat's diet with your vet in advance.

Part 3 of 3: Making changes

  1. Change how you feed your cat. If your cat is overweight, you will need to change the way you feed it. Changing the feeding schedule can make a big difference to his weight.
    • Always make transitions gradual. If you suddenly replace your cat's old food with a new diet brand, it may start to behave or refuse to eat. Keep your cat on its regular food, but offer it a little bit of the new food you are trying every day.
    • Cats will work for food. You can use a foraging device, a puzzle-like device that a cat has to solve to get food trapped inside. This encourages exercise, which is also important in helping a cat lose weight.
    • In nature, cats are pure carnivores. Many dry foods are primarily wheat-based and can lead to weight gain when used as a primary food source. Talk to your vet about switching your cat to canned food.
  2. Encourage exercise. Many cats don't get enough exercise. If your cat is an indoor cat, it is extra important that he gets exercise every day. Buy a variety of toys for your cat and take 20 to 30 minutes to play with it every night. Consider purchasing electronic, interactive toys for the cat to play with while you work or at school.
  3. Choose diet treats. Treats are also a major culprit when it comes to cat weight gain. Try to swap regular treats for low-calorie treats. Your cat does not have to give up luxury and will still be able to lose some weight.
  4. Monitor your cat's weight. Monitor your cat's weight to make sure he is losing weight if needed. You can weigh your cat at home with your own scale. However, this is not as accurate as a vet's scales. In some veterinary clinics, you can weigh for free if your cat needs to lose weight. Ask your vet if you can bring your cat regularly to check its weight.


  • Always consult a vet before putting your cat on a diet. Your vet can find a suitable diet for your pet and examine your cat to see if there is a serious medical condition causing the obesity.