How to lead a simple and relaxed lifestyle

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Simplify Your Life
Video: How To Simplify Your Life


In everyday life, we are constantly in a hurry to do everything. Today's life sometimes sets such a pace that the count goes literally for some moments and elusive seconds. Unfortunately, this pace negatively affects our health and our relationships with other people. Over time, we realize that life doesn't have to be like this. It is possible to lead a simple life! If you are striving for a simpler, more relaxed life, you need to make lifestyle changes, prioritize correctly, and change your environment.


Method 1 of 3: Make changes to your schedule

  1. 1 Make everything slower. Very often we do not notice how our life flies due to the fact that we are constantly in a hurry in order to have time to complete the planned tasks. After reading this tip, try to stop for a moment and think about how your life is going. Note that the advice “make things slower” is mentioned first. Keep it in mind as you read this article, and keep it in mind as you do your daily chores.
    • Don't do several things at the same time. Multitasking is a popular term in the modern world. Many people strive to stay afloat, doing several things at the same time. However, according to research, multitasking reduces the quality and efficiency of work. Even if many people try to do several things at the same time, do not follow their example.
    • Determine how many tasks you can solve at the same time.Your goal is to do the job well and get satisfaction from doing it.
    • Don't do anything. This also needs to be learned, since the advice “do nothing” is not as simple as it might seem. Many people find it difficult to put things aside and just relax, doing nothing. If you can afford a five-minute break during which you will not be doing anything, be sure to do it.
  2. 2 Reduce responsibilities. If you have a commitment to someone, follow through with it. Then reduce the number of duties. It may not be that easy at first. However, remember that if you simplify your life, it will become calmer and more fulfilling. This thought can be a good motivation. Plus, you won't feel guilty.
    • Limit the number of tasks by scheduling your weekly schedule. First, determine how many tasks you can complete in order to feel comfortable doing it. Second, stick to the set number of tasks. You shouldn't be the person who always says yes to everyone.
    • If you are invited to an event, do not rush to answer. Consider if you really should visit it. If you think about it and decide you don’t want to attend this event, you can say, “Thank you for the invitation, but unfortunately I will not be able to come.”
    • Be prepared to say no when talking about your plans. However, the person may react negatively to your refusal. In this case, you can explain to him why you made this decision. You can say, “I am so pleased that you think of me. However, unfortunately, I will have to refuse you, since the circumstances are developing in this way. I have to make changes to my schedule because it is important for me, my family and my health. " Most likely, the person will support your decision.
  3. 3 Reduce additional costs. Some people make rash purchases to impress others. For the sake of prestige and the desire to impress others, they are willing to spend large sums of money. Such people are prone to squandering, just to emphasize their importance and weight in society. If you want to simplify your life, you will have to cut additional costs. This will reduce the amount of financial obligations you have.
    • Think, do you really need a new gadget? Can you not stop by twice a day in the auto cafe, where you make an order, without leaving your car? Just tell yourself no. By doing this, you will say yes to a simple and calm life. This will help you make the right decisions.
    • Learn to enjoy the simple things in life, like having fun with friends, being at one with nature, or being able to do something with your own hands. You will experience a genuine sense of satisfaction.
  4. 4 Clean up your home. People create their world, filling it with elements that they like. If you want to simplify your life, take a look at the condition of your home. If necessary, put things in order. A well-organized home is not just a whim of a scrupulous hostess. This is a must if you want your life to be less burdened with anxiety and anxiety. Remove items from your home that you don't use. This will help you to put in order not only your home, but also your thoughts. The inner mental order requires the same order in the outer world.
    • Set aside at least 10 minutes a day to clean up your home.
    • Set aside time on weekends for more thorough cleaning, such as tidying up closets and garage.
    • Divide all your belongings into three categories: leave; donate; throw it away. If you donate things you rarely use to a charity, you will make someone happier. In addition, by doing so, you are helping to save jobs at the charity.With your donations, you contribute to the development of society, which, of course, has a positive effect on your self-esteem.

Method 2 of 3: Prioritize Your Life Right

  1. 1 Define your values ​​in life. Think about what is most important to you in life. Also, reflect on what influences you as a person. Life values ​​influence a person's actions, decision-making and personal choices. While it is not easy to define your values ​​in life, remember that it is imperative to do so. So be prepared to put in the effort.
    • To determine your values ​​in life, remember a period in your life when you experienced inner satisfaction and genuine happiness. Make a list of the values ​​that were an integral part of your life during that happy period. Perhaps creativity, adventure, dedication, and hard work are important to you. Also, your family can be above all for you. Values ​​are the driving force in our lives.
    • If you want to lead a peaceful life, then most likely you value calmness, resourcefulness, stability and health.
  2. 2 Make sure that your actions are in line with your values. Choose activities that align with your values ​​and help make life easier. If you feel satisfaction from the chosen occupation, then it is consistent with your life values. If the activity is not in your interests, you will not feel content and you will feel that you are doing the wrong thing.
    • Do not accept offers to participate in events if they interfere with your peaceful life.
    • Make the decision to live a life that aligns with your values. To do this, you need to be more focused and disciplined. Yoga and exercise can help you develop these essential qualities.
  3. 3 Make a plan and stick to it. Once you've identified your problem-solving model, be prepared for the changes ahead. If you decide to live a simple and peaceful life, set clear goals for yourself, achieve them, make adjustments as needed, and track your progress.
    • Set clear goals for yourself. For example, you might set a goal for yourself to follow a cleaning schedule. Self-control leads to real change.
    • Decide on a date to start pursuing your goal. Each goal must have a start date and an end date. Don't be put off. Get started as soon as possible.
    • Track your progress and reward yourself for your success. If you succeed in achieving your goal, reward yourself for your successes. You can go to the movies, attend a sports event, or plant a tree in honor of someone you admire. Rewarding will be a good motivation to keep setting goals and achieving them.
    • If you fail to achieve a goal, then in some cases it is necessary to stop and find a suitable alternative from the list of goals that you compiled earlier. Don't look at this as a failure; instead, think about what you need to change to achieve your goal.
    • You will change gradually and over time, new behaviors will become second nature to you. As new behaviors become more natural for you, you may not be so careful about sticking to the plan, while maintaining a positive result.
  4. 4 Live in the moment. Don't over-focus on the past or the future. A wandering mind is an unhappy mind. If you want to simplify your life, calm your mind and focus on what you are doing in the moment.
    • Visualize. Imagine yourself in a simple, peaceful, stress-free place. This will help you calm your mind.
    • Socialize or exercise. These are two of the most effective ways to live in the moment.
  5. 5 Keep a gratitude journal. Keeping such a diary will improve your sleep, health and you will become a happier person. All this, in turn, will contribute to the fact that your life will become simple and calm. Consider the following points to get the most out of journaling:
    • Start journaling with a meaningful decision to be a happy and grateful person.
    • Describe in detail the things and situations for which you are grateful. Don't limit yourself to simple phrases.
    • Link your feelings of gratitude to people, not things.
    • Think about how your life would change if what you are worried about disappeared from it. By thinking like this, you will notice more reasons for gratitude.
    • Don't forget about unexpected surprises.
    • Don't write in your diary every day. Writing once or twice a week will be enough.
  6. 6 Learn to show empathy and compassion. Being able to understand people with serious problems is an important skill that everyone should develop. For some people it is very easy to do this, for others it is a real problem. Behave with people the way you want them to treat you. Follow this rule if someone has offended you and you find it difficult to forgive that person.
    • Lend a helping hand to a loved one. If your family member or friend needs help, be prepared to provide it. It will help you develop empathy and compassion for others. You can fulfill the request of a loved one or help around the house, for example, water flowers or sort things. Show empathy and act accordingly. Treat people the way you want them to treat you.
  7. 7 Switch from resentment to gratitude to improve your relationships with others. Often our worries and anxieties are the result of conflict situations with other people. Resentment is a poison that we drink ourselves, hoping that this will make others feel bad. Thinking about things to be grateful for can improve your mood and reduce feelings of resentment. When you are upset with someone, ask yourself:
    • When I think about this person, do I feel positive emotions?
    • Are negative emotions helping me or are they poisoning my life?
    • Does my desire to take revenge on the person who offended me affect the person who offended me?
    • Most likely, you will answer “no” to all questions. Then tell yourself: “I feel good, because I forgive my offender and let go of the offense; my drive to move forward improves my life; I want to build my own life, not destroy the lives of others. "

Method 3 of 3: Change Your World

  1. 1 Change your place of residence. If you live in a densely populated area, this can be a cause of undue stress. Try a change of scenery by moving to a quiet and peaceful place. This will make your life calm and enjoyable. Your home is your fortress.
    • If you can't get far from where you currently live, find the right place to live. You can buy or rent a house or apartment. Use the services of a realtor.
    • If you are looking for a big change, consider moving to a location far from your home. How about a home near the ocean, in the mountains, or on the top floor of a beautiful skyscraper?
  2. 2 Consider buying a tiny house. Your home may be quite small, but it may have all the amenities you need. The house, designed for minimalists, contains everything necessary for a person to feel comfortable in it. A home that has furniture, water and sewage can be a great place to live.
    • You can opt out of a loan in favor of a small, comfortable home that is environmentally friendly and meets environmental standards.
  3. 3 Choose a simpler means of transportation. Many people strive to buy an expensive car. However, as a rule, such cars are associated with high costs.If you want to simplify your life, ditch expensive means of transportation.
    • A small eco car is a great vehicle to get you to your destination. In addition, by using such a car, you can reduce your carbon footprint. By reducing your carbon footprint, you are contributing to a better environment.
    • Get a bike and ride it to work. You won't have any problems with parking, and it's also a great way to stay in good physical shape.
  4. 4 Change jobs. There is nothing worse than going to work that you hate. If you are struggling to love your job and your attempts are unsuccessful, consider changing jobs. If you spend 80 hours a week doing boring work that drains you and keeps you on your toes, consider making a change in favor of a simpler life.
    • As you change your lifestyle, you may find that you don't need a lot of money to lead a simple and relaxed life. Make decisions in line with your goals, values ​​and interests.
    • Consult with a specialist who will help you decide on a profession. You will be able to choose a job that suits you.
  5. 5 Take care of your physical well-being. Take care of yourself and your health if you want to lead a simple and calm life. Lead a healthy lifestyle. As you plan your week, set aside a space for work, play, and rest that helps you recuperate.
    • Eat a healthy diet. Include healthy foods in your diet to provide you with the energy you need. Also, exercise. You may need to change your attitude towards sports. However, believe me, exercise will have a positive effect on your well-being.
    • Meditate and recuperate. This will make your life more meaningful and you will experience genuine satisfaction.
  6. 6 Take responsibility for your own happiness. Self-confidence is a must for a happy person. Happiness is an inner work. You and only you are responsible for your happiness. You know what makes you happy, so do what makes you happy. You will endure difficulties more easily with a positive attitude. Fill yourself with positive emotions, and any problem will be up to you. The happier you are, the better your relationships with other people will be.


  • It is never too late to seek professional help if you have any questions.
  • Of course, personality change is a complex process. However, if you are willing to put in the effort and want to reduce anxiety in your life, you will succeed.
  • Be patient. Be prepared for this to be a long process.
  • Friends and family can be very helpful — they will inspire every new attempt you make to improve your life. Accept their help.


  • If you suffer from stress, depression, or anxiety that is a consequence of a stressful lifestyle, consult a therapist.