How to politely say no

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Say No Politely | Good Manners
Video: How to Say No Politely | Good Manners


Rejecting a friendly request is not easy, but sometimes it cannot be avoided. If you are unable or unwilling to do something, then you need to pull yourself together and politely but confidently refuse. You need to be prepared for this.


  1. 1 Listen carefully to the request. Don't interrupt the speaker.
  2. 2 Make your refusal as simple as possible. Don't raise your voice and don't get upset, just say you can't help it this time. When refusing, say it in a confident, low enough voice to make the refusal clear.
  3. 3 Transfer the reason for your rejection to something else. For example, say, "I could, but I'm a little busy right now. How about another time?" There is no need to explain anything else. This will ward off any grievances about your employment.
  4. 4 Stay friendly.
  5. 5 Don't go into explanations. You have your reasons, which do not need to be discussed. If so, say something like "I just can't do it." Stop at this - if necessary, then change the topic of the conversation or say "I'm sorry, but I need to leave."
  6. 6 If you wish, you can give a simple explanation. If you really don't mind explaining the reason, then keep it as simple as possible.
  7. 7 Stand your ground. If the requestor does not accept your answer, then tell them that you have already decided everything and will not change your mind.
  8. 8 Remember that you are being asked to spare your time, so the right to consent or refuse is entirely yours.


  • Don't lie when explaining your refusal. For example, if you don’t want your sister and brother-in-law to stay over the weekend because they’re terrible slobs, then you don’t need to tell them that you will disinfect the house. Instead, say, "This weekend is not a good time to host." If they insist, then answer: "We have a lot to buy and clean the house to get ready for next week, so we just don't have time." Ideally, this should be the end of the argument. After all, this is probably the truth, isn't it?
  • Don't be afraid to refuse.
  • This approach can be used for friends and assertive salespeople.
  • If you find it difficult to refuse, then periodically rehearse this situation in front of the mirror.
  • Show respect, even if the person asking does not, because evil cannot correct evil!
  • Before a refusal, you can say “I understand your situation very well” - the person will feel that you empathize with him.
  • If your rejection upsets other people, then you should remain calm and try to retire. If this is not possible, then change the topic of the conversation or try to compliment the person.
  • It is preferable that you say “no” in a face-to-face conversation, but if you are not ready for this, then it is better to have someone else nearby who is able to resolve a difficult situation at the right time.


  • If you are in danger of injury, notify a third party urgently. If possible, call the emergency number.