How to get rid of a cold in 2 days

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)
Video: How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)


Maybe you need to attend a big social event over the weekend or an important meeting over the next few days. Or maybe you just feel struggling and are ready to kick the cold. Colds make you tired, exhausted, and uncomfortable. It is a very common disease and can be acquired by all of us, especially in the winter. Unfortunately, a cold usually goes through all stages and takes 7 to 10 days to clear. However, there are steps to help you reduce your cold symptoms and feel better in just two days. You can also use them to prevent colds.


Method 1 of 3: Try Effective Home Remedies

  1. Make sure enough water. As recommended by your doctor, drinking plenty of fluids can relieve cold symptoms. As soon as you show signs of a stuffy nose, start drinking plenty of fluids. Increasing water intake helps avoid sore throat.
    • In particular, green tea is very helpful when you have a cold. It has high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from viral infections.
    • As much water as possible. Lack of water only makes the illness worse.

  2. Rested. The worst part about having a cold is that you will feel exhausted. Don't push yourself too hard. One of the best ways to beat a cold is to get plenty of rest so the body can focus its energy on fighting off the disease. Try to go to bed earlier than usual.
    • Usually, you should get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. When you're not feeling well, aim for an hour or two of sleep. Rest allows the body to heal itself and heal.

  3. Eat the right foods. She does give you good advice indeed: chicken soup can actually ease cold symptoms and help you feel better quickly. Although still in the research phase, some results have shown that chicken soup reduces the spread of mucus and, in turn, reduces upper respiratory cold symptoms. The report shows that home-cooked soups and store-bought soups are equally effective.
    • Many other foods have also been shown to ease cold symptoms. For example, yogurt contains "good" bacteria that help the body fight off infection.
    • Garlic has many properties that help boost the immune system. Let's add garlic to the chicken soup for added effect.
    • Eat ginger. Ginger soothes the stomach and is another great ingredient in chicken soup.

  4. Use herbs. Cucumber has long been used to boost the immune system and treat many diseases. Recent research shows that chamomile may actually help you recover faster from a cold. However, like all herbs, chamomile can have side effects. Talk to your doctor before taking it, as it may negatively interact with other medications or supplements you are taking.
    • Elderberry helps treat cold symptoms. You can take elderberry extract in the form of water or tablets. It can act as a decongestant.
    • The swing can relieve the discomfort of a sore throat. Many herbalists and doctors are cautious about using this herb in pregnant women.
  5. Work. If you have enough strength, you should try a few exercises medium. A short walk outside before noon can be helpful. Light exercises help clear the nose and throat and cool the body.
    • Do not try to do intense cardio when you have difficulty breathing due to a stuffy nose. Be tolerant of yourself and do mild to moderate exercises.
    • Exercise has the ability to naturally improve mood. Hence, you will feel less pessimistic with a little activity.
    • Do not exercise if you have fever, cough, stomach pain, or are tired or aching.
  6. Use steam. Try a hot shower. It not only relaxes muscles, but also reduces congestion. While in the shower, gently blow your nose from side to side. You will notice that with the steam, breathing becomes easier.
    • If you don't have time to shower, you can still take advantage of the benefits of steam. Fill the tub with hot water and bend over, covering your head with a towel. Take a deep breath for the steam to work best.
    • Try adding herbs to your steam treatment. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the shower. Some studies show that eucalyptus can reduce coughs.
    • Peppermint is also helpful. Peppermint essential oil helps relieve congestion and is the main active ingredient. You can add peppermint oil in your bath for the best effect.

Method 2 of 3: Optimizing Medicines

  1. Talk to your pharmacist. Finding over-the-counter cold medicine can be quite tiring. There are too many types to determine which medicine is best for you, especially when your mind is not clear. Ask your pharmacist for suggestions that are safe and effective.
    • It's very clear when describing symptoms to pharmacists. Tell your pharmacist if you feel extremely sleepy or have trouble sleeping. You should also notify if you have an allergy or sensitivity to anything.
  2. Treat the symptoms properly. You should not take too many over-the-counter medications. It causes drowsiness and has the potential to lead to other health problems. However, you can safely take a medicine to fight off a cold. Choose one that focuses on your worst symptoms. ingredients. This substance in one of the most effective in reducing nasal congestion.
    • If you have a cold that keeps you coughing all night, take an over-the-counter medicine that contains dextromethorphan.
  3. Take pain relievers. Colds are accompanied by soreness and sometimes fever. The muscles and joints can be sore, making the situation worse. Try an over the counter pain reliever to relieve these symptoms.
    • Aspirin and ibuprofen are effective in helping you overcome a cold. Just remember to carefully follow the dosage indicated on the bottle.
    • Be cautious when giving aspirin to children because it can lead to Reye's syndrome. Do not give aspirin to a child younger than two years old. Do not give aspirin to a child who has recently had chickenpox or the flu.
  4. Know when to call your doctor. If you have a common cold, your doctor cannot help you much. Antibiotics have been shown to have no effect on the common cold. Don't waste time and make an appointment with your doctor if you know you have a cold.
    • If symptoms persist or are particularly severe, call your doctor. You will need medical attention, especially if breathing is severe.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing a cold

  1. Build healthy habits. There are a few steps you can take to avoid getting colds often in the future. Be sure to follow some basic guidelines for a healthier life. For example, make sure you get regular enough sleep.
    • Eat a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and fruits to boost your immune system. As a result, it helps the body to destroy pathogens.
    • Try meditating. Research shows that daily meditators have fewer illnesses each year. Stress puts undue pressure on your immune system, and meditation can reduce stress.
    • Practice regularly. People who exercise five days a week have less respiratory illnesses, such as colds.
  2. Hand washing. Colds and flu germs can spread easily and stick to any surface. You get germs when you touch everyday objects like doors or phones. Wash your hands a few times a day, especially during the flu season.
    • Using soap and warm water, rub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Don't forget to use a clean towel to dry.
  3. Clean the surrounding environment. You can reduce your exposure to germs by cleaning surfaces during the day, especially in the workplace. Colleagues are one of the most common sources of illness. Prevent by wiping your computer, phone and pen with a clean cloth at the beginning and end of workday.
    • You can do the same at home. Clean commonly touched surfaces such as tap water in bathroom sinks.


  • Consult your doctor if you are unsure which treatment is the right option for your situation.
  • Try a few different methods until you find one that works for you.


  • If you are too sick to go to work or school, stay home. Working when you are really sick can be very bad for you, can make your illness worse and infect others. If you really need a vacation, take it!