How to lose 27kg

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My weightloss journey... How I lost 25+kg?!
Video: My weightloss journey... How I lost 25+kg?!


Everyone has their own reasons to lose weight, some people lose weight to improve their appearance, some people lose weight to improve overall health. Whatever your reason, if you want to lose weight it's important to remember that losing weight requires perseverance and determination. Here are some tips that may be helpful for your weight loss process.


Method 1 of 3: Weight Loss The Diet Method

  1. Make a diet plan. The first step that is also the most important step to losing weight through diet method is choosing the right diet. Alter your eating plan to suit your lifestyle, and set clear weight loss goals. A weight loss plan should be consistent with your weight loss goals as well as a medical history, and it's best to consult a registered dietitian before making a meal plan. Currently there are many different ways to lose weight with diet. Here are a few such diet plans.
    • Note, according to nutrition and health experts, any diet method that causes more than 0.5-2 kg / week of weight loss on average is not safe for our bodies. Additionally, some studies suggest that losing weight too quickly can increase the risk of gaining weight again. To lose about 0.5-1 kg / week, the average adult needs to cut 500 to 1,000 calories / day from the diet.
    • Low-carb or completely carb-free diet: This diet uses a method of removing carbohydrates from your diet and replacing carbohydrate foods with protein-rich ones. While such a diet is useful for weight loss, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, since carbohydrates are essential natural ingredients for human health.
    • Low-Fat Diet: This diet is designed to reduce the total amount of fat in your diet, thereby helping to eliminate excess calories that cause the body to gain weight. In addition, reducing fat intake also helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.
    • Low-calorie diet: This diet helps control the total calories you get from food, to help reduce the total calories of the body. Which method can make the body tired frequently, due to the decrease in total caloric intake and energy intake of the body.

  2. Consult your doctor or a dietitian. You must talk to your doctor before starting any weight loss program.
  3. Drink plenty of water and vitamins. Drinking water is not only good for the body, but it also helps you reduce hunger and reduce cravings as drinking water can create a feeling of fullness.In addition, take a daily multivitamin to help replace additional nutrients that you may be missing while dieting.
    • According to many doctors, men should drink at least 3 liters of water per day and women should drink 2.2 liters / day.
    • Make sure to take enough vitamins. When we diet, we tend to cut food down less than before, causing the body to lack nutrients so we have to take vitamins to supplement our bodies.

  4. Have breakfast. Diet are not which means not eating. Contrary to popular belief, breakfast actually helps the body kick off the metabolism, helping to burn excess calories throughout the day.
    • Start the day with a breakfast of 500-600 calories. You can refer to an example of a healthy and complete meal that stays within your calorie limit, like after a banana, a bowl of whole-grain bread oatmeal with 1-2 tablespoons of butter. peanut. Such breakfast will provide both carbohydrates and protein. Carbohydrates provide instant energy to the body and proteins provide energy throughout the day.

  5. Lunch. If you've had a full breakfast and have a dinner plan, then there's no reason to eat a hearty lunch. However, you can still eat healthy and full meals by way of.
    • Limit lunch to just 300-400 calories. You can prepare salad, yogurt, fish, chicken (not fried, but can be grilled), fruit, boiled vegetables, or soup.
    • Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat or high in calories, such as fried foods, thick sauces with ice cream,
  6. Have dinner divided by portion. Many people often have the habit of eating a lot at night. Therefore, it is better to limit your dinner ration. Don't overeat and don't eat desserts after dinner either.
    • Dinner should only be around 400-600 calories. You can have chicken with pasta made from whole wheat set, taco mahi mahi, stir-fried beef with broccoli and shiitake mushrooms, or pork with pomegranate sauce, these are the nutritional options. set and remain within the calorie limit.
  7. Avoid unhealthy snacks, sodas, and alcohol. Eating snacks like chips, candies, and other unhealthy foods between meals will wreak havoc on your diet. All "unhealthy" snacks, or foods high in "empty" calories or high in fat, contain too many calories for your metabolism and cause excess calories to increase. scales. In addition, soda and alcohol, especially beer, are very high in calories and are generally not necessary for the body's nutritional needs.
    • You can switch to colder snacks such as almonds, carrots and hummus (Middle Eastern and Arabic dishes), calorie restricted snacks, or yogurt.
    • Many studies have shown that diet soda water is ineffective for weight loss. In fact, the sweetness of diet soda deceives the body that it is being loaded with calories, but practically no calories. However, it is the consumption of diet soda that has the potential to increase hunger as well as the cravings for sweet, high-calorie foods.

Method 2 of 3: Weight Loss Exercise Method

  1. Set reasonable weight loss goals. If you exercise too much, your body will not suffer that it will get hurt. Therefore, it is worth noting when choosing this method to lose weight is to not choose an exercise regime that surpasses your physical capabilities. Also, remember that small changes in your lifestyle (like walking or cycling instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.) can increase the level of physical activity you have. throughout the day, so you won't need to train with too much intensity.
    • Setting too big a goal can create a negative environment and make you feel difficult and want to give up. Try setting smaller, weekly goals, instead of a big, hard goal to achieve.
  2. Make sure to choose exercises that are right for your body type. The most important thing is to know the ability of the body to exercise. If you have knee pain, avoid running or jogging on hard surfaces. If you have a heart or other condition, you should consult with a medical professional to find the exercise method that is right for you.
  3. Make sure to warm up before and after your workout. Before training, warm up first by stretching the muscles. This step will help you avoid injury. After exercising, you should also start stretching to prevent muscle soreness.
    • Keep in mind that if you experience an injury during exercise, your weight loss plan will have to be postponed. Even if a muscle aches or tears a ligament, you won't be able to exercise for a few weeks or months, then there's a chance you'll gain weight again.
  4. Do a "light" exercise. While "light" exercise may seem detrimental to rapid weight loss, light exercise does mean avoiding joint and muscle damage during exercise. Walking and running have proven to be an effective alternative to high-intensity running. Some exercise machines, like the elliptical, the stair treadmill, and the rowing machine, can also help keep your muscles from getting too tight while exercising.
    • In addition to running, jogging, swimming or walking, you can do some simple exercises such as arm circles, push-ups, squats, leg lifts, Plié Squat, bench exercises. dips (push ups on the triceps bench), kicks, stepping exercises, sagging, and other exercises to help you lose weight.
  5. Pay attention to how your body feels when exercising. Pay attention to monitoring your pulse, breathing and heart rate during exercise to make sure your body deals with the stress of doing it properly. If you feel a sudden and unusual change in your body size, you should immediately see a doctor or a medical professional to have it checked.
  6. Persistence. If you only exercise for a short period of time then it won't have much effect on your weight. Once you have a training plan in place, try to stick with it every day for 2 main reasons. First, your weight will only decrease when you exercise consistently. Second, if the training is interrupted or only periodically, it will only make your weight loss process more difficult because doing so will not contribute to the increase in training duration and intensity.
    • Getting the results you want can take a long time. Try to stick to your plan and remember that you will get the best results after going through lots of "hard practice" times. Practice is very difficult and challenging, but the results you get are very worthy.
  7. Evaluate your weight loss progress. If you don't have a scale yet, buy one! To ensure that your workout helps you lose weight, you need to weigh it regularly to keep track of your weight.
  8. Don't be disappointed. Exercise will not help you lose weight immediately, it should be a long process and in some cases, you may gain weight before you lose weight. Stick with your exercise program. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Performing Gastric Surgery (GBS)

  1. Carry out gastric surgery, this is the last resort. It is better to try all other weight loss methods before deciding to have stomach surgery because this method is so dangerous.
  2. Be aware of GBS pros and cons. The method of stomach surgery for weight loss has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to know the pros and cons of this method.
    • Advantages:
      • You can lose weight very quickly
      • This method can help you lose weight, even if something else doesn't work for you
      • This can help curb your cravings when you can't control your cravings on your own
      • With this method, you don't need much or no effort at all
    • Weakness:
      • Surgery is quite dangerous, expensive, and may not be covered
      • You can break your stomach if you eat too much
      • Over time, your stomach may stretch again, which means that the surgery isn't permanent.
      • This method does not solve the basics of weight gain
      • You could have a serious nutritional deficiency
  3. Consult a medical professional or doctor. A medical professional can help you lose weight without having to have stomach surgery. Your specialist can teach you alternative treatments, diets, treatments or exercise programs that will help you avoid the complications and limitations of stomach surgery.
    • In addition, some people have a medical condition that is not suitable for surgery. This is also an equally important reason to consult your doctor about surgery to lose weight.
  4. Think carefully about whether weight loss is worth the sacrifice. Your doctor will let you know if you are eligible for gastric surgery as well as the limitations you will face after surgery. Some common restrictions include restricting your ability to eat foods, having to follow a strict diet for certain foods, and your stomach may feel uncomfortable during or after eating.
  5. Schedule and prepare surgical procedures. Stomach surgery cannot be taken lightly because after any surgery it takes a long time to recover and it's better to have a friend or family member look after you after the surgery . Make sure the procedure and surgery go smoothly.
  6. Attend all follow-up appointments and follow your doctor's instructions. After surgery, you must follow all recommendations and instructions of your doctor to ensure successful results. In addition, you must regularly follow-up visits for your doctor to monitor and check your recovery after surgery.
    • If you want gastric surgery to improve your appearance, you must request additional surgery to remove excess skin and reshape the affected area for a better appearance.


  • Change the menu often or you will quickly get bored.


  • Don't overdo it. If you feel uncomfortable or in pain, stop. Overtraining only hurts your body and puts you under stress yourself!