How to behave if your teenage daughter gets pregnant

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Tips for Talking with Your Teenage Daughter
Video: Tips for Talking with Your Teenage Daughter


It can shock you to hear that your underage daughter is pregnant. You may feel happiness, anger, shock, excitement, or even sadness. You can blame yourself in the first place for not intervening and preventing what happened. Think about how you can support your daughter in this life-changing experience.


  1. 1 Provide support. Despite the feelings you have, this will be a very difficult time for your family. Most young people have no desire to have children, and if this happens, it becomes a huge shock for everyone, especially for the girl. You should be aware that your daughter needs love and support, much more than before, the more from you.
  2. 2 Try to imagine how your daughter is feeling right now. Until recently, all she thought about was school and final exams; but now, her life has been turned upside down. She most likely feels a lot worse than you.
  3. 3 Make sure your daughter is aware of the possible scenarios. To have an abortion, give the child up for adoption or keep it for yourself - all these options have their pros and cons. Help your daughter consider all the options so that she can understand what is best for her. But at the same time, she must keep in mind that this cannot be treated too lightly.
  4. 4 Prepare her for reality. If your daughter wants to raise her child, this means that a lot will change for her and for all those close to her, including you. She should be aware that raising a child is a commitment for life, and not at all fun or games.
  5. 5 Find out how the situation is with the child's father. If he is one of those men who only bring humiliation and unhappiness, it will be best for your daughter and her unborn child if she breaks up with him. If she refuses or has doubts about it, remind that there are much better men in this world.
  6. 6 Monitor her health. Your daughter needs to take care of herself so that the pregnancy proceeds without complications, especially if she is still a teenager. Make sure she is eating the right food and taking care of her health and that she is free of bad habits (i.e. alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, excess caffeine, dangerous sexual tendencies, etc.).
  7. 7 Help your daughter prepare for the birth of her baby in the best possible way. In many places you can find good quality children's furniture and clothing at low prices. Inexpensive baby items can also be bought at any pharmacy.
  8. 8 Remember that becoming a grandmother is not so bad. It's actually useful, enjoyable, and sometimes even a lot of fun. It is important to set boundaries for your parenting role from the start so that your daughter takes her responsibilities seriously. Make sure she takes the time and effort to take care of her baby or children.


  • Try to give your daughter your unconditional love and emotional support, before and after the baby is born. You have the right to feel angry or frustrated about what she did, but don't overdo it because it won't make things better.
  • While you would like her to do the wiser, the best thing you can do about this situation is to accept what has already happened. Learn from your mistakes. You must be optimistic and confident, this will ultimately lead to a better future for everyone.
  • Your daughter may want to attend new mom courses because they are really of great benefit. This way, she will learn the basics of childcare and gain a better understanding of what the future holds.
  • Try to think positively and be optimistic. A negative attitude will not improve the situation in any way.
  • If your daughter is continuing a relationship with the child's father, make sure she does, because they have a healthy relationship and they really care about each other. She shouldn't feel obligated to stay with him just because he is the father of the child.
  • Don't put pressure on your daughter in her choice. This is her body and her child. She must decide for herself what she needs to do. Although it is your support and advice that can help her avoid unnecessary regrets.
  • 70% of girls who become pregnant as teenagers never finish high school, and even fewer go to college. Despite difficulties and disagreements, encourage your daughter to pursue an education so that she can create a better life for herself and her child.
  • The first days after hearing the news are especially difficult: provide yourself with the necessary personal space, if possible, and do not talk unnecessarily with your daughter while you are still in a state of shock. Your spouse, parents or best friends will forgive you for your words spoken in a fit of anger, frustration, until you are able to control your emotions; your daughter and the child's father may not forgive this.
  • There are many support groups that focus on supporting adolescents who find themselves in this difficult situation. Your daughter may attend one of them.
  • Pregnancy during adolescence is very common. Every year, millions of unmarried girls around the world give birth to children.