How to behave if you catch your parents having sex

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To React If You Catch Your Parents Having Sex
Video: How To React If You Catch Your Parents Having Sex


Sooner or later, this happens to most people: we accidentally catch our parents having sex. You wake up in the middle of the night from strange sounds and suddenly realize that your parents are having sex! It may also happen that you returned home earlier than they expected and accidentally interrupted your parents "in the most interesting place." You have definitely not faced such a situation before, and you absolutely do not want to see them in this position.Well, what you see and hear can no longer be avoided, but there is a way out - you can just accept this situation and move on.


Method 1 of 2: How to behave if you catch your parents at the "most interesting moment"

  1. 1 First, consider if they noticed you. Perhaps you are to blame for this situation. Perhaps you came home too early, walked in without knocking, and "disturbed" your parents.
    • Take a deep breath and try to remain calm.
    • Think about the strategy of your behavior in this case - is the door far? How discreetly can you slip towards it?
    • Try to walk away quietly. If your parents didn't notice you because they were too involved in the process, try to leave the house as quietly and quickly as possible.
    • Never mention what you saw or did, and just behave as usual.
  2. 2 Apologize and exit. If your parents do not notice you, you need to leave as soon as possible.
    • Say "Sorry" and get out of there as soon as possible.
    • Behave as usual the next time you meet with your parents. Suppress your parents' attempts to talk to you about what you saw, just say amiably, "This is none of my business" or "This is only for you."
    • Never think about this incident - your parents will be very grateful to you.
  3. 3 Clarify the situation. Of course, it depends on how close you are with your parents, because this option is not for everyone.
    • Smile and say, "Good thing it wasn't a secret security agent, Mom ..." (or something like that).
    • Be prepared for the next moment that something will fly at you, so immediately leave the room.
    • Don't mention this situation again.
  4. 4 Come up with an excuse. This is the only way out if you cannot immediately leave the room and leave.
    • Tell them that you are looking for socks or wanted to ask them for money.
    • Don't show emotions and feelings.
    • Be prepared for any reaction. Perhaps your parents will shout at you, "Get out of here!" - in that case, go out.
    • Be silent about this situation and focus on your own life. Surely you have something to take care of besides your parents' sex life.

Method 2 of 2: Dealing with "these sounds"

  1. 1 Avoid them. This is a necessary decision for the first time. But if the problem continues, consider how to fix it in the long run.
    • Buy earplugs and headphones to muffle sounds.
    • Improve the soundproofing of your room. This is a long-term solution and won't necessarily break the bank.
    • Rearrange furniture. After all, there is a difference between the fact that your bed will stand next to the wall that separates you from your parents' bedroom, and the fact that it will stand in another corner of the room. If possible, place a bookcase against the wall that separates you from your parents.
    • Listen to music - whale songs are great because they are very effective at drowning out sighs and moans. A good alternative to drown out many sounds is the didgeridoo or vuvuzela.
    • Buy a white noise generator. The device emits different types of noise, its purpose is to suppress extraneous sounds, protecting your privacy (yours and your parents').
  2. 2 Give a polite hint to your parents. They may not even be aware that you are hearing them. Thanks to your polite hints, they will begin to carefully monitor that there are no "extraneous sounds".
    • Send your parents a message. Give a subtle hint. For example, you can write just one word: "Noisy". Your parents will likely not read your message right away, but they will be more prudent next time (because there will most likely be next time).
    • Print the tips article: "How to Stop Hearing Extraneous Sounds When Your Parents Have Sex." And slip this article under their bedroom door. Again, they won't find the article right away, but next time they'll heed your comment.
    • Don't mention this situation again.Act like nothing happened, and just put the incident in the past.
  3. 3 Try rougher hints. If your parents don't take polite hints, try communicating the situation in a more direct way.
    • Walk past their room shouting, "You're not alone here!" - switch roles, because now you can make them the remark that you often get yourself. Just try to turn the situation into a joke and relax.
    • Play music at full volume that will hint to your parents that you are hearing them. For example, turn on "Let’s talk about sex" by Salt N ’Pepa, or the Bloodhound Gang’s" The Bad Touch. "
    • Tap the wall with a mop or stick. This may not be the best way to hint, but parents will understand what is the matter.
  4. 4 Ask if you can move to another room. This is also a long-term solution. And it depends on whether you have other free rooms in your apartment.
    • If you live in a private home, you can choose a room in the basement, in the attic, or somewhere else (away from your parents' bedroom).
    • Smile and say: "We are all adults, and everyone should have their own personal space." This is not only a delicate way to convey to your parents that you heard them, it will also protect your personal space in the future - if you hear your parents, then they will be able to hear you with your girlfriend / boyfriend.
  5. 5 Talk to them. But in the event that you have no other choice (if you cannot switch rooms, if your parents do not understand your hints and you really do not see any other way out).
    • Be prepared for awkward silence - after all, no one wants a child to intrude on his privacy.
    • Be calm, friendly, and adult.
    • Calmly tell your parents that their love life is no longer private due to the "specific sounds" and that you do not want to witness this process.
    • Change the subject immediately or leave the room. There is nothing more to discuss here, and your parents will be immensely grateful to you that you allowed them to leave this situation alone.


  • Remember that your parents are much more embarrassed by this situation than you are.
  • Keep in mind that you were born because your parents had sex.
  • Don't tell anyone about what you saw. These things shouldn't go outside your family.
  • Be grateful that your parents have sex - this is a sign of a healthy relationship.
  • Go to bed earlier than your parents and you won't have to deal with these situations.
  • If you don't have headphones, try using a pillow to muffle the sounds.


  • Do not linger or hesitate, leave the room immediately.
  • Do not take pictures of your parents or try to blackmail them - this will only ruin your relationship with them.
  • Don't scream or act like a small child. Research results have shown that the psyche of children who found their parents having sex did not suffer in the future.
  • Don't play your music too loud. Your parents need to understand the fact that you can hear them, but do all your neighbors need to know this?
  • Do not bang on the wall with all your might - you can dent it or even get hurt.
  • Don't play music that has a lot of profanity - your parents deserve respect.
  • Don't act like your parents did something wrong. In this situation, you will be wrong, because most likely your parents asked you to knock before entering their bedroom.