How to behave indifferently

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Indifference Makes The Difference With Women
Video: Indifference Makes The Difference With Women


To be indifferent means to be calm about what is happening around. Instead of getting caught up in all these emotions and dramas from the Mexican TV series, just enjoy the spectacle being played out in front of you! Let the people around you clean up the actual brewed porridge, and you just take a comfortable seat, relax and contemplate carelessly. This is the triumph of reason over prejudice. Do you want your mind to triumph over social confusion? Then open your mind to a few methods of how to do it successfully.


Method 1 of 3: How to Indifferently Think

  1. 1 Step away from yourself. Yes, that's right, you need to distance yourself from your own "I", but it is worth noting only one of them, since our consciousness simultaneously combines several "I" at once. Everything is as according to Freud: there is an "id", "ego" and "super ego". Simply put, there is an "I" that has behavior. The other self is watching this behavior. In addition, you have an “I” that can step back and observe everything from the side; this is the “me” that you need to develop in order to behave indifferently. If it seems a little confusing, then look at it this way:
    • There is an “I” that just does something. It behaves like a child within you, as this is the first and basic "I". You eat, breathe, perform ordinary human functions under the guidance of this very "I". This is exactly the "I" who is reading this article at the moment.
    • There is another “I”, the essence of which is to ensure that your behavior conforms to social norms and orders, helping you to adapt and survive. Have you ever thought to yourself, "Oh, why did I eat this cake?" This is how this second self manifests itself.
    • And here is the third most ambiguous and elusive "I". It can observe your behavior and come to very wise and objective conclusions. The use of just this kind of "I" will be our main goal on the path to achieving indifference.
  2. 2 All life is a movie. In order to ride this third "I", imagine that your whole life is a movie. And that's all, you just need to be less involved in the events around you. Do not even try to succumb to an impulse of any serious emotions, even if a whole fountain of passions rushing out has settled inside you, you should not release them all at once in one fell swoop, stretch the pleasure, dispose of your emotions like a tube of toothpaste that you carefully squeeze out a little every day - a little, in general, skimp on emotions. Well, let's get back to our cinema. First, think about which movie you are in? What is the genre of this movie? Comedy, drama, tragedy? Who is in control of the situation? What happens next?
    • If you succeed in applying this type of thinking, you will begin to think more rationally - less fixated on yourself, observing the wider picture of what is happening. For example, now you are sitting at home, eating an apple and browsing articles on "wikiHow", so think about the following: "What is the hero of your film thinking and why?", "How can this change in a few days?" Observing an emotion and just seeing its presence is much easier than feeling and experiencing it.
  3. 3 All these are nonsense, which are also part of the universe. Whatever happens, seriously, it doesn't matter. After all, everything that is not in the world is always part of something larger. Perhaps the end of the world awaits us. Sounds important, doesn't it? Oh, how! “And this pimple right in the center of my forehead? Wow! " “God, and that Seryozha is a joke about the color of my shirt! Is this just a joke or should I really revisit my wardrobe? No no and one more time no!" Why should these tiny microscopic moments receive even a drop of your precious emotions?
    • When everything, as they say, is on the drum, it becomes difficult to find a measure in this. So after successfully mastering the indifferent "I", it will be enough not just to squeeze out at least some emotion, even in the presence of a very joyful event.According to research by Tatiana Schnel from the University of Innsbruck, Austria, those people who are indifferent to life and everything that is in it are very far from experiencing a sense of happiness. In other words, you may not even blink an eye if your boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you, but at the same time you will not care if you win a million rubles in the lottery.
  4. 4 Open up. To become indifferent, you will have to say goodbye to all your prejudices, omens, pride, shame and other similar emotions. To achieve this, we need to fully open our consciousness. Remove the locks of socially imposed prejudices from the gates of your inner world. Even when someone makes fun of your view of your sexual orientation, gender, race, or religion, just sit back and think, “Hmm, what an interesting point of view! And why does he think so? " The strongest reaction on your part to all of the above grievances can be only a slight interest in someone else's opinion - but never resentment, anger or any other manifestation of a psychological form of defense.
    • Calm, only calm. When someone tears apart our entire system of beliefs and beliefs, we naturally want to stand up for our beliefs and put that person in his place with his silly comments. But you can't! You need to keep your mind open, even when assimilating any shocking information. Try to get rid of attachment to your outlook on life, let them live on their own. Even if the other person has a different opinion about you - well, the flag is in his hands!
  5. 5 Look at the root. When you interact with others, treat them like characters in a movie. Think about their biography, try to perceive their actions today as the consequences of some moment in the past, because maybe, for example, a person was not bought a car in childhood, but today he is intriguing after he saw you getting out of a luxury car. And when someone says something to you, think about the real meaning of those words. In other words, look at the root, gentlemen!
    • When someone says to you, “Oh God! I want to tell you this, although I promised not to tell anyone ... ", it really means that this person is just trying to attract more attention to himself and in fact says the following:" Oh my God! I really want to tell you a new gossip, please pay attention to me and belittle me to tell a new story, because this will make me much happier! " This is precisely the causal root of this person's words, and if you look at the root, then you will immediately figure out what the matter is and do as it should.

Method 2 of 3: How to look indifferent

  1. 1 Stone look. Indifference is primarily manifested in the way you present yourself. In order not to get off the track of indifference, try not to show emotions on your face. For example, if you say: “No, this is somehow not quite interesting,” you do not need to stand with raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes and gaping mouth.
    • This does not mean that you need to react in some way positively, negatively, or even withdrawn altogether. No. You still exist as a living person. Just try to take everything calmly and without unnecessary emotions. For example, imagine how you would react if a friend of your sister told how difficult it was for him to dig potatoes yesterday. Approach the rest of the questions with about the same level of mild interest.
  2. 2 Feet to hand or how to control body language. So, your emotions are convinced of the futility of their splash through facial expressions, now they sneak up to master the language of your body movements - do not give in! Even when you declare that you are absolutely indifferent, and your body feels uncomfortable, everything is gone, from now on you are not indifferent.
    • It should be in a relaxed and open position. Imagine watching a good movie. You are still interested, but you are comfortable and you are absolutely calm. Note - if you strive hard to be indifferent, indifference will overwhelm you with an even greater wave. Relax.
  3. 3 Remain open and receptive. Excessive indifference can pass for isolation, alienation and pessimism. Remain open, friendly and receptive - as if you don't really care why this or that person came to you. By the way, you would behave in exactly the same way if there was no one else in the room.
    • Since you are an observer, there is no reason for alienation. If someone, as they say, senior in rank, yells at you, then you do not need to cross your arms or legs, stay in an open position. The shouting behavior is nothing more than the fact that this person is frantically struggling and trying to regain control. And don't worry, you will answer him as you need to, but only when the time is right, but for now, just watch the fireworks of your opponent's emotions. You still hear everything that is being said to you, it is just that from now on you are listening at several levels at once, while drawing conclusions about the root cause of the speaker's words and emotions.
  4. 4 Don't get carried away too much. Some want to appear indifferent in order to achieve some kind of self-satisfaction. Someone wants to settle scores with their ex, someone just wants to show their boss or relatives that they absolutely do not care. If you recognize your behavior, then at least you don't need to get carried away and enjoy it too much. After all, excessive hobby will show that your indifference is nothing more than window dressing, and this is no longer indifference, this is a bad acting game.

Method 3 of 3: How to act indifferently

  1. 1 Keep calm. Since everything is not so important and you are successfully analyzing everything from afar, why should anything bother you? You have nothing to lose in 99% of all situations in life, so why waste your energy?
    • Most people succumb to stress in many situations in life - when trying to finish a project on time, when figuring out a relationship with their life partner, or when having a fight with friends. This is because these people care about the outcome of the situation - exactly what you absolutely do not care about. Therefore, when you find yourself in a stressful situation, try not to think anything superfluous, and even more so not to wind yourself up.
  2. 2 Remain neutral. In addition to being calm, it is also important to be neutral (not showing strong emotions). Of course, any situation involves a bit of stress, but try never to get angry, upset, or overjoyed. Everything that surrounds you should not really affect you, so do not create an extra reason for yourself to show unnecessary feelings.
    • Whatever information comes, be it: "You killed my goldfish!", - or: "I'm leaving you!" - either: “Dima Bilan called me personally!”, your reaction should be as if you were told that someone bought a new lamp. Yes, good, new lamp, cool! You may or may not want to know what color this lamp is. You have the right to ask whatever you want, if you are in the mood to do it at all.
  3. 3 Be objective. There are many different opinions in the world. Each has its own. And many express their point of view very willingly. But you are not one of the majority of people. You see both sides of the coin at once and judge the situation according to what it really is, without losing common sense in a fog of emotions.
    • Do not forget that no one is an angel, including you. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest among the trees, but if you practice to be aware of your behavior, then anything is possible. That is, when you argue with a friend, analyze not only the reasons for his behavior, but also what influenced you in particular.
  4. 4 Pay attention to the process itself. When you interact with people, you don't have to respond to their words. Respond to what they "really" say. Don't notice the content, focus on the process itself. This will help you to be objective and not involved in unnecessary worries. Instead, you’ll think about the person’s inclinations, intentions and complexes, which will serve as a fairly neutral fulcrum for you.
    • Let's say Masha handed Sasha, her husband, a list of what needs to be done today. Sasha does not do any of this and Masha is upset. Sasha thinks that Masha is too intrusive, and Masha thinks that Sasha doesn't care about her and, in general, he is lazy. Instead, Sasha should think that this list means that Masha wants to put things in order in her life and gain some kind of control over what is happening, and she asks Sasha to help her with this - Masha needs to realize that Sasha's reaction has nothing to do with her personally, it just means that Sasha is tuned in to a different wave. When they can see the root cause of their behavior, they can step back from the situation and solve the problem.
  5. 5 Show the same courtesy to all people as you show to strangers. If you are truly indifferent, then you will not give any preference to one person to the detriment of another. Again, imagine that you are alone in the room. If there is a certain person whom you want to convince of your indifference, then treat him like a stranger - this way you will behave civilly and decently, and if they tell you something, you will listen carefully and fulfill the request, if it fits into your timetable. And when this person leaves, then everything will end there - you will continue to go about your business as if nothing had happened. And this is absolutely normal.
    • In enemy territory. If you hate someone, then there is nothing stronger than indifference. Your enemy hopes that you will react in a certain way to his attacks. It was not so, be absolutely calm and polite - he will get confused and all his insidious plans will come to an end, since there is nothing more boring than harming an indifferent person. So, be courteous to your enemy and impress him with the kindness of indifference.


  • The past is in the past, the future is unknown; rancor is shame, anxiety is just pain; enjoying the moment is great.
  • Peace exists only in consciousness! For complete pacification, only peace is needed and nothing else!
  • It doesn't matter what others think. Some have nothing else to do but invent something. Stop worrying about their thoughts.
  • Anything that tempts is also capable of harm.
  • Refusal of whims and desires leads to peace.
  • Remember, real happiness does not depend on external factors such as appearance or material goods (money, fame, power, etc.), or on the mood of other people. Real happiness is independent of all the above benefits, since they are temporary, and happiness is infinite.
  • Forgive everyone, as they just do what they think is right at the moment.
  • When we reach the source of desire and are well aware of its root cause, it becomes easier for us to get rid of this source.


  • This philosophy will only work when you fully believe in it.
  • The ability to self-analyze is the key to understanding the world.